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In honor of Twitter being down...


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Thought this thread could be used to hold everyone over while Twitter is down and make sure we don't miss anything crucial going on in each others lives. Remember you are limited to 140 characters.



So.....What are you doing?

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finished crazy internet poker session


lost $60 with pocket K's, then won $110 2 hands later with 9 7 of spd's


can you say roller coaster ride?



by the way.....the food here at Chargers camp is the worst in the league :w00t:

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Today's my 4th anniversary of being married! Yes...to the same wife.


Not bad. :w00t:


Considering that today's basic family unit consists of a woman and whatever number of whelp the courts awarded custody to her.


BTW, if you are in line and you see someone whip out those W.I.C. cards - they look like the old Hollerith data punch cards - back out and find another register. It take a lot of time to ring those things up (no, Snickers and pork rinds don't qualify, Ma'am - and it takes a minute or so for the WIC'er to stop swearing and stop threatening the clerk. Then they ask if orange juice qualifies. So they leave you stranded, while they storm off in a snit to go get that goddam OJ and come back after several minutes and slam it hard on the on the belt).


WICCANS - avoid them.

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