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I see the bad moon arising.

I see trouble on the way.

I see earthquakes and lightnin.

I see bad times today.


Dont go around tonight,

Well, its bound to take your life,

Theres a bathroom on the right.


not even sure what i would always sing...i think i usually faded to nothing because i could never figure out what he was saying....even seeing the right lyrics doesn't seem to be right



So goodbye yellow brick road

Where the dogs of society howl

You can't plant me in your penthouse

I'm going back to my plough


Back to the howling old owl in the woods

Hunting the horny back toad

Oh I've finally decided my future lies

Beyond the yellow brick road

Might as well admit it

your a dick in a glove


Robert Palmer, addicted to love

My wife turned the channel in the middle of that song one day at just the right moment, cutting off the end of the line and giving it an entirely different meaning - one which I now hear every time that song is on.


"Might as well face it, you're addic ted to love".


i actually just had one....


listening to the new green day....


the chorus of the song Christian's Inferno, where they say "Christian's Inferno" for some reason I never put 2 and 2 together and thought they were singing "Greenships and Aerophones" not sure what either of those 2 are...but that's what i have been singing

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