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DNC now calling angry average Americans a mob

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The irony is that these people are being USED by the corporate fat cats that stand to lose money over healthcare reform. The funding is coming from "CPR" which was founded by the guy from HCA/Columbia who perpetuated the worst health insurance industry fraud EVER.


Of course they would prefer people not know that...this is nothing more than the special interests against the American people, and once again they're taking advantage of ignorant, ill-informed people. And they're just busing them around from site to site. These aren't local concerned citizens. They're stupid, petty, morons.


The purpose of these town halls is to discuss the reform. It could WELL be that middle-of-the-road Americans could learn enough at them to be against it. It's fine to go to a town hall and confront the politicians, but it's not fine to disrupt the meeting so that the people who came to hear and be heard cannot do so.

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Why does this violent aspect always seem to be an issue with the nutjob right?


Seriously. Many of us were pissed off at the worst president of our lifetime Dick Cheney but I don't remember it ever taking a violent turn but you're right...I expect the conservative right to turn this violent. I can already sense their unfound anger bubbling below the surface.


Is this a joke?

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The irony is that these people are being USED by the corporate fat cats that stand to lose money over healthcare reform. The funding is coming from "CPR" which was founded by the guy from HCA/Columbia who perpetuated the worst health insurance industry fraud EVER.


Of course they would prefer people not know that...this is nothing more than the special interests against the American people, and once again they're taking advantage of ignorant, ill-informed people. And they're just busing them around from site to site. These aren't local concerned citizens. They're stupid, petty, morons.


The purpose of these town halls is to discuss the reform. It could WELL be that middle-of-the-road Americans could learn enough at them to be against it. It's fine to go to a town hall and confront the politicians, but it's not fine to disrupt the meeting so that the people who came to hear and be heard cannot do so.

The only thing I find Ironic about this is that when Code Pink, Earth First or you pick the liberal advocacy group cause disruptive acts, it is called exercising their first amendment rights, but when these guys do it, they are considered astroturfers, teabaggers or you fill in the blank.


All in all, I think it's stupid, and I put them all in the same category.

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The purpose of these town halls is to discuss the reform. It could WELL be that middle-of-the-road Americans could learn enough at them to be against it. It's fine to go to a town hall and confront the politicians, but it's not fine to disrupt the meeting so that the people who came to hear and be heard cannot do so.


Problem is that at these "town halls" the public can't ask questions or the questioners are hand selected by the congressmen. Also at a lot of them, Obama's Blue Shirts (union thugs) are there to intimidate people.

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The irony is that these people are being USED by the corporate fat cats that stand to lose money over healthcare reform. The funding is coming from "CPR" which was founded by the guy from HCA/Columbia who perpetuated the worst health insurance industry fraud EVER.


Of course they would prefer people not know that...this is nothing more than the special interests against the American people, and once again they're taking advantage of ignorant, ill-informed people. And they're just busing them around from site to site. These aren't local concerned citizens. They're stupid, petty, morons.


The purpose of these town halls is to discuss the reform. It could WELL be that middle-of-the-road Americans could learn enough at them to be against it. It's fine to go to a town hall and confront the politicians, but it's not fine to disrupt the meeting so that the people who came to hear and be heard cannot do so.


Your statement is so far off the mark it isn't funny. I don't need the prompting of some "corporate fat cat" to know that the United States Motherment taking charge of health care is a bad thing. See, I can think for myself. I don't need the NEA, AFL-CIO or AARP telling me that we NEED health care reform now, and that I should call my politician. I'm an American. Independent thought is what I do. it's the sheeple of YOUR ilk who are being used by the big union-backed political machines to try and pass the single greatest power-grab in the history of American politics.

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Your statement is so far off the mark it isn't funny. I don't need the prompting of some "corporate fat cat" to know that the United States Motherment taking charge of health care is a bad thing. See, I can think for myself. I don't need the NEA, AFL-CIO or AARP telling me that we NEED health care reform now, and that I should call my politician. I'm an American. Independent thought is what I do. it's the sheeple of YOUR ilk who are being used by the big union-backed political machines to try and pass the single greatest power-grab in the history of American politics.

