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NYS requiring everyone to purchase new license plates


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Watch the next election to see just how sick of this NYers really are. I'll be incumbents are re-elected at a 95+% rate. Keep doing what you're doing and you'll keep getting what you're getting.


Darin - a good part of that has to do with the fact that 90% of the population are morons. The other part is the b.s. practice of redistricting.



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Watch the next election to see just how sick of this NYers really are. I'll be incumbents are re-elected at a 95+% rate. Keep doing what you're doing and you'll keep getting what you're getting.

And that is truly the sad fact. Patterson won't be (re)elected but the rest of the clowns, especially Schumer will be. Makes me :rolleyes:


Maybe if ALL of us ex-NYers moved back?

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Watch the next election to see just how sick of this NYers really are. I'll bet incumbents are re-elected at a 95+% rate. Keep doing what you're doing and you'll keep getting what you're getting.


That's because every taxpayer see every elected official as th problem, EXCEPT their own.........so they always get re-elected.



Not to mention that voter turn-out by CSEA members and everyone else in the public sector probably has a 95% turn-out............to protect their own cushy positions

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Watch the next election to see just how sick of this NYers really are. I'll bet incumbents are re-elected at a 95+% rate. Keep doing what you're doing and you'll keep getting what you're getting.

Even worse, the Buffalo News, which rips the actions of these incompetent thieving clowns daily, will endorse every one of them for re-election. :rolleyes:

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Watch the next election to see just how sick of this NYers really are. I'll bet incumbents are re-elected at a 95+% rate. Keep doing what you're doing and you'll keep getting what you're getting.

...but MY guy is not the problem. It is everyone else.

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Watch the next election to see just how sick of this NYers really are. I'll bet incumbents are re-elected at a 95+% rate. Keep doing what you're doing and you'll keep getting what you're getting.

I haven't lived anywhere but NY, so I am not sure, but isn't that the case in most states? As far as NYS goes, I know Patterson will be gone, he's clueless and not well liked at all. He took over by default. But you're pretty much right, usually 80% of the incumbents are re-elected. Although the next election could be different The whole embarrassment of Congress not showing up for work for a week, and still getting paid of course, really pissed tax payers off. NYS continuing to spend more than budgeted, even when the deficit is in the billions. Not to mention new taxes on everything from bottled water to gym memberships. I can see the next election being a bit different, at least I hope so...

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