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That was your best shot?



Creating a thread, in the Stadium Wall, saying Sarah Palin will be singing the national anthem is not trolling? You're either a complete dumb ass (very possible) or a troll.


What I dont understand (and this isnt meant to start a fight with anyone)


If this team is SOOOOO poorly run, and a "loser" as I have seen it put in this thread.....


Why do you subject yourself to it? Rather then posting and posting about the woes of this team do you just move on to a team that makes the moves you agree with? Are there not several other teams in the league?


I dont agree with everything this team does.....do agree with other things.......and dont consider a team that went to 4 straight super bowls to be a "loser" team. That is why I stick with them.

The Legions of Negative Nancy Posters are bad enough, but at least they're (for the most part) Bills Fans.


They want to see the Bills Win and express their frustrations with the long playoff drought by whining and bitching about anything and everything; they're annoying but (barely) tolerable.


But do we really have to put up with this latest invasion of Cheatriot* Fangirls and Outright Trolls?


I seriously doubt any other board would tolerate Billistic, Mr WEO, jws9999, 4th&1, Sparticus, and their ilk for more than a few posts, yet here they're allowed to hang around and be a$$holes seemingly forever.




Your problem, as far as I can see it, is that when logic and fact are interjected in order to further along healthy debate--you can't keep up with the discussion.


Speaking only for myself, most of the time I mention the pats, I don't think the knee jerkers actually read the posts. For lack of cogent responses, they instead call me a "pats fan" or suggest that I, like Tom Brady, am "gay". Pointing even the most obvious concerning that team provokes the same response from many of you.


Your post reeks of a certain immaturity. Maybe you should sit this one out.

BTW, who said, "". . . .to announce that there must be no criticism of the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile but is morally treasonable to the American public." ?



Either coerce the site moderators to pervert their own TOS, so that they can ban me according to your whims, or grow up and deal with the fact that different minds perceive the same circumstances differently.



Check out the thread originator's signature. Both ironic and hilarious in equal measure.


If you're somehow attempting to imply that your right to be an annoying **** should be protected under the first ammendment, I suggest you take a remedial civic's course. I hear Patsfan.com has a good one...

The Legions of Negative Nancy Posters are bad enough, but at least they're (for the most part) Bills Fans.


They want to see the Bills Win and express their frustrations with the long playoff drought by whining and bitching about anything and everything; they're annoying but (barely) tolerable.


But do we really have to put up with this latest invasion of Cheatriot* Fangirls and Outright Trolls?


I seriously doubt any other board would tolerate Billistic, Mr WEO, jws9999, 4th&1, Sparticus, and their ilk for more than a few posts, yet here they're allowed to hang around and be a$$holes seemingly forever.





There are a slew of worthless new posters, RI, you got that right. I just can't figure out why someone would come here, with the frequency of some of these losers, just to be miserable and obstreperous.


If I were not a Bills fan, I don't think I could subject myself to talking about them all the time. I don't troll around on other team's message boards to see their views on life, why would another team's fan come here to mess with us. Why should they care? They call our team perennial losers, yet they spend their free time on our site..who actually is the loser in that equation?

Check out the thread originator's signature. Both ironic and hilarious in equal measure.


Oh, my. Sorry. I read your post having not logged in, and didn't see the signature. I logged on, replied, and logged off.

Your problem, as far as I can see it, is that when logic and fact are interjected in order to further along healthy debate--you can't keep up with the discussion.


Speaking only for myself, most of the time I mention the pats, I don't think the knee jerkers actually read the posts. For lack of cogent responses, they instead call me a "pats fan" or suggest that I, like Tom Brady, am "gay". Pointing even the most obvious concerning that team provokes the same response from many of you.


Your post reeks of a certain immaturity. Maybe you should sit this one out.


Apparently in your mind logic is defined by the formula "Pats=Good/Bills=Bad" Repeat ad infinatum...


If you are seeking a group of posters who will agree with your point of view and praise you for your wisdom, try Patsfan.com.


Buh-Bye, See Ya...

Either coerce the site moderators to pervert their own TOS, so that they can ban me according to your whims, or grow up and deal with the fact that different minds perceive the same circumstances differently.


Here's a quote from our TOS:


TBD strives to attract a high quality readership. Intelligent discussion goes hand in hand with minimal moderation. Moderators are on duty to handle occasional conflicts and occasional lapses in judgment. If, over the course of time, a poster's online personality/behavior develops in a way that they become a source of continual conflict then TBD reserves the right to restrict the posting privilege of that person. It is up to individuals to conduct themselves in a manner that is socially acceptable to the community at large.


