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Health Care Reform


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No--we don't want Govt run health care.YES we do need some reforms.-

There are a few main issues that need to be dealt with. -Citizens shouldn't fear the loss of health care when they get laid off-There must be some reasonable option for them to buy into.--This is especially true when one has a pre-existing condition.People live in fear over losing health insurance in these situations.-I have lived thru this situation and I know many others who have.


A few reforms that would be helpful..


1.People not working for large companies or for some govt entity should be allowed to buy into insurance pools to reduce their rates. Coverage for single individuals is ridiculously expensive.

2.Pre-existing condition exclusions should be eliminated---with certain regulations(individuals should not be able to shirk buying insurance for years--and then buy in when they get catastrophic illness or injury-there can be controls there )

3. Insurance should be able to be obtained across state lines--leading to greater competition and better pricing.As of now you must buy within your own state.

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