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Threw the Jet fans a Bone

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Since I live about a mile from SUNY Cortland, I made a cameo at last night's practice.... shot a few minutes of video til security said "no video", then left. There were about 6,000 people that showed up. 281 southbound was nuts.


Anyway, I threw the Jet fans a bone by posting the video I shot up on youtube for them to see, and let em know on their Gang green Board.. Who knows... Belichick has probably been watching it all day.


Anyway, for any of you that care, the linky is below.


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From what I understand last night's practice was the biggest, fan attendance wise. Prior to that, Jets training camp wasn't attracting as many fans as they thought.


Were you wearing Buffalo Bills gear when you were there?


I think it's awesome that some Bills fans in Cortland show the out-of-towners who CNY supports in the NFL!

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How did their new QB Sanchez look?


Impressive from what I saw. Compared to Clemens, I thought Clemens sucked. Sanchez looked comfortable and decisive. Clemens looked scripted and going with the first option. Couldn't tell much about Sanchez's arm strength... only stayed for about a half hour.

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