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  dib said:
OK here's the deal.  Airlines have cheesed out and are using these little commuter jobs (Delta: Cinci to Buffalo).  Since I have such a severe pucker factor about flying (cant drive a needle up my butt with a sledge hammer) the prospect of flying in one of these puddle jumpers does not make me happy.  I cant medicate myself (Dr. Jim Beam) because I will be with the family.  No other airline flies wide bodies into Buffalo anymore either.

So has anyone taken this ride of the Valkyrie, and how was it?

On the up side, Buffalo is home January 2nd.



Yeah, I fly them all the time. 50 seats is NOT small. I go between Rochester and DC quite often, and usually it's one of those.


Don't worry about it. If you're really anxious call the doc for some xanax. It's great. Even without it, you'll be fine. The legroom is a little tight, but it's not that bad.


I've flown the commuter jets many times and actually prefer them on anything less than 90 minutes.

But I'd recommend you go to the bathroom first. And take your own food.


The worse part about the small planes is the fact that the pilots are usually about 17 years old.


I was on a flight last month in about a 10 seater (I'm 6'4" and had 0 leg room) flying from Winnipeg to an Indian Reservation 400 miles north of there.


Now, I will say she was a good looking girl, but she couldn't have been older than 22 and I would have felt a lot more comfortable if she was my lifeguard, not my pilot!


and btw - you could tell it was a girl pilot cause every time she went to make a left turn she'd go way out into the right hand lane first.... :flirt:


Last year I flew those 50 seat Air Canada jets from Dallas to Tallahassee every other week for four months. I thought I would hate it but it was OK. Because they are jets they stayed above a lot of the rough stuff. Now I tell people they are a nice flight but there isn't much room to move around so I feel like I'm in a tube of toothpaste.


Good luck ...


Ok, I'll say it again, and this is really to help you...


Everyone saying "you'll be fine" and "it's not that bad" is good and all, but when you're in there, white-knuckled, you'll still be nervous. Call your doc, make a trip to see him, and he will happily give you a Rx for 3 or 4 mg or Xanax. (and 3 or 4 mgs should last you 6-8 flights, unless you are REALLY bad). People do get hooked on Xanax, but those are people who take it for everyday attacks, and use tons every day. If you were to take half of one mg, you would feel much better. A full mg? You'd be comfy as a bug in a rug.

and btw - you could tell it was a girl pilot cause every time she went to make a left turn she'd go way out into the right hand lane first....


You bloody bugger :flirt:

  JÂy RÛßeÒ said:
You actually moving to buff, dib?



I should be so lucky. I'm stuck here in Habana Norte until my youngest goes to college. He's 12, so there goes that story.

  gmac17 said:
and btw - you could tell it was a girl pilot cause every time she went to make a left  turn she'd go way out into the right hand lane first.... :D





  dib said:
I should be so lucky.  I'm stuck here in Habana Norte until my youngest goes to college.  He's 12, so there  goes that story.



Just comin up for the stillers? I believe I owe you a beer or 6.

  dib said:
OK here's the deal.  Airlines have cheesed out and are using these little commuter jobs (Delta: Cinci to Buffalo).  Since I have such a severe pucker factor about flying (cant drive a needle up my butt with a sledge hammer) the prospect of flying in one of these puddle jumpers does not make me happy.  I cant medicate myself (Dr. Jim Beam) because I will be with the family.  No other airline flies wide bodies into Buffalo anymore either.

So has anyone taken this ride of the Valkyrie, and how was it?

On the up side, Buffalo is home January 2nd.



I took a 15 (or so) seater from Tampa to Key West.

  dib said:
OK here's the deal.  Airlines have cheesed out and are using these little commuter jobs (Delta: Cinci to Buffalo).  Since I have such a severe pucker factor about flying (cant drive a needle up my butt with a sledge hammer) the prospect of flying in one of these puddle jumpers does not make me happy.  I cant medicate myself (Dr. Jim Beam) because I will be with the family.  No other airline flies wide bodies into Buffalo anymore either.

So has anyone taken this ride of the Valkyrie, and how was it?

On the up side, Buffalo is home January 2nd.




Those 50 seat jets are fine, even the ones that are a little smaller are fine too. They are just like flying in a regular jet basically, just scaled down. I've flown them a few times now and they are more comfortable than the regular 737's and such. If my memory serves me right, all the seats are leather and there is a lot more leg room, basically like flying first class.

When booking your flights though, always check on the aircraft scheduled because you really don't want one of the prop jobs, lol. I flew one from JFK to Logan during a friggin snow storm and needed to buy new underwear when we landed. Scared the crapola outta me even before we landed then lost all bodily functions when we "landed" (skidded) down the runway. Scariest flight ever, lol.

