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T.O. just saw my sister in law at the post office and winked at her.


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My brother said she should have went home with him :w00t:


Is he trying to set up a favorable divorce position?



Good thing it wasn't Travis Henry she saw...one look from him and she'd be carryin' his baby!





Travis was there too, except is was just a picture on the wall, in the "Top 10 List"





Dammit, I knew he'd be trouble. Not even a week into camp, and he's already mailing it in!


Oh my God, that's so bad it's :lol:

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Oh my God, that's so bad it's :w00t:


I was thinking when I wrote it how funny it would be if someone twittered that from camp.


I mean, after RW was reported dead here, and everyone on the planet picked up the story...can you imagine how a twitter on "TO mailing it in right now" would be treated?

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