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Whatever old fart.......this is what real music sounds like.....



now go eat your prunes and shut up before I break your hip......

Interesting schitt - and I do mean schitt.


You obviously know something about music, as you've taken us back to its most primitive form - rhythm. No melody, no harmony - just rhythm.


Kind of like the first time savages beat a hollow log in a primitive ritual, then progressed as far as to kill an animal and stretch it's hyde across said hollow log and beat it with a stick, inventing the drum. Eventually, they discovered that they could take a sinew from that same dead animal, stretch it across two limbs, or a hollow log, and pluck it. Soon they discovered that you could divide that string into octaves, then scales, then...well...eventually...music.


Keep listening to that schitt, though. Eventually, you'll break the code too. Well, probably not you - but your descendants will, a few thousand years from now.

For the young !@#$s that don't get it. This is what live music used to sound like. I bet Elizabeth Reed was HOT!



Kick ass song, but you may want to rethink the concept of ELizabeth Reed...


Elizabeth Reid (note the spelling difference) was the infant daughter of Neel Reid, an architect who designed over 30 houses, many of them now famous, in Macon and Atlanta. He was also the architect for much of the original village of manors and cottages in Asheville, N.C. He died in 1926, one year after his daughter.




And my contribution to the thread...



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