Guest Guest Homo
  dib said:
OK here's the deal.  Airlines have cheesed out and are using these little commuter jobs (Delta: Cinci to Buffalo).  Since I have such a severe pucker factor about flying (cant drive a needle up my butt with a sledge hammer) the prospect of flying in one of these puddle jumpers does not make me happy.  I cant medicate myself (Dr. Jim Beam) because I will be with the family.  No other airline flies wide bodies into Buffalo anymore either.

So has anyone taken this ride of the Valkyrie, and how was it?

On the up side, Buffalo is home January 2nd.




You need to get from Fort Lauderdale to Buffalo, so you're driving to Cincinnati and flying from Cincy to Buf? :lol::(:lol:

  Guest Homo said:
You need to get from Fort Lauderdale to Buffalo, so you're driving to Cincinnati and flying from Cincy to Buf? :lol:  :(  :lol:


Ummmm, Cinci is a Delta hub. If you've ever flown from a mid-size city to another you know that are are virtually no non-stop options....

Guest Guest_firewall_*

I don't like flying and do it often, to and from what is likely the most dangerous jet accessible airport in the United States, Juneau, Alaska. Don't even ask about the now - banned-by - FAA "Fox Departure" consisting of an immediate right hand turn at takeoff and severe powering down of the engines. Or the infamous Juneau missed approach the final moments before landing, which entails an abrupt power up and hard turn as the airport goes below minimums... They fly old 737-200 combies, half cargo, half passgengers and the milk run during a winter Southeast Alaska storm is a real treat, three times up, three times down in nasty, nasty weather. I did this last year and it's the reason I ain't going to BLO at Christmas this year. The air cowboys who fly them love them though, all analog equipment, and no computer controlled landings. Ketchikan and Wrangell are real treats too. I love the young Alaska kids though who have flown these routes since babies, the plane is shaking enough to make the air masks come down and they are asleep or laughing and cheering. Makes me feel like such a puss.


All this being said, a dehaviland beaver, one engine, built in the late 1950s makes me feel safe. I fly those a lot too and I love them. Totally irrational. And here's something to keep in mind, even with the small jets, you are flying on a superbly engineered, well maintained machine, flown by trained professionals. Compare that the driving on the thurway...


Good luck, and donlt drink coffee before you fly, it helps me a lot.

  dib said:
OK here's the deal.  Airlines have cheesed out and are using these little commuter jobs (Delta: Cinci to Buffalo).  Since I have such a severe pucker factor about flying (cant drive a needle up my butt with a sledge hammer) the prospect of flying in one of these puddle jumpers does not make me happy.  I cant medicate myself (Dr. Jim Beam) because I will be with the family.  No other airline flies wide bodies into Buffalo anymore either.

So has anyone taken this ride of the Valkyrie, and how was it?

On the up side, Buffalo is home January 2nd.



Your problem is that you're flying Delta...I hate them. They used to be one of the better airlines and now they suck. We used to be Delta FFers now we consider them the Anti-Christ. The jets themselves are not bad - Canadair types.


Doesn't Continental fly from CIN to BUF? I'd also checkout AA.



  Guest Homo said:
You need to get from Fort Lauderdale to Buffalo, so you're driving to Cincinnati and flying from Cincy to Buf? :lol:  :(  :lol:


No, flying to Cinci because that is the shortest distance I would have to fly a connector, otherwise I'd have to fly one of the little guys from Atlanta

I flew across Florida in a six seat prop plane once.It was O.K. until we went through a thunder storm. Let's just say that ride left me feeling like I might need a change of undergarments.... B)


I flew from Martha's Vineyard to Logan in a 10-seat Cessna in heavy fog. It was basically white outside the windows for the entire 30 minute flight. Didn't see the ground from after about 100 feet above MV until we broke through clouds above the channel at the end of Logan's north-south runway. Given where we were flying from and the weather conditions, I'd be lying if I said the words "JFK Jr." didn't cross my mind. But I figured we had a better pilot.


I sat next to the pilot and monitored the gauges the entire time. :lol: Altimeter holding steady at 3,000, yup, we're flying level, yup, got enough gas, yup, pilot's awake, yup... strangely I felt better on that flight than I would have if I'd been in a larger plane and unable to see what was going on in the cockpit.


Like someone said in an earlier post, flying in one of those little jobs gives you a sense of perspective. I never worried about flying regional jets or even regular propjobs after that.


I just took a trip on Independence Air. Dirt cheap, and all 50-seat jets. Previously the best I could do to Buffalo was those propellor-driven puddle-jumpers - now THAT'S pucker. In fact, both landings were made during those hugely windy days and weren't nearly as bad as that prop job.


If you put a 737 at 1 on the pucker scale and a prop at 10, the 50-seat jets are about a 3 or so.

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