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Apparently, the White House has seen fit to post this: Facts are stubborn things(yeah especially when you ignore the ones that don't support your ideology...tools)


Of course I will have to quote this here....because this blog post is going down faster than Chris Matthews on Barack Obama. It might last till 10 am today...maybe.


"There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to flag@whitehouse.gov."


Hey a-holes, never mind that there is nothing, Nothing, NOTHING about REAL cost control in your silly big bill. Hint: cutting supply by rationing DOES NOT EQUAL cutting costs. Cutting costs means what it says.


Hey a-holes, never mind that there is nothing about improving care delivery/ increasing supply....which means prices GO DOWN, idiots! There is every incentive for people who have the brains to become doctors/RNs/PAs....not to. Where is the focus on lowering the cost of malpractice insurance? The high cost of which is the BIGGEST reason doctors won't get into primary care = they don't make as much as specialists, and they aren't willing to sign up for 10 years of school just so they can't afford to pay all their school bills PLUS the insurance rate. Not having enough primary care doctors is the BIGGEST reason schit costs so much right now. I know why, we all know why: the !@#$ing trial lawyers paid off this administration and especially this congress, period. Go ahead and tell me they didn't I fuggin dare you. This is clearly the worst congress ever.


Anyway...never mind all that. Seriously. B-)


WTF are these people doing setting up an email account for people to inform on what people write/think?? WTF? Screw these SOBS, and screw you if you support them in this nonsense. Only a GIANT JACKASS would think this is OK.


WTF would happen if Bush had set up an email for people to inform on people who wrote things that didn't support the wars? I'll tell you: all the piss-ants would have gone crazy! More crazy than their regular crazy. Super-crazy.


"Fishy"? RUFKM? I wouldn't call this latest example of the hubris these people must have "fishy". I would call it f'ing nuts.


Enough of these people. They all have to go. This is "bunker mentality" in the flesh. That's right, mentally unstable people are now running things. :rolleyes: This country will be ruined by these people...because they are nuts. I am mad enough...that I might actually vote for once...in fact, I might just go volunteer for a campaign, as disgusting as that is to me. I know the guy I work for may be just as bad, which has been why I want nothing to do with this...but maybe not....I am sure that anything is better than these fuks.


So run along piss-ants, go ahead and justify trampling on our 1st amendment rights. I am sure there's some excuse someplace that makes it OK in your f'ed up heads. Or, once again this is somebody else's fault...you should blame me :) Just know that you are the lowest form of human existence, and the perfect examples of what Stalin called: useful idiots. Emphasis on idiots, because there is no real use for you. :beer:

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Elections have consequences. This is just one of the consequences of electing a President who was one of the most inexperienced, most liberal, and most radical Senators in US History. I'm sure there are a few nut job liberals here who've already reported you to Big Brother...oops, I mean White House.

Apparently, the White House has seen fit to post this: Facts are stubborn things(yeah especially when you ignore the ones that don't support your ideology...tools)


Of course I will have to quote this here....because this blog post is going down faster than Chris Matthews on Barack Obama. It might last till 10 am today...maybe.


"There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to flag@whitehouse.gov."


Hey a-holes, never mind that there is nothing, Nothing, NOTHING about REAL cost control in your silly big bill. Hint: cutting supply by rationing DOES NOT EQUAL cutting costs. Cutting costs means what it says.


Hey a-holes, never mind that there is nothing about improving care delivery/ increasing supply....which means prices GO DOWN, idiots! There is every incentive for people who have the brains to become doctors/RNs/PAs....not to. Where is the focus on lowering the cost of malpractice insurance? The high cost of which is the BIGGEST reason doctors won't get into primary care = they don't make as much as specialists, and they aren't willing to sign up for 10 years of school just so they can't afford to pay all their school bills PLUS the insurance rate. Not having enough primary care doctors is the BIGGEST reason schit costs so much right now. I know why, we all know why: the !@#$ing trial lawyers paid off this administration and especially this congress, period. Go ahead and tell me they didn't I fuggin dare you. This is clearly the worst congress ever.


Anyway...never mind all that. Seriously. B-)


WTF are these people doing setting up an email account for people to inform on what people write/think?? WTF? Screw these SOBS, and screw you if you support them in this nonsense. Only a GIANT JACKASS would think this is OK.


WTF would happen if Bush had set up an email for people to inform on people who wrote things that didn't support the wars? I'll tell you: all the piss-ants would have gone crazy! More crazy than their regular crazy. Super-crazy.


"Fishy"? RUFKM? I wouldn't call this latest example of the hubris these people must have "fishy". I would call it f'ing nuts.


