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Ut-oh Ohio State


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Blame the kid. What about the so-called adults running these football factories? Who the hell is in charge here? Free Cars, thousands in cash, doesn't have to go to class and has his work done by "academic advisers" What kid who never had anything wouldn't take what was given to him and then tell what happened after he was screwed over by everyone? How did any of that help this kid become a functioning member of society? He may play 5 years in the NFL or he may end up in prison or dead. Who knows what else these kids get just because they can play football. The whole thing is just sad. All anyone cares about is "What happens to Ohio State?" College Football is out of hand. It's a total joke. Just make it a pay for play league and drop the charade of a college education having anything to do with college football. Money has taken over and those in charge just use these kids to make money for the school and throw them away until they are no longer needed or until they go play in the NFL. They condone booster payouts, cars, drugs, hookers, not going to classes, whatever it may be just to win games and make money. Why doesn't anyone else see the problem here? Just totally sad.



I agree. Clarrett may be a bitter punk, but you're naive to think that this stuff doesn't go on at OSU, or anywhere else. These quasi "investigations" are a joke - nobody is going to bend over backwards to find the booster in question or verify anything.

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What's the big deal with these statements?


We all know this crap goes on so Clarett's not telling anybody something that isn't fact.


This is a non issue as far as I'm concerned.

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As a Buckeye, I can only say may God bless you and help you with your mental illness!


As a fan of the Buffalo Bills and Michigan Bite me! Go Blue! This just in: Not everyone who lives in Columbus is a Buckeye fan. Try and have an open mind as hard is that is! Oh yeah they suck. :D

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