Explain to me who would qualify for "the public plan" and how many Americans would get their insurance from the government instead of private industry.

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Ever seen a World Bank/IMF meeting? The nutjob left is just as violent as the nutjob right.

Rudolph, McVeigh, Kopp or the recent nutjob who killed the doctor in Kansas? Those are just the high profile cases.


Has anyone ever been killed on the street by one of these IMF "terrorists"?

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Really? I was always thought the opposite was true.


Demographics say otherwise.


Call it what you will, but people who follow Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Beck etc. are not apathetic or in the middle in their politics. There tends to be an ideological core.


Even though the apathetic prefer calling themselves conservative just to avoid a liberal label....they still tend to register as Democrats.

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The irony is that these people are being USED by the corporate fat cats that stand to lose money over healthcare reform. The funding is coming from "CPR" which was founded by the guy from HCA/Columbia who perpetuated the worst health insurance industry fraud EVER.


Of course they would prefer people not know that...this is nothing more than the special interests against the American people, and once again they're taking advantage of ignorant, ill-informed people. And they're just busing them around from site to site. These aren't local concerned citizens. They're stupid, petty, morons.


The purpose of these town halls is to discuss the reform. It could WELL be that middle-of-the-road Americans could learn enough at them to be against it. It's fine to go to a town hall and confront the politicians, but it's not fine to disrupt the meeting so that the people who came to hear and be heard cannot do so.


I'm not, nor do I need to be funded by anyone to know this legislation is a POS. All that is necessary is reading the bill. Keep up with the Daily Kooks talking points Dumbazz Deb.


Oh, wait...I made a funny! Should I copyright it?

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And this country was founded by people who knew that civil discourse and debate was the only way we could survive together given the varied opinions of our citizens. Citizens are allowed to question, debate, and discuss issues with their representatives, and vote them out if a majority disagree with their representation. Your support of anarchy over the Constitution and civil law is disappointing.


Funny, I remember reading several of the founding fathers that said the violence was NECESSARY every so many years to stop tyranny.


Maybe you failed to read the fathers before you came to your own conclusion?

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I'm not, nor do I need to be funded by anyone to know this legislation is a POS. All that is necessary is reading the bill. Keep up with the Daily Kooks talking points Dumbazz Deb.


Oh, wait...I made a funny! Should I copyright it?

Tell me exactly what you are against in this bill and why.


Let's leave out the funding for now, although it's a hugely legitimate issue and needs to be discussed. Opponents are going to say it costs a trillion, proponents are going to say it will be deficit neutral. Lets just not go there for the purposes of this conversation.

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Explain to me who would qualify for "the public plan" and how many Americans would get their insurance from the government instead of private industry.



That's just the point I'm trying to make, thank you. We don't know, and yet we're being asked to support a process that will most certainly cost TRILLIONS of dollars over its lifetime without any published plan, accountability or public debate and discourse. The line from Congress and Dear Leader is that we need to get this done NOW, but there's no public explanation of what exactly is going to "get done." There is one thing that's for sure, however. If there is any way , any loophole that would allow employers to offload employees into the public plan, they WILL take it.


EDIT: One thing we DO know is that thousands of people will lose jobs in the health insurance industry.

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That's just the point I'm trying to make, thank you. We don't know, and yet we're being asked to support a process that will most certainly cost TRILLIONS of dollars over its lifetime without any published plan, accountability or public debate and discourse. The line from Congress and Dear Leader is that we need to get this done NOW, but there's no public explanation of what exactly is going to "get done." There is one thing that's for sure, however. If there is any way , any loophole that would allow employers to offload employees into the public plan, they WILL take it.

How can you be against it if you don't know what it is?


I can tell you what it basically is, as well as what the CBO says it is.


The government "public plan" is a small part of the Health Care reform bill.


Only certain people will be eligible for the public plan so employers won't be able to offload employees unless they qualify. And why would employers want to screw their employees by putting them in a public plan when they are not obligated to give them insurance right now? If they wanted to save money, they would cut benefits and payments now, which they are doing. The CBO says 4% of the public will opt for this public plan. Four percent.

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