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Maybins Worth ?

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Don't read many of my posts, eh? Of course he'll get signed; I'm just not thrilled with the company he's keeping.


Regardless, your comments are laughable. Professional sports teams' front offices routinely make personnel decisions on the basis of fan commentary on message boards -- is that what you're suggesting? That's rich.


:worthy: Yeah... I'm sure Ralf looks here daily...

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Maybin is worth whatever he produces over the length of his contract - if he's a bust he's worth very little, if he's a Pro Bowler he's worth quite a bit. I think what you're asking is what are the Bills going to pay a guy who has never played a down in the NFL - that's completely different from worth. I hate rookie contracts - crazy money for guys that haven't done anything and may never do anything.


Couldnt agree more. Im all for capitalism, but maybe the league should look into capping rookie year contracts. I think it would make sense, I also think it would make competition and play better. Just throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks.

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uh huh.... the parker brothers hate the bills and vice versa. this is going to get nasty, and heres hoping that if maybe does pan out we convince him to at least go to rosenhaus as an agent over these guys. they just love dragging clients on

I agree with you. Parkers represented Jason Peters and we ended up trading him. We were never close to signing him to an extension is the feeling I got. With Maybin who knows. Noone seems to be up in arms that he is not in camp. Are the Parkers trying to hold up the Bills with the Maybin negotiations? And does anyone feel that the Bills are in no hurry to see Maybin in camp? Just a guess so noone needs to freak here, but maybe the Bills are having second thoughts about him, especially with Chris Ellis in the fold. What about if a deal is not looking imminent in the next couple of weeks that we trade the rights to Maybin to a team that has a young veteran at a position that we need such as outside linebacker, tight end, D tackle? Just throwing that out there. Would it shock anyone here if we did that? It would not shock me. I just don't seeing the Bills being flexible with the Parkers, and visa versa. Thoughts on this.

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