Chandler#81 Posted August 6, 2009 Posted August 6, 2009 If this man was a nearby neighbor, me and others would put in an inside circuit with switch, and buried conduit leading to a floodlight so he could illuminate that flag all night long, if he chose to. This is what is supposed to happen if you fly a flag 24/7. Illuminate it at night. My view; I side with Steely Dan that once the neighbors know the story, they'll likely let it be. I'm a Vet and seeing a flag flown in disrepair disgusts me, but knowing this story, I'm good with it.
Bullpen Posted August 6, 2009 Posted August 6, 2009 This is what is supposed to happen if you fly a flag 24/7. Illuminate it at night. My view; I side with Steely Dan that once the neighbors know the story, they'll likely let it be. I'm a Vet and seeing a flag flown in disrepair disgusts me, but knowing this story, I'm good with it. Same here. As vet my opinion doesn't count any more or any less than anyone else's, but I say it's honor.
stuckincincy Posted August 6, 2009 Posted August 6, 2009 It's so much easier now than it was when you were a kid and had to keep the whale-oil lamps burning, isn't it? Well, I do remember the round-bellied oil lamps that were used when there was unfinished sidewalk or road repair, to warn people when it got dark. They were of good design - the wick was thick with a ceramic ribbon thin core for integrity, and there was a nicely engineered cap that was good at resisting extinguishing by precipitation. Typically, that cap had 3 openings around the cap cylinder - equidistant, with the metal from making the port cuts not discarded, but bent upwards and cleverly curved and flanged to resist water ingress. If we could post images, you would look at the cap and readily agree that they got it right. The perfect design for the task. I poked them now and again and they didn't seem to slosh much - my guess is they used one of the bunker oil grades. Can you imagine what would happen to those these days, if such were put out and lit?
Pine Barrens Mafia Posted August 6, 2009 Posted August 6, 2009 People are retarded. Any demonstration of the flag or how you use it is a clear cut example of free speech under the first amendment. There was a Supreme Court case recently that defended this as well, but I can't think of what it is. Burn the flag all you want, its still free speech. It blows my mind that people are so stupid as to not realize the intent of the message. burning the flag disrespects the men who died for it. I'll personally kick the ass of anyone I see doing it.
Bullpen Posted August 6, 2009 Posted August 6, 2009 burning the flag disrespects the men who died for it. I'll personally kick the ass of anyone I see doing it. Whoooo chile! What if it was Marshall Faulk you saw doing it? Sorry to threadjack...
ExiledInIllinois Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 burning the flag disrespects the men who died for it. I'll personally kick the ass of anyone I see doing it. Not all burning. I would rephrase this. A way to retire an old flag is to burn it. I am with Just Jack. At first I would have said disgrace. Then after reading the story I would have said honored. That is a hard thing to do... Find the story behind what somebody is flying... First impressions do mean a lot. Is the person a jag off that is doing something disgraceful out of ignornace, or do they know what they are doing? Knowing the story is important. It still doesn't mean that ANYONE in our society can be the "flag police." Take it for what it is worth and move on with YOUR honor intact. Now with that... I want to know why the dumbass in my town is flying a bigger Texas flag BELOW a smaller Stars and Stripes... ?? It is below, so I guess they know what they are doing... Maybe they don't know that another flag should be smaller on a single flag pole. Texas people?? Maybe, ya right! Also what DCTom said!
SageAgainstTheMachine Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 burning the flag disrespects the men who died for it. I'll personally kick the ass of anyone I see doing it. The men in question didn't die for the flag...they died for their country, and its values. Values like free speech and peaceful protest. I wouldn't personally burn a flag, but we live in a country where you can show dissent without repercussion. THAT is what they died for.
