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I have been amazed at the media orgy over the “death in process” of the terrorist Arafat. I could not imagine any such hype if this was Sharon instead of the scumbag Arafat.

The last time I saw this much coverage over someone’s death (or almost death) was Princess Diana. Ironically both events happened in France…hmmm, maybe just a coincidence.


Anyway, it just goes to show the love affair that the liberal media has with this murderous, animal. I wonder if his funeral precession will pass thru the Arc de Triumph.


another report of his death and now another denial of his death. I am reminded of the words of Austin Powers in the second movie, where after an asassin is shot, stabbed, hit with an RPG, and dropped out of a building, he said "Why won't you die!"


Arafat's been a world figure for a long time, and is the embodiment of the PLO/PA. Sharon for much, much less time, and is merely a representative of Israel.


Plus...I'd submit that Arafat's death is a lot more newsworthy than Sharon's would be, simply because Israel has mechanisms in place for an orderly transfer of power in the case of the death of a PM. The PLO/PA has no such thing...which, I think, makes it a much more important story.

  DC Tom said:
Arafat's been a world figure for a long time, and is the embodiment of the PLO/PA.  Sharon for much, much less time, and is merely a representative of Israel.


Plus...I'd submit that Arafat's death is a lot more newsworthy than Sharon's would be, simply because Israel has mechanisms in place for an orderly transfer of power in the case of the death of a PM.  The PLO/PA has no such thing...which, I think, makes it a much more important story.



Yeah, but those facts get in the way of insulting the media and calling it an orgy.


40 years, a guerrilla terroist to a Noble Peace Prize winner, to a terrorist, in arguably one of the most flammable areas of the world. I guess Rush and Hannity have decided to ignore all that and have it be media bashing week.

  DC Tom said:
Arafat's been a world figure for a long time, and is the embodiment of the PLO/PA.  Sharon for much, much less time, and is merely a representative of Israel.


Plus...I'd submit that Arafat's death is a lot more newsworthy than Sharon's would be, simply because Israel has mechanisms in place for an orderly transfer of power in the case of the death of a PM.  The PLO/PA has no such thing...which, I think, makes it a much more important story.


Good post.

  John Adams said:
Yeah, but those facts get in the way of insulting the media and calling it an orgy.


40 years, a guerrilla terroist to a Noble Peace Prize winner, to a terrorist, in arguable one of the most flammable areas of the world. I guess Rush and Hannity have decided to ignore all that and have it be media bashing week.



Hmm, I don't remember seing rush or hannity post on this thread. I guess I will have to check again.


My point is and was that this is a media orgy. Look the guy is terrorist and a thug. He has stolen millions of US dollars that was made avaiable to help his people. Instead his french whore wife was busy spending the bulk of it in paris and in other frency french cities. He deserves no such orgasims in my opinion, and I wuld just as soon hear that he is dead, and the rot has begun. The sooner the better...........throw his dead ass in a box, and and dump him in a hole.

  Rich in Ohio said:
Hmm, I don't remember seing rush or hannity post on this thread. I guess I will have to check again.


My point is and was that this is a media orgy. Look the guy is terrorist and a thug. He has stolen millions of US dollars that was made avaiable to help his people. Instead his french whore wife was busy spending the bulk of it in paris and in other frency french cities. He deserves no such orgasims in my opinion, and I wuld just as soon hear that he is dead, and the rot has begun. The sooner the better...........throw his dead ass in a box, and and dump him in a hole.



And there's the other part...criminals sell. Sure, Arafat's a thug...so's OJ, so's Scott Peterson. Arafat pulls a much higher rating that Sharon would.

  DC Tom said:
And there's the other part...criminals sell.  Sure, Arafat's a thug...so's OJ, so's Scott Peterson.  Arafat pulls a much higher rating that Sharon would.



Sharon's also a thug.


Is Drudge liberal?!?


Most of my information on the subject has come from HUGE links that he has on his site.


There is a least a billion dollars that the PLO has no idea where it went. Most likely secret Arafat accounts in Switzerland. There has bee hundreds of millions of $ transferred from Arafat's accounts to Carribean offshore banks recently.


Wen will the Palestenians realize that he is a terrorist, despot and one of the largest thiefs in history?

  Wacka said:
There is a least a billion dollars that the PLO has no idea where it went. Most likely secret Arafat accounts in Switzerland. There has bee hundreds of millions of $ transferred from Arafat's accounts to Carribean offshore banks recently.


Wen will the Palestenians realize that he is a terrorist, despot and one of the largest thiefs in history?


Probably about the same time we figure out the same thing about our government.

  DC Tom said:
Arafat's been a world figure for a long time, and is the embodiment of the PLO/PA.  Sharon for much, much less time, and is merely a representative of Israel.


Plus...I'd submit that Arafat's death is a lot more newsworthy than Sharon's would be, simply because Israel has mechanisms in place for an orderly transfer of power in the case of the death of a PM.  The PLO/PA has no such thing...which, I think, makes it a much more important story.



I also want to concur... Excellent post!

  DC Tom said:
Arafat's been a world figure for a long time, and is the embodiment of the PLO/PA.  Sharon for much, much less time, and is merely a representative of Israel.


Plus...I'd submit that Arafat's death is a lot more newsworthy than Sharon's would be, simply because Israel has mechanisms in place for an orderly transfer of power in the case of the death of a PM.  The PLO/PA has no such thing...which, I think, makes it a much more important story.






What if that gets in the way of a partisan rant? :lol:


Good post Tom... but you're smart enough to know that already :(

  John Adams said:
40 years, a guerrilla terroist to a Noble Peace Prize winner,




This, in and of itself, shows what IDIOTS the Euros that run the Nobel competition are.

  JoeSixPack said:
Yeah, that's right. Parrot the views of Hamas. You'll gain much in the way of credibility.



There are plenty of people outside Hamas who regard Sharon as a thug.

  JoeSixPack said:
Yes, of course, there's Islamic Jihad, Al Quaeda, the PLO, etc...etc...



Actually, there's probably quite a few Jews who would agree with that assessment. Most Europeans, quite a few Americans, in fact probably most of the world's population.

  chicot said:
Actually, there's probably quite a few Jews who would agree with that assessment. Most Europeans, quite a few Americans, in fact probably most of the world's population.



The Islamic terrorists have know one but themselves to blame for getting Sharon elected.

After Arafat refused Barak's peace offer giving them 97% of what they asked for, and then starting a new round violence for their troubles, the jewish people wanted to try a different approach, since seeking a peace treaty got them nothing but blood.


People on the left always want to blame US policy for creating terrorism. Terrorist acts create there own effects on goverments as well, and almost never in a way they wanted (minus Spain of course)...

  pdh1 said:
The Islamic terrorists have know one but themselves to blame for getting Sharon elected.

After Arafat refused Barak's peace offer giving them 97% of what they asked for, and then starting a new round violence for their troubles, the jewish people wanted to try a different approach, since seeking a peace treaty got them nothing but blood.


People on the left always want to blame US policy for creating terrorism. Terrorist acts create there own effects on goverments as well, and almost never in a way they wanted (minus Spain of course)...



There's some truth in that, though I would dispute the assertion that the Palestinians were offered 97% of what they were asking for. Maybe in terms of pure land area it was 97% but there was to be limitations placed on Palestinian statehood and how do you quantify Jerusalem? In addition, some West Bank settlements were to be retained by Israel though they proposed giving up other land by way of exchange (going on memory, the land offered contained a number of toxic waste dumps).

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