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291 Milliond Dollar Vascular Center


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It is good news but at the same time it does not bring in money from outside of the region. If Buffalo wants to return to growth or at least stabilization of its economy and population base it must attract industries and development that will draw investment in from outside of the region.

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It is good news but at the same time it does not bring in money from outside of the region. If Buffalo wants to return to growth or at least stabilization of its economy and population base it must attract industries and development that will draw investment in from outside of the region.



Ya. And on top of it all we are heading for a health care melt down. Glad BFLO is riding the wave!

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Ya. And on top of it all we are heading for a health care melt down. Glad BFLO is riding the wave!



Depends on what you classify as a meltdown. One could argue that we are already there as the US spends more of its GDP on healthcare than any other advanced nation. If you think the current situation is good then you are blind or simply lucky. I have direct insight into what is happening with major employers and healthcare coverage. The bottom line is that we are soon headed to a situation where everyone other than those on medicare will have catostrophic insurance only. Employers can't compete under the cost pressure.

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It is good news but at the same time it does not bring in money from outside of the region. If Buffalo wants to return to growth or at least stabilization of its economy and population base it must attract industries and development that will draw investment in from outside of the region.

which is why--i repeat---we need to move to the forefront in biomed research..UB already does well in its partnerships in that area...but we need to expand

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Here is a very good video discussing the medical corridor architecture by renowned Buffalo preservationist Tim Tielman.


(architecture as it relates to promoting and developing contact with city)




Tielman unveils that for all the hype, it is classic business as usual in Buffalo :blink: What a joke.

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Depends on what you classify as a meltdown. One could argue that we are already there as the US spends more of its GDP on healthcare than any other advanced nation. If you think the current situation is good then you are blind or simply lucky. I have direct insight into what is happening with major employers and healthcare coverage. The bottom line is that we are soon headed to a situation where everyone other than those on medicare will have catostrophic insurance only. Employers can't compete under the cost pressure.


No - Congress is talking about "qualified plans". One of several tools that will be used to eliminate the private insurance sector, this one will force folks that simply want to purchase catastrophic coverage at a reasonable rate to buy whatever is considered "qualified", and low cost plans won't fork over enough $$$ to the government. They won't qualify.


Another provision is that any change in an existing plan - even something as minor as an addition or deletion of a covered Rx - would require any affected individual to go into a government plan.


Add in benefits tax, forcing smaller businesses to pay for benefits or be taxed, taxation of individuals that don't have current coverage (I read an estimate - the Feds expect to reap $36 billion from individuals), HMO-style "gateway" panels to allow/disallow procedures and claims, mandated end-of-life counseling (instead of care) for seniors, and so on... idea being to let people with certain conditions, or of a certain age - to die.


The main idea being to reduce people's disposable income, and bind them ever strongly to the government umbilical cord.

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Wow ... Buffalo screwed up and got something done ... you mean they actually found a parcel of land that Mark Twain didn't take a dump on or retarded birds can fly around?!? Will wonders never cease!

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Depends on what you classify as a meltdown. One could argue that we are already there as the US spends more of its GDP on healthcare than any other advanced nation. If you think the current situation is good then you are blind or simply lucky. I have direct insight into what is happening with major employers and healthcare coverage. The bottom line is that we are soon headed to a situation where everyone other than those on medicare will have catostrophic insurance only. Employers can't compete under the cost pressure.


Head to the shelters, everyone!



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