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Good job Bill

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Not that I'm a huge Clinton fan but I gotsta give the man credit on this one, although I'm sure there's a lot more to the story then will ever be reported...





BTW I haven't seen this posted yet although I didn't check page two.

He offered to smoke a cigar with Kim Jong Il and they were freed immediately.

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Actually, it would appear that the pardon and release of these journalists was pre-arranged weeks ago, with the U.S. 'pullback' of it's public demand for their release to the North Korean gov't, and Ms. Clinton's public statement of apology. Once that North Korean demand was met, all that was left was for Obama to capitulate fully to Kim Jong-il's demand for a 'face-to-face' meeting and photo op with nothing less than a former U.S. President - so all Slick Willie had to do was hop on a gov't plane and reap the benefits of a done deal.


In reality, it was probably Al Gore - whose Current TV network employed the two journalists - that worked harder than anyone for their release, and who likely prevailed upon Clinton to help out, although I noticed Hillary's making a little noise in the New York Times this morning, insisting she was involved, no doubt concerned that Bill doesn't get all the credit and marginalize her stature as Sec. of State and future Presidential candidate.

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Actually, it would appear that the pardon and release of these journalists was pre-arranged weeks ago, with the U.S. 'pullback' of it's public demand for their release to the North Korean gov't, and Ms. Clinton's public statement of apology. Once that North Korean demand was met, all that was left was for Obama to capitulate fully to Kim Jong-il's demand for a 'face-to-face' meeting and photo op with nothing less than a former U.S. President - so all Slick Willie had to do was hop on a gov't plane and reap the benefits of a done deal.


In reality, it was probably Al Gore - whose Current TV network employed the two journalists - that worked harder than anyone for their release, and who likely prevailed upon Clinton to help out, although I noticed Hillary's making a little noise in the New York Times this morning, insisting she was involved, no doubt concerned that Bill doesn't get all the credit and marginalize her stature as Sec. of State and future Presidential candidate.

He flew to North Korea, posed for pics and boarded a plane with the two chicks that he thought were in Austin Powers/Goldmember.

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id come out of voting retirement if i could vote for Bill again

Do I detect a man crush?


I can appreciate us getting hostages out for really doing very little. I just hope it doesn't "legitimize" terrorists or rogue governments expecting to meet with high-level officials every time they capture/kidnap an American to win their freedom.

All in all, this was a small price to pay for the reporters' freedom and this is coming from a Republican.

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Actually, it would appear that the pardon and release of these journalists was pre-arranged weeks ago, with the U.S. 'pullback' of it's public demand for their release to the North Korean gov't, and Ms. Clinton's public statement of apology. Once that North Korean demand was met, all that was left was for Obama to capitulate fully to Kim Jong-il's demand for a 'face-to-face' meeting and photo op with nothing less than a former U.S. President - so all Slick Willie had to do was hop on a gov't plane and reap the benefits of a done deal.


In reality, it was probably Al Gore - whose Current TV network employed the two journalists - that worked harder than anyone for their release, and who likely prevailed upon Clinton to help out, although I noticed Hillary's making a little noise in the New York Times this morning, insisting she was involved, no doubt concerned that Bill doesn't get all the credit and marginalize her stature as Sec. of State and future Presidential candidate.

Said this in another thread. Douchebag politicos just don't go over there and get something like this done. They aren't that bright and don't have the balls to stand up to someone like that little freak. Unless cash is involved or something is given up. People are so fuggin dumb to buy this kinda $h1t.

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I would've but I decided to stop with the self punishment about a year ago. That board reminds me of this quote by Milton R. Sapirstein:


“There is nobody as enslaved as the fanatic, the person in whom one impulse, one value, has assumed ascendancy over all others.”



That place is full of the ridiculi populous.

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