Enough of these people. They all have to go. This is "bunker mentality" in the flesh. That's right, mentally unstable people are now running things. :rolleyes: This country will be ruined by these people...because they are nuts. I am mad enough...that I might actually vote for once...in fact, I might just go volunteer for a campaign, as disgusting as that is to me. I know the guy I work for may be just as bad, which has been why I want nothing to do with this...but maybe not....I am sure that anything is better than these fuks.


So run along piss-ants, go ahead and justify trampling on our 1st amendment rights. I am sure there's some excuse someplace that makes it OK in your f'ed up heads. Or, once again this is somebody else's fault...you should blame me :) Just know that you are the lowest form of human existence, and the perfect examples of what Stalin called: useful idiots. Emphasis on idiots, because there is no real use for you. :beer:


Reading through your rant I can use my 1st amendment right and say - that you a closed minded idiot that wears blinders.


That doesn't make it true does it?

So run along piss-ants, go ahead and justify trampling on our 1st amendment rights. I am sure there's some excuse someplace that makes it OK in your f'ed up heads. Or, once again this is somebody else's fault...you should blame me :beer: Just know that you are the lowest form of human existence, and the perfect examples of what Stalin called: useful idiots. Emphasis on idiots, because there is no real use for you. :rolleyes:


Thank god you're okay, it's been weeks since your last communiqué and I was beginning to fear the worst-that you've been captured by George Soros's Air America paramilitary force somewhere along the border of the occupied territories. I lost sleep at night imaging you being tortured and re-educated in Janeane Garofalo's Ministry of Love, although I never doubted your resolve to resist betraying the resistance. What a relief. I have some good news for you. Your mother entrusted me with the duty, no the honor, of delivering your monthly supply ration to Drop Point Delta. Everything's there, your 20 pairs of 3XL tighty whiteys, an Ipod loaded with 50 hours of Glenn Beck mp3s, 1000 dollars worth of unmarked Chuck E. Cheese tokens, and a month supply of maximum strength accutane. Wait until nightfall to recover it of course, for Keith Olbermann's Predator drone planes have been spotted patrolling the vicinity. Comrade Olbermann has become emboldened since the election of The Messiah and he will not hesitate to terminate a patriot like you-with extreme prejudice. Good luck and God Bless.


Agreed. And, this is also why we should resist, violently if necessary, all attempts to impose said cadre upon us, this right being specifically guaranteed to us by the founding principles/documents of our country.


Look I am in the first group of people they have to kill in order gain/keep their power: people that can build things from scratch without any help from the government or inheritance. My very existence proves their ideology to be the BS that it is, because, according to them, I don't exist. I do, so they have to get rid of me. I look at resisting them as self-defense, and so should every other small business owner, or independent contractor, or VC company founder, or inventor that wants to benefit from his/her own work.

I think I'd rather listen to a crackhead ask me for money for half an hour.


I did like "pissant" though.....it generally means insignificant and implies contempt.....but worth writing about too?


a part from making cracks against OC, I'm just thinking to myself what if Bush would have said:


"There is a lot of disinformation about the Iraq war out there, spanning from control of the total cost of the war to the pretext of it. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about the Iraq war that seems fishy, send it to flag@whitehouse.gov."


I can just imagine what all the liberal locotoads would of said about this.

a part from making cracks against OC, I'm just thinking to myself what if Bush would have said:


"There is a lot of disinformation about the Iraq war out there, spanning from control of the total cost of the war to the pretext of it. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can't keep track of all of them here at the White House, we're asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about the Iraq war that seems fishy, send it to flag@whitehouse.gov."


I can just imagine what all the liberal locotoads would of said about this.


Good point. What is the purpose of this email account? So what if people have a difference of opinion with the Dear Leader about socialized medicine? Isn't that what living in a free society is all about?

a part from making cracks against OC, I'm just thinking to myself what if Bush would have said:


"There is a lot of disinformation about the Iraq war out there, spanning from control of the total cost of the war to the pretext of it. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about the Iraq war that seems fishy, send it to flag@whitehouse.gov."


I can just imagine what all the liberal locotoads would of said about this.


Maybe something like this?




Barack Obama wants to turn everyone into a Nazi snitch.


The Nazis used snitches, including children, to turn in enemies of the state. Barack Obama has unleashed a program inspired by the National Socialists to identify and, presumably, punish citizens who speak out against socialized medicine.


There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to flag@whitehouse.gov.


Eric Odom of American Liberty Alliance wants to turn the tables on our Fuhrer. Please send an email (or 1,000) to flag@whitehouse.gov asking them to investigate the House Bill, the Senate Bill, Barack Obama’s fishy plans, Ezekiel Emanuel’s eugenics, and all the other evil-doing from the Obama Administration and Congress.


No one has yet provided a coherent reason for this email account and the program behind it to exist.


