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Steely Dan is a dildo.


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steely dan is music for dads



As is Duke Ellington, Cole Porter, Charlie Parker, Ray Charles, Mozart, Bach...


You know...excellent, well composed music. Not cheaply made, easily forgotten/disposable popular music.



Steely Dan is definitely Dad music, if your Dad is a trained musician, or simply has extremely good taste.



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Didn't have a radio?


Should have had one with FM too, so he would get no static at all.


But in all honesty, I found out about the name's dildo origin about 2 years after first hearing and appreciating their music. Too bad their current tour is so o ver-priced. Rent Party for $145+ ??

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Should have had one with FM too, so he would get no static at all.


But in all honesty, I found out about the name's dildo origin about 2 years after first hearing and appreciating their music. Too bad their current tour is so o ver-priced. Rent Party for $145+ ??



My friend went to the Boston show (Chang theater) for $60 a ticket.

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Thanx for the link. Read the article then heard the song. Yep - the female chorus most definitely says "Lost Wages". Strangely, I noticed this time that Fagen never sings either Las Vegas or Lost Wages in the entire song. Before yesterday, I could have sworn he has those words in his part of the lyrics.

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