The Senator Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 The men in question didn't die for the flag...they died for their country, and its values. Values like free speech and peaceful protest. I wouldn't personally burn a flag, but we live in a country where you can show dissent without repercussion. THAT is what they died for. (Thanks for that lesson - and the CAPS for EMPHASIS.) So says a young teenager - on summer vacation and from the comfort of his parents' home - as he prepares to head back to bucolic Ithaca and the comfort and sanctuary of Cornell, where he can continue lecturing weary wage earners and battle-scarred war veterans on the meaning of the flag while sipping lattes in Collegetown, and while more young men and women get their limbs blown off in Iraq and Afghanistan. Do you know how stupid you seem when you presume to 'educate' folks who have far more 'tree-rings', tax returns, and prosthetic devices to show for their life experience, and and who are far more educated than you at this point in your life? Someone burns a flag in contempt to make a political statement, I'm goin' after them. Maybe not physically, but - within the confines of the law - they will know and fear my wrath. You want to burn a flag? Go to North Korea and burn one of theirs. Please stop telling folks you go to Cornell - it's freaking embarrassing. Walter LaFeber would gleefully fail you. L. Pearce Williams would kick your ass. (You're an Aggie, right? Please say you're an Aggie or a Hotelie, so I can continue to support the College of Arts & Sciences.)
The Senator Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 Well, I do remember the round-bellied oil lamps that were used when there was unfinished sidewalk or road repair, to warn people when it got dark. They were of good design - the wick was thick with a ceramic ribbon thin core for integrity, and there was a nicely engineered cap that was good at resisting extinguishing by precipitation. Typically, that cap had 3 openings around the cap cylinder - equidistant, with the metal from making the port cuts not discarded, but bent upwards and cleverly curved and flanged to resist water ingress. If we could post images, you would look at the cap and readily agree that they got it right. The perfect design for the task. I poked them now and again and they didn't seem to slosh much - my guess is they used one of the bunker oil grades. Can you imagine what would happen to those these days, if such were put out and lit? Didn't some cow kick one over in Chicago a while back?
ExiledInIllinois Posted August 8, 2009 Posted August 8, 2009 Didn't some cow kick one over in Chicago a while back? The owner has been officially vindicated. Mrs. O'Leary's cow did NOT cause the fire! Oh, and Sage is right. Ya... you may be 9 years older than me and he may be 30 years your Jr. Still doesn't mean your Boomer ass gets it! I don't care what life experience you went through. The only thing that you got him on his age... And that means absolutely sh*t if all you can do is shout him down with wild generalizations and professors that were born before 1935. The young fella spoke his opinion and you shout him down. No wonder people of your genertaion had such a tough time with authority. Someone burns a flag in contempt to make a political statement, I'm goin' after them. Maybe not physically, but - within the confines of the law - they will know and fear my wrath. Bring it!
Jim in Anchorage Posted August 8, 2009 Posted August 8, 2009 Just thought I would burst your balloon. You are the last poster on a record seven[/i] threads
ExiledInIllinois Posted August 8, 2009 Posted August 8, 2009 Just thought I would burst your balloon. You are the last poster on a record seven[/i] threads I know that. It has been a very busy night on both ends... If people want to reply, I will most likely wait to tommorrow. Things are starting to heat up at the break of day and the chase for bass! Hey, notice what the poll numbers are... I voted too! (honor)
Jim in Anchorage Posted August 8, 2009 Posted August 8, 2009 Shoot I forgot PPP. You are up to nine. Now eight-but I am sure you will fix that.
ExiledInIllinois Posted August 8, 2009 Posted August 8, 2009 Shoot I forgot PPP. You are up to nine. Now eight-but I am sure you will fix that. What's your point? Hey I can't help that everybody is sleeping on a Saturday morning, while I am making sure commodities are getting to market. It gets lonely in between things! Be thankful that somebody is being productive.
Jim in Anchorage Posted August 8, 2009 Posted August 8, 2009 I will sleep better knowing the ever vigilant guardians of commerce are keeping a lidless eye on the order of society so the sheep may fearlessly rest. Me, sleeply time
ExiledInIllinois Posted August 8, 2009 Posted August 8, 2009 I will sleep better knowing the ever vigilant guardians of commerce are keeping a lidless eye on the order of society so the sheep may fearlessly rest. Me, sleeply time The weather is muggy and kinda stormy... Do you want Chicagoians to die of cholera!
swede316 Posted August 8, 2009 Posted August 8, 2009 The weather is muggy and kinda stormy... Do you want Chicagoians to die of cholera! Only "one"
swede316 Posted August 8, 2009 Posted August 8, 2009 The men in question didn't die for the flag...they died for their country, and its values. Values like free speech and peaceful protest. I wouldn't personally burn a flag, but we live in a country where you can show dissent without repercussion. THAT is what they died for. The flag represents our country. That's why it's saluted every morning for colors when it's raised and at every night when it comes down. In the Navy, you turn to the flag and salute it every time you board/leave a ship.
