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When was the last legit Boston championship team?


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I mean...non drug enhanced or spy cam involved championship team?

Perhaps Bailey Howell was on that team...but they did have espionage even back in those days--it was just morre subtle

Celtics, last season?

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Let's see the positive test results from 2007. Haven't seen any or heard any reports of them.

So, even though ManRam and Big Pill-Poppy are on the 2003 list, you're willing to believe they cleaned up after that? (Well, until Ramirez' latest little "misunderstanding.")




And for the record, I hate all Boston and NYC teams equally.

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So, even though ManRam and Big Pill-Poppy are on the 2003 list, you're willing to believe they cleaned up after that? (Well, until Ramirez' latest little "misunderstanding.")




And for the record, I hate all Boston and NYC teams equally.


Short answer - yes. At least on Papi's part, as well as A-Rod's for that matter. I think Papi and A-Rod both have egos so big that they would rather go clean than hurt their image. And I don't think it's that far-fetched either. Manny is clearly a different story and he always has been.


And that is the short argument...not taking into consideration the other 23 teams as well as the players on the opposing teams.


But in general I don't think it is too naive to think that the game has been cleaned up considerably since the "Scarlet Letter" factor has come in with the lengthy suspensions between 2004-2006. But I understand that doesn't sell papers so that's not what we'll read or hear from the media.

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Full disclosure: although people I've covered have joked to me about buying the paper when they were in it, I have never once written a story thinking it would "sell more papers," and I take offense to that tired cliche.


You can take offense all you want, it doesn't mean that it isn't true. Have you ever read Dan Shaughnessy? There are attention whores in your profession just as there is in mine and anyone else's.


And BTW what does that article even prove? Does it refute any of the points I made in the previous thread. It's a cookie cutter article and you could have copy and pasted any dozen that have been published in the last few days, as well as in March/April when the A-Rod story broke.


And we haven't even covered the media's unbelievable poor job at covering this story from the get-go. From the late 80's tile the early 2000's they were turning a blind eye while it was running rampant and since the stories have broke gone with the vilifying the athlete route ad naseum (talk about tired cliches). Nothing about the union's poor part in educating their players about what is OK to take and what is not, particularly the Latin players. Nothing on the F.D.A.'s butcher job on classifying these substances. Nothing on the frustration from veteran players and player reps being refuted by the union in the early 2000's when they were feverishly trying to nip it in the bud. Responsible journalism? I think not.

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Not legit? Have the Raptors play a few games a year at HSBC arena and watch how quick it sells out.


I bet it wouldn't. I once read a story that ranked basketball apathy throughout the country. Buffalo was No. 2 behind only Pittsburgh.

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Short answer - yes. At least on Papi's part, as well as A-Rod's for that matter. I think Papi and A-Rod both have egos so big that they would rather go clean than hurt their image. And I don't think it's that far-fetched either. Manny is clearly a different story and he always has been.


And that is the short argument...not taking into consideration the other 23 teams as well as the players on the opposing teams.


But in general I don't think it is too naive to think that the game has been cleaned up considerably since the "Scarlet Letter" factor has come in with the lengthy suspensions between 2004-2006. But I understand that doesn't sell papers so that's not what we'll read or hear from the media.

Yeah, right. A-Rod did it just for that season, and so did Big Papi. Manny was the exception. :devil:

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Not legit? Have the Raptors play a few games a year at HSBC arena and watch how quick it sells out.



You're wasting your breath, here...it is amazing how much the NBA is truly despised by most on this board...not me mind you... but it will only turn into cliches' about "thugs", "traveling on every play", officiating, etc etc... in my opinion, anyways, the NBA is putting out a pretty damn good product these days, after it's post-Jordan malaise... most who hate the game, haven't watched it, or at least not watched it recently...

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