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When do the Bills move on without Maybin?

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The fact that there are no first round defensive ends left means he should really have a clue of what to ask for.


The fact that the picks before and after hadn't signed mean that there still is a way to go. It has much more to do with the # taken than the position, other than for a few high value positions (e.g. QB.)



Hopefully if Moreno signs soon, they can work off of that and not have to wait for Crabtree also.

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What a thread! For the OP, here's the story:


Suppose Maybin doesn't even sign for another 2 weeks (not likely to happen, but suppose--just for this example--that it does). He'd be in camp on Aug. 21st, and would likely miss the 3rd preseason game against GB on the 22nd. Even if that were the case, he would still get an entire week of practice before playing in his first preseason game against Pittsburgh on the 29th, followed by another 5 days of practice before playing in his second preseason game against Detroit on 9/3.


That's 2 games, in each of which Maybin could play as much as 3 quarters of football against NFL competition. Considering that Buffalo drafted him to rush the passer in obvious passing situations, I don't see what the big deal is that's got you all riled up.


And that's all predicated upon him missing another 2 weeks! Imagine if he signs in a week's time, he'd get the better part of 3 preseason games (assuming that he's not ready for the 15th against Chicago).


Also, for the sake of posterity, Maybin is not "holding out". He doesn't have a contract yet, and can't participate according to NFLPA rules. I'm sure he wants to be there badly.


Relax, this is no big deal. Really.

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Moreno signed! Lets see if Maybin gets signed. If he doesn't sign by saturday, I say "peace" to the undersized, one trick pony defensive End!


Do you not understand the value of first round draft picks? Because the guy is holding out through training camp, the Bills should let him walk and re-enter the '10 draft?

So everytime Bruce Smith held out, the Bills should have told him to start packing? Great logic, let the inmates run the asylum!

This happens every year. Draft picks tend to sign in the order in which they were picked. Crabtree, the 49ers pick, is the reason for Maybin's holdout. If Crabtree gets overpaid for the 10th slot in the draft, then Maybin will get overpaid in the 11th slot. The agents are smart and greedy.

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With Moreno close to signing, I hope the agent for Maybin realizes that Crabtree might take a VERY long time to sign a deal, if any deal at all, and uses Moreno's deal as a framework for Maybin. If they keep waiting for Crabtree I don't think we see much of Maybin this year. BUT, if Moreno signs, as the rumor states, then I think he gets signed fast as is in camp next week

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Maybin is going to be the highest paid defensive player on the Bills. Which is a Joke, because he is going to get thrown around like plastic :thumbsup: Doll!


I'm pretty sure that Maybin's contract will exceed neither (a) the $8.5M/year of Marcus Stroud or (b) the $7.8M/year of Aaron Schobel. To do so, he'd have to get basically get 1.5 times as much as Derrius Heyward-Bey--the #7 overall pick--who got a 5-year, $34.5M deal ($23.5M guaranteed).


Now, I'm really curious, are you just here to piss and moan, or do you have anything relevant to say?

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I think the point here is the Bills front office should be more proactive. Just because Crabtree is an entitled jerk who literally just won the lottery, and somehow that's not good enough, does not give license for the Bills to not have all their rookies, especially one taken as high as 11, missing valuable practice time.


Ultimately, Russ and co might have to overpay slightly to ensure Maybin is in camp. He won't play the HOF game, but that's rather inconsequential I gather. Let San Fran deal with their problems. The de facto, "this guy before him signed for this much, therefore our pick gets "X"" rule shouldn't apply here. Maybin is a raw prospect as it stands. Despite what you read/hear about Dick "We Like Our Guys" Jauron and his wimpy camps, practice is practice.


Get the guy in here and get this over with. I mean, what are we talking 'bout? WE TALKING ABOUT PRACTISH MANG

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I'd guess the answer to the original question would be "five years", IF he decides to test the free agent market and we can't afford him.

You're being rational again. Stop that.

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You're being rational again. Stop that.


I'm still annoyed by how the Bills handled Jason Peters. Hopefully they learned a lesson and will endeavor to handle Maybin well, because I think Aaron has a lot to bring to the Bills anemic pass rush.

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I'm still annoyed by how the Bills handled Jason Peters. Hopefully they learned a lesson and will endeavor to handle Maybin well, because I think Aaron has a lot to bring to the Bills anemic pass rush.

I'll give Peters/Parker some of the blame for that situation spinning out of control, but there's still plenty left over for the front office ...


And anemic might be an understatement: 24 sacks last year, 26 in 2007. You probably don't need my help to figure out that's the worst two-year stretch for the Bills since 1984-5.

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I'll give Peters/Parker some of the blame for that situation spinning out of control, but there's still plenty left over for the front office ...


And anemic might be an understatement: 24 sacks last year, 26 in 2007. You probably don't need my help to figure out that's the worst two-year stretch for the Bills since 1984-5.



It's almost like the defense doesn't know HOW to rush the passer. Hopefully that number improves this year. But, as Norman Bates's mother said, "What do you expect us to live on, hope?"

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Maybin is going to be the highest paid defensive player on the Bills. Which is a Joke, because he is going to get thrown around like plastic :thumbsup: Doll!


I'm completely convinced you're a Jets/Dolphins fan. All you do is bash anyone and everyone on the Bills....what's the point?

Maybin may struggle against some power type offensive linemen, but he's young with a lean/muscular build. His first step is extremely quick as well. Come back in 3 years and we'll see if he's a plastic doll......

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I'm pretty sure that Maybin's contract will exceed neither (a) the $8.5M/year of Marcus Stroud or (b) the $7.8M/year of Aaron Schobel. To do so, he'd have to get basically get 1.5 times as much as Derrius Heyward-Bey--the #7 overall pick--who got a 5-year, $34.5M deal ($23.5M guaranteed).


Now, I'm really curious, are you just here to piss and moan, or do you have anything relevant to say?

Last time I checked 5 years $35M equals out to 7 million per year?

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It's almost like the defense doesn't know HOW to rush the passer. Hopefully that number improves this year. But, as Norman Bates's mother said, "What do you expect us to live on, hope?"

Because the Bills are light years ahead of everyone else. They think that quickness is better than strength!

They have to be smoking crack OBD.

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