The Senator Posted August 8, 2009 Posted August 8, 2009 The owner has been officially vindicated. Mrs. O'Leary's cow did NOT cause the fire! Wasn't it actually the COW that was vindicated? O'Leary's Cow was a vile CANARD - a fabrication of the Chicago PRESS. Oh, and Sage is right. Ya... you may be 9 years older than me and he may be 30 years your Jr. Still doesn't mean your Boomer ass gets it! I don't care what life experience you went through. The only thing that you got him on his age... And that means absolutely sh*t if all you can do is shout him down with wild generalizations and professors that were born before 1935. The young fella spoke his opinion and you shout him down. No wonder people of your generation had such a tough time with authority. The young FELLA? Christ, you sound older than me. Of COURSE Sage is RIGHT. Don't you think we all KNOW what the men (and women) who DIED for their country were fighting - or were drafted to fight - for? Which is why it seemed a bit PRESUMPTUOUS of Young Sage to EXPLAIN it to us. If I attempted an arrogant and condescending EXPLANATION of a concept so OBVIOUS, I'd expect to be ADMONISHED myself. Kids should be SEEN, and not heard. And you probably shouldn't get involved in accusations of 'wild generalizations' if you don't understand the background. Young Sage would - or should - be aware (although YOU wouldn't) that I chose those two profs for their field of expertise, their unparalleled teaching careers, and the prominence and universal respect they enjoy on the Cornell campus - but mostly for the prominent role they played during and after the 1969 illegal takeover of Willard Straight Hall by gun-toting, militant anti-war activists, where more than just flags were burned. I should probably have also mentioned Fred Marcham (born in 1898, BTW )... Getting It Straight That said, with the benefit of hindsight and retrospection, my admonition to Young Sage was way too heavy-handed, and I apologize to Sage. Someone burns a flag in contempt to make a political statement, I'm goin' after them. Maybe not physically, but - within the confines of the law - they will know and fear my wrath. Bring it! Try burning an American flag in front of me, and I'll RAP you with my cane.
SageAgainstTheMachine Posted August 8, 2009 Posted August 8, 2009 (Thanks for that lesson - and the CAPS for EMPHASIS.) So says a young teenager - on summer vacation and from the comfort of his parents' home - as he prepares to head back to bucolic Ithaca and the comfort and sanctuary of Cornell, where he can continue lecturing weary wage earners and battle-scarred war veterans on the meaning of the flag while sipping lattes in Collegetown, and while more young men and women get their limbs blown off in Iraq and Afghanistan. Do you know how stupid you seem when you presume to 'educate' folks who have far more 'tree-rings', tax returns, and prosthetic devices to show for their life experience, and and who are far more educated than you at this point in your life? Someone burns a flag in contempt to make a political statement, I'm goin' after them. Maybe not physically, but - within the confines of the law - they will know and fear my wrath. You want to burn a flag? Go to North Korea and burn one of theirs. Please stop telling folks you go to Cornell - it's freaking embarrassing. Walter LaFeber would gleefully fail you. L. Pearce Williams would kick your ass. (You're an Aggie, right? Please say you're an Aggie or a Hotelie, so I can continue to support the College of Arts & Sciences.) I know you apologized later on so thanks, but you for this ok? Since you went out of your way to make so many personal attacks here, I should get to defend myself right? 1) My "summer vacation" has been spent in Ithaca, me paying my own rent by working 50 hours a week. 2) I'm joining the military as soon as I graduate, when I'll gladly get my limbs blown off for my country. 3) I wasn't trying to "educate" anybody, I was responding to J in M who foolishly said he would physically assault a person for demonstrating free speech. 4) I'm an embarrassment to Cornell because I disagree with you on some things and I'm headstrong in my opinions? you on that one too, buddy. 5) I am Arts and Sciences so I guess that's too bad for you. Senator, I'm fine with you. You're a good poster and a seemingly decent guy. But please, you should get to know somebody before you try to shove them into an overly generalized stereotype...isn't that something you learned with the "wisdom of your years"? Maybe when you were far above Cayuga's waters you fit that stereotype, but not me. Hey, I'm only 20, I admit I don't know everything. But judging a person (and their opinions) based ONLY on age is as bad as judging them solely on race, sex, or creed.
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