There is no perversion needed. If someone is continually at odds with the rest of the community - a community that has been around 11 years, then it is a good chance the responsibility lies with the individual. Either learn to get along with a dissenting point of view or move along. Nothing hard to understand or unreasonable about that.

The Legions of Negative Nancy Posters are bad enough, but at least they're (for the most part) Bills Fans.


They want to see the Bills Win and express their frustrations with the long playoff drought by whining and bitching about anything and everything; they're annoying but (barely) tolerable.


But do we really have to put up with this latest invasion of Cheatriot* Fangirls and Outright Trolls?


I seriously doubt any other board would tolerate Billistic, Mr WEO, jws9999, 4th&1, Sparticus, and their ilk for more than a few posts, yet here they're allowed to hang around and be a$$holes seemingly forever.



I'm not familiar with some of the posters you've mentioned; as I haven't followed these forums all that closely lately. But I consider Mr. Weo to be someone who's good at analytic thinking; and who makes solid contributions to this forum.


Some people (not necessarily you) have accused him of being a Pats fan. That is, of course, a bald-faced lie. There's a lot of emotion surrounding the Pats franchise. Partly because of us being tired of going 0-2 against them every year, partly because of the cheating, partly because of Kraft's presence on the rules committee/the way the refs always favor them, and partly because a lot of us are tired of the way the media kisses their collective . . . hind areas. But Mr. Weo clearly understands that the presence of that emotion does not justify the acceptance of inaccurate statements. If for example someone announces that Tom Brady is gay, and does not provide a single shred of evidence, Mr. Weo will point out that the claim is baseless. That does not make him a Pats fan; any more than pointing out that Reagan didn't create the AIDS virus would imply that that person is a Reagan supporter.


The fact of the matter is that the Patriots are run by people who are both smart and sleazy. The Bills are run by people who are less smart and less sleazy. One would hope that the Bills would learn from the smart things the Patriots have done, without learning from the sleazy things they've done. But a person who holds onto too much emotion with respect to the Patriots will find it very difficult to learn from their successes. Which is why you have to set the emotion aside for a while, objectively learn from everything they've done, and then use that learning as a tool with which to destroy them. Or at least to win a few games against them.

I'm not familiar with some of the posters you've mentioned; as I haven't followed these forums all that closely lately. But I consider Mr. Weo to be someone who's good at analytic thinking; and who makes solid contributions to this forum.


Some people (not necessarily you) have accused him of being a Pats fan. That is, of course, a bald-faced lie.



You know this to be a fact?

Here's a quote from our TOS:




There is no perversion needed. If someone is continually at odds with the rest of the community - a community that has been around 11 years, then it is a good chance the responsibility lies with the individual. Either learn to get along with a dissenting point of view or move along. Nothing hard to understand or unreasonable about that.


He's been allowed 541 posts to establish his online persona...how much longer?!

He's been allowed 541 posts to establish his online persona...how much longer?!



Great avatar!

You know this to be a fact?

The assertion that Mr. Weo is a Pats fan is a wildly inaccurate statement, and is supported by nothing he has written. At some point, I get tired of hearing baseless, fact-free accusations repeated over and over again. And I come to the realization that the people making those accusations don't actually care about their veracity; only about whether they are believed.


Sometimes people tell lies in order to discredit those with whom they disagree. This is one of those cases.

You know this to be a fact?

DEAN! DEAN! oh little Deany!

You have been on here all day starting crap with everyone! Go give your Bruce Smith Doll falatio and leave everyone alone. The crap you say is really uncalled for. You should look at yourself when you call someone a troll!

I'm not familiar with some of the posters you've mentioned; as I haven't followed these forums all that closely lately. But I consider Mr. Weo to be someone who's good at analytic thinking; and who makes solid contributions to this forum.


Some people (not necessarily you) have accused him of being a Pats fan. That is, of course, a bald-faced lie.


I haven't read every one of his posts but those I have read all fall into the "Pats=Good/Bills=Bad" category which when added to his tendancy to jump into the middle of other conversations for the sole purpose of defending the Cheatriots*, Biily BellyCheat*, and all things associated with either, lead me to the conclusion that he is in fact a Cheatriots Troll of the first order.


I've been wrong before, however, so if you can point me to any of his posts where he actually praises the Bills and smacks down on the Cheatriots* I'll consider revising my opinion...

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