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Just Jack

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Wow. You got all that from my five word post. Where exactly did I say anything about the reporters, much less make fun of them. My comment was directed at Clinton's role. I thought you might be giving him a smidge too much credit. But I'll leave it at that. Unlike you, I don't engage in political discourse on this or any other board. Like WWVB said, lighten up.



Not knowing exactly what Bill's role was, or wasn't, I don't think they come home if he doesn't make that trip. At least they wouldn't be home now.

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I just wanted to introduce a little reality into the topic, as some seem to forget these are two American reporters who were being kept in a Korean prison for something most of us believe (at least I would assume most of us believe) is something no person should be imprisoned for...attempting to report the truth.

They were sneaking into NK. If I decided to go down the street and jump the fence into the Marine barracks, or the Air Force section of the airport, I can be damn sure I'd be locked up quicker than you can respond to this post.


Not knowing exactly what Bill's role was, or wasn't, I don't think they come home if he doesn't make that trip. At least they wouldn't be home now.

So you don't follow the news? They got out specifically because Bill went to NK and asked for their release, it's what NK wanted.

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They were sneaking into NK. If I decided to go down the street and jump the fence into the Marine barracks, or the Air Force section of the airport, I can be damn sure I'd be locked up quicker than you can respond to this post.



So you don't follow the news? They got out specifically because Bill went to NK and asked for their release, it's what NK wanted.



Yes, Bill got them out, as I said earlier. Never was there a better exchange for the US. A visit by a former President with absolutely no power, to save the lives of two innocent women. I'd make that deal every day. Kim gets ZERO from this, internationally (at least an meaningful credit). The only people who might think favorably of Kim for this, are people who already predisposed to do so.


As for entering a country in a manner that is against that country's laws, I know a man here in St Augustine that recently made a trip to China with his church group. He wouldn't tell me what city before he left, as they were going to help a church (as well as perform some humanitarian aide, I'm sure). They could have been arrested, and imprisoned, if there work was public. Had they been arrested and imprisoned, would people here protest to sending a well known American to negotiate their release? After all, they broke Chinese law.


Hell, the US invaded Iraq (surely against Iraqi law) and imprisoned the head of state. Maybe all our troops should be in Iraqi jails for breaking their laws.


I agree the women took a calculated chance when they entered Korea to report, but does that mean we should let them rot in prison there, because it is against Korean law? That's silly.


EDIT: BTW, they weren't imprisoned for trespassing. They were imprisoned for spying, They weren't spies. The USA has negotiated to get journalists falsely (and maybe not so falsely) accused of spying in the past. This isn't exactly setting a precedent.

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