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Trees already turning color & dropping leaves

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From what I've heard from my family in WNY you're all still waiting for it to start.


I think they had summer during the week (8-09 through 8/16) I was home for grandmother's funeral. The rest of the summer has sucked I'm told.

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In NYC, this summer has sucked. It rained every day in June; July was a mixed bag of some decent, sunny days and some gray, cloudy days. Temperature has barely cracked 90, unusual for NYC. Hoping August is good and maybe we get a late summer into September and October, but who knows.


Global warming my a$$.

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In NYC, this summer has sucked. It rained every day in June; July was a mixed bag of some decent, sunny days and some gray, cloudy days. Temperature has barely cracked 90, unusual for NYC. Hoping August is good and maybe we get a late summer into September and October, but who knows.


Global warming my a$$.



hot as heck here in Dallas - though we did catch a bit of a break from mid June - end of June

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After the 7 months of Winter, the payoff has been 4 months of April.



Move to Austin...the temperture has only dipped below 100 two of the last 46 days (it was 98 on day, 95 the other....record summer, even for this summer, hell on earth...summer lasts 10 months a year here..... :w00t: brutal, opressive heat...I would kill for a year of Aprils in Buffalo...went to see Willie Nelson, John Mellancamp and Bob Dylan at the minor league ball park here, a few nights ago...Willie came on first...I thought for sure he was going to croak on stage...

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After the 7 months of Winter, the payoff has been 4 months of April.


Yeah same here in SF. The B word here is that from what I've heard it's like this every !@#$ing year. But you don't have to move far out of the city to change that though. That will really drive where I buy a house.

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Yeah same here in SF. The B word here is that from what I've heard it's like this every !@#$ing year. But you don't have to move far out of the city to change that though. That will really drive where I buy a house.



SF "summer" starts in mid-to-late September. October may be the hottest month you have all year.

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