BuffaloBill Posted August 3, 2009 Posted August 3, 2009 Who would loan this idiot $70,000? I would given that she and her mother are likely stupid enough to put her mother's $500k collateral up against a loan that will cost them $140k if she goes into default.
ExiledInIllinois Posted August 3, 2009 Posted August 3, 2009 If by service you mean an education - she allegedly received one - as marked by a degree. If you mean career placement - no school can assure a gradute of a job. If they did then they were idiots and should be sued. However, I find it hard to believe that they would have. No. I mean in service as: "We will help you in a search for a job in your field after completion of a degree program at our school." Nobody is talking about landing a job. The article and the complaint is lodged around the school not helping in the process that they allegedly promised.
The Dean Posted August 3, 2009 Posted August 3, 2009 If by service you mean an education - she allegedly received one - as marked by a degree. If you mean career placement - no school can assure a gradute of a job. If they did then they were idiots and should be sued. However, I find it hard to believe that they would have. What if the school promises to actively help place students in a job (many do, now) and then they failed to follow up on that. Maybe they failed to send transcripts, letters that were promised, etc. Maybe there is an alumni network they didn't tap, contrary to what they promise. I don't know that it is what happened, but it could have been something like that. Don't assume your experiences with schools represent everyone's. As I noted earlier, many schools are using the promise of a better career, not a better education, in their marketing. There is a possibility this school is one of those, and they failed to do the things that were promised.
Albany,n.y. Posted August 3, 2009 Posted August 3, 2009 You assume a good bit about the woman. On these points I simply say you may be completely wrong. However, I agree with your point(s) that show the school is far from being in control of finding her a job. For all we know they did or they have at least tried. Other than the assumption that she hasn't done much work since high school, everything else is contained in the story. 27 years old-check lives with mommy-check 9 years out of high school-unless she's really dumb, dropped out & then came back-OR WAS REDSHIRTED numerous times-check Filed a frivolous lawsuit -what else would you call suing because you can't find a job 3 months after graduating? -check
ExiledInIllinois Posted August 3, 2009 Posted August 3, 2009 Other than the assumption that she hasn't done much work since high school, everything else is contained in the story.27 years old-check lives with mommy-check 9 years out of high school-unless she's really dumb, dropped out & then came back-OR WAS REDSHIRTED numerous times-check Filed a frivolous lawsuit -what else would you call suing because you can't find a job 3 months after graduating? -check How do we know this? Maybe she got hitched after high-school and that relationship fell apart? Maybe she went back to school when she was 23? Who knows her live situation? Again... I take nothing about the school findsiing her a job... Which of course she would take. What part of the school not helping he find a job are people missinng? Assuming they promised her to do that. All she is saying is they are not HELPING in the process. Where would she have gotten that idea from in the first place? Let me guess, the school's marketing arm? I am not siding with her... She brought suit. Now it is for the courst to decide if it is with merit. Not us. Maybe the scholl promised diddly squat. ??
BuffaloBill Posted August 3, 2009 Posted August 3, 2009 No. I mean in service as: "We will help you in a search for a job in your field after completion of a degree program at our school." Nobody is talking about landing a job Listen to your own words... the mere existence of a career center is "help" in a job search.
BuffaloBill Posted August 3, 2009 Posted August 3, 2009 What if the school promises to actively help place students in a job (many do, now) and then they failed to follow up on that. Maybe they failed to send transcripts, letters that were promised, etc. Maybe there is an alumni network they didn't tap, contrary to what they promise. I don't know that it is what happened, but it could have been something like that. No disagreement from me Don't assume your experiences with schools represent everyone's. As I noted earlier, many schools are using the promise of a better career, not a better education, in their marketing. There is a possibility this school is one of those, and they failed to do the things that were promised. I have assumed no such thing. Perhaps you have. I have no idea what the school promised nor do you. We can assume a list a mile long. All I have said is that it is highly unlikely that they would guarantee a job as there is much the school is not in control of. If the school stepped outside of what it can control then they are idiots and should be sued. Otherwise, this chick is stupid.
ExiledInIllinois Posted August 3, 2009 Posted August 3, 2009 I have assumed no such thing. Perhaps you have. I have no idea what the school promised nor do you. We can assume a list a mile long. All I have said is that it is highly unlikely that they would guarantee a job as there is much the school is not in control of. If the school stepped outside of what it can control then they are idiots and should be sued. Otherwise, this chick is stupid. Of course the school didn't most likely promise that. I agree. That is not what the suit says... Well at least what I read in the article.
The Dean Posted August 3, 2009 Posted August 3, 2009 No disagreement from me I have assumed no such thing. Perhaps you have. I have no idea what the school promised nor do you. We can assume a list a mile long. All I have said is that it is highly unlikely that they would guarantee a job as there is much the school is not in control of. If the school stepped outside of what it can control then they are idiots and should be sued. Otherwise, this chick is stupid. Agreed, and that's what we are discussing. In the article there is a quote that claims the school hasn't tried hard enough. The 27-year-old alleges the business-oriented Bronx school hasn't lived up to its end of the bargain, and has not done enough to find her a job. I don't think a school can ever (or should ever) guarantee a hob, but they may not be living up to what they claim to provide in an attempt to find a job.
