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TARP Panel, split along partisan lines


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Looks like politics as usual




The group Congress set up to shine light on the Treasury’s handling of the $700 billion financial system bailout is facing internal criticism about its own secrecy.


The Congressional Oversight Panel, headed by Harvard Law School professor Elizabeth Warren, has split along partisan lines over drafting a budget and releasing transcripts of its weekly meetings. The group’s two Republicans, whose demands for more public information have been rejected by the three Democratic appointees, say the panel needs to follow the same rules it demands of the Treasury.


“This is not the Justice Department, where we’re talking about launching midnight raids,” said Representative Jeb Hensarling, a Texas Republican and panel member who has failed three times to get the transcripts released. “We ought to err on the side of full disclosure to the American people.”


politics just seem to have a way of !@#$ing things up!

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