What's the White House going to do? Sue people who publish facts about their thievery? Shut down groups that disagreee?


Why is this program in existence?

No one has yet provided a coherent reason for this email account and the program behind it to exist.


What's the White House going to do? Sue people who publish facts about their thievery? Shut down groups that disagreee?


Why is this program in existence?

I don't think it's necessarily a good idea to have created the site but it's easy to understand why they are doing it, and it's not so sinister. In fact, it's kind of funny to me that the thing the White House is trying to stop with this harebrained idea is exactly what people against it are doing by saying they are going to be spying on you and this is like Big Brother and it's against free speech and democracy and we're all turning into Russians.


Read: Scare people.


It's a very simple idea with a very simple reason. There really are all kinds of lies being sent around by the opposition to the Health Care plan. Some of them are truly heinous. MOST of the criticism, the vast majority of it, is legitimate and the White House has no interest in stopping that with this site.


They are looking for who is providing the "fishy" stuff that, for example, tells Seniors that the Health Care reforms are going to demand you tell them when you're going to die, and are going to be used for euthanasia. And it's designed to kill off the elderly. That is really happening, all over, and it's the complete opposite of what is actually in the plan, which is a great idea IMO that could save tens of billions and very helpful not hurtful to the elderly and their families.


That is the "fishy" stuff they want to stop.


I just don't think this is a good place to do it because of the reaction to it by the other side.

I don't think it's necessarily a good idea to have created the site but it's easy to understand why they are doing it, and it's not so sinister. In fact, it's kind of funny to me that the thing the White House is trying to stop with this harebrained idea is exactly what people against it are doing by saying they are going to be spying on you and this is like Big Brother and it's against free speech and democracy and we're all turning into Russians.


Read: Scare people.


It's a very simple idea with a very simple reason. There really are all kinds of lies being sent around by the opposition to the Health Care plan. Some of them are truly heinous. MOST of the criticism, the vast majority of it, is legitimate and the White House has no interest in stopping that with this site.


They are looking for who is providing the "fishy" stuff that, for example, tells Seniors that the Health Care reforms are going to demand you tell them when you're going to die, and are going to be used for euthanasia. And it's designed to kill off the elderly. That is really happening, all over, and it's the complete opposite of what is actually in the plan, which is a great idea IMO that could save tens of billions and very helpful not hurtful to the elderly and their families.


That is the "fishy" stuff they want to stop.


I just don't think this is a good place to do it because of the reaction to it by the other side.

after all, they are the masters of forsight, when it comes to the ramifications of the "unintended consequences" of their "helpful" actions.

I don't think it's necessarily a good idea to have created the site but it's easy to understand why they are doing it, and it's not so sinister. In fact, it's kind of funny to me that the thing the White House is trying to stop with this harebrained idea is exactly what people against it are doing by saying they are going to be spying on you and this is like Big Brother and it's against free speech and democracy and we're all turning into Russians.


Read: Scare people.


It's a very simple idea with a very simple reason. There really are all kinds of lies being sent around by the opposition to the Health Care plan. Some of them are truly heinous. MOST of the criticism, the vast majority of it, is legitimate and the White House has no interest in stopping that with this site.


They are looking for who is providing the "fishy" stuff that, for example, tells Seniors that the Health Care reforms are going to demand you tell them when you're going to die, and are going to be used for euthanasia. And it's designed to kill off the elderly. That is really happening, all over, and it's the complete opposite of what is actually in the plan, which is a great idea IMO that could save tens of billions and very helpful not hurtful to the elderly and their families.


That is the "fishy" stuff they want to stop.


I just don't think this is a good place to do it because of the reaction to it by the other side.


Dumb idea. If the liberals want to get their message about health care out, they might try to come up with one plan instead of competing versions. It is the difference in the plans that the far right is exploiting. Instead, their brilliant plan is to have something that smacks of Big Brother...oh and who is going to wade through all these "tips" about "lies" circulating around about health care?

Dumb idea. If the liberals want to get their message about health care out, they might try to come up with one plan instead of competing versions. It is the difference in the plans that the far right is exploiting. Instead, their brilliant plan is to have something that smacks of Big Brother...oh and who is going to wade through all these "tips" about "lies" circulating around about health care?

A communications director will wade through them. This is a tiny, tiny thing. IMO, it's just a dumb idea for the administration to do it because the downside will outweigh the upside. Again, because the opposition will be spreading gross distortions and lies about the plan to stop spreading gross distortions and lies. :rolleyes:

How come the NSA illegal wiretaps haven't been turned off yet? What's President BO up to?


Because not only did the current administration suddenly decide to agree with the last administration's position on them, but they took it a step further and stated that they don't believe the federal laws in this regard apply to the federal government anyway. :thumbsup:

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