Bmwolf21 Posted August 3, 2009 Posted August 3, 2009 I don't think a school can ever (or should ever) guarantee a hob, but they may not be living up to what they claim to provide in an attempt to find a job. The article in the Buffalo News says that is the case: Thompson says she's been unable to find gainful employment since she received her information technology degree in April. She says the Bronx school's Office of Career Advancement hasn't provided her with the leads and career advice it promises. LINK
damj Posted August 3, 2009 Posted August 3, 2009 She's doing the right thing. Prospective employers will love the fact that she sued her school and blamed her situation on someone else! +1 Good luck EVER getting a job now Feakshow!
ans4e64 Posted August 3, 2009 Posted August 3, 2009 If she thinks that what she earned wasn't worth her time, and wants her money back, then she'd better be giving her degree back. Either you want the education and pay for it, or you don't. Can't have it both ways by taking the education, saying it didn't get you anywhere and get your money back, meanwhile it's going to be on your resume and help land you jobs for the rest of your life. If she wants to nix the whole thing, she shouldn't get a degree out of it.
Ramius Posted August 3, 2009 Posted August 3, 2009 I'm not sure which is worse, the fact this worthless human is suing the school, or the fact that there are sad sacks on here actually defending her. Schools often offer plenty of "help" in the job search, but it is the onus of the student to make use of that "help." (ie - career centers, resume checkers, mock job interviews, lists of companies that hire from X university, etc.)
Pine Barrens Mafia Posted August 3, 2009 Posted August 3, 2009 She's 27, which means it took her 9 years from high school to get her degree. What has she been doing in the 9 years that usually take a person 4 to complete their degrees-obviously not working, otherwise she'd have some means of support and could have turned the right part time job into a full time one. Maybe the fact that she's 27, hasn't done much work since high school, lives at home with mommy, and just finished college screams out LOSER on job interviews. It is not the responsibility of a college to find employment for its graduates. It is the responsibility of the graduates to find their own job. I hope the judge throws out the case & fines her the legal fees-not that she can afford to pay them. However, if she found a lawyer to take this case, I hope that the lawyer has to pay the cost of this frivolous lawsuit. Sounds like an Obama voter to me.
The Dean Posted August 3, 2009 Posted August 3, 2009 I'm not sure which is worse, the fact this worthless human is suing the school, or the fact that there are sad sacks on here actually defending her. Schools often offer plenty of "help" in the job search, but it is the onus of the student to make use of that "help." (ie - career centers, resume checkers, mock job interviews, lists of companies that hire from X university, etc.) I don't see anyone defending her. I only see some people attacking her, without knowing much in the way of details.
Ramius Posted August 3, 2009 Posted August 3, 2009 I don't see anyone defending her. I only see some people attacking her, without knowing much in the way of details. She's lazy and worthless, and filing a frivolous lawsuit. She deserves to be attacked. Its people like this B word that are a drain on society. She doesnt want to find a job, she just wants easy money. Unfortunately, we'll all end up paying for this when her lazy ass is on welfare for the majority of her life.
The Dean Posted August 3, 2009 Posted August 3, 2009 She's lazy and worthless, and filing a frivolous lawsuit. She deserves to be attacked. Its people like this B word that are a drain on society. She doesnt want to find a job, she just wants easy money. Unfortunately, we'll all end up paying for this when her lazy ass is on welfare for the majority of her life. You know all this...how?
Ramius Posted August 3, 2009 Posted August 3, 2009 You know all this...how? Because she spent a couple of months looking for a job and when she didn't get one, she gave up and decided to file a frivolous lawsuit against the school she attended. Its based off of her behavior. Productive members of society would continue to send out resumes, applications, and ratchet up their efforts. This dirtbag wants things handed to her. This lawsuit represents her character, and i'd say that every company that turned her down for a job is glad they did so.
IDBillzFan Posted August 3, 2009 Posted August 3, 2009 Because she spent a couple of months looking for a job and when she didn't get one, she gave up and decided to file a frivolous lawsuit against the school she attended. Its based off of her behavior. Productive members of society would continue to send out resumes, applications, and ratchet up their efforts. This dirtbag wants things handed to her. This lawsuit represents her character, and i'd say that every company that turned her down for a job is glad they did so. Exactly. This is one lazyass chick, and if she thinks she was having a hard time getting work before, she's in for a rude awakening when people don't hire her because of a fear she'll just whip out another frivolous lawsuit vs. them as well. Way to think it all through, sister.
The Dean Posted August 3, 2009 Posted August 3, 2009 Because she spent a couple of months looking for a job and when she didn't get one, she gave up and decided to file a frivolous lawsuit against the school she attended. Its based off of her behavior. Productive members of society would continue to send out resumes, applications, and ratchet up their efforts. This dirtbag wants things handed to her. This lawsuit represents her character, and i'd say that every company that turned her down for a job is glad they did so. She gave up? I didn't read that she is no longer looking for a job. She didn't ratchet up the resumes? Where did you get all this info. Are you holding out? My guess is it is probably a frivolous lawsuit, but I can't be totally sure, as there is too much we do not know about the situation. Making stuff up, to support your preconceived opinion (based on a very surface report), is hardly the way to draw a sound conclusion, and is no way to come to absolute conclusion. I understand LA's position. He virtually always sides with power/authority/business regardless of the circumstances. He seems to believe it is every companies right (and perhaps obligation) to take advantage of whoever and whatever they can. I expect that sort of BS from him.
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