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Another Great Idea

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Question.....do you feel much better about your accomplishments because you achieved them "on your one dime"? Just askin'

Oh I don't know, I think it would have been fun to have had fun doing it and my father certainly had the money so that I could have gone thru undergrad and graduate school on his dime, not my own.


I think it's human nature to be proud of things you accomplish, and the harder you work for it, the better it tends to feel. Of course I've met plenty of slackers who disagree. They're in every company, everywhere, at every socio-economic level.


That said, I got scholarship money for being smart - that was an accident of birth. And I also didn't have to fight against poverty. Particularly in those days, a pretty white girl from a good school in the suburbs (including a private elementary school) definitely didn't have as much to overcome as a poor black or hispanic kid from city in a second-class school. I met plenty of those kinds of kids in technical school - some of them took advantage of TAP, PELL, SSI, welfare, whatever they could get, to graduate and land good jobs, and others took the money and drank it or shot it into their arms. The latter pissed me off, but that's life. The good usually far outweighs the bad. I got better things to do than stew over slackers, since they usually get what's coming to them eventually.

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I think it's human nature to be proud of things you accomplish, and the harder you work for it, the better it tends to feel. Of course I've met plenty of slackers who disagree. They're in every company, everywhere, at every socio-economic level.


Interesting coming from a liberal.

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That said, I got scholarship money for being smart - that was an accident of birth.


Oh, it was an accident all right...


Particularly in those days, a pretty white girl from a good school in the suburbs


Or even you.




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That said, I got scholarship money for being smart - that was an accident of birth. And I also didn't have to fight against poverty. Particularly in those days, a pretty white girl from a good school in the suburbs (including a private elementary school) definitely didn't have as much to overcome as a poor black or hispanic kid from city in a second-class school.

I suppose the only thing you are lacking is the humility gene.

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