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Pennington Out


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They said on the news here this morning that Pennington is out at least 4 weeks. He has now proven he is not a durable quarterback as he has been injured every season since taking over the starting position.


This could work out in the Bills favor since the Jets will most likely nosedive.

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I think Pennington's one heck of a QB, albiet limited in his ability due to his weak arm. He has trouble throwing outside and down the field and is definitely a QB that needs a system tailored to his ability a bit more than most QBs do. But the one quality he has...the most important quality he has is that he can win and carry a team. Pennington's under center and the team can win regularly.


Of course, the Jets fans think he's Montana reincarnate, but thats another story.

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... or, is there a QB controversy brewing in Jersey?


I know many folks think Quincy Carter sux, but he burned Jerry Gray's blitz on Sunday. personally, I think he gives the Jets a different dimension. He is nothing but trouble when he gets outside the pocket. I certainly would not bury the Jets just yet.

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... or, is there a QB controversy brewing in Jersey?


I know many folks think Quincy Carter sux, but he burned Jerry Gray's blitz on Sunday.  personally, I think he gives the Jets a different dimension.  He is nothing but trouble when he gets outside the pocket.  I certainly would not bury the Jets just yet.




Burned the blitz? Partly, but McGee fell down too

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Burned the blitz? Partly, but McGee fell down too


Partly??? No partly about it.... he burned the blitz, period!! When you blitz, you can only ask your DBs to successfully defend for a few seconds. The blitz was set for Quincy to either get the ball off in 3 seconds, or take the sack. Well, the blitzer on the left side (not milloy) fugged up major... he allowed Carter outside of him.... that's bad on two counts....


1) you've hung your CBs out to dry... they're defending for a 3-4 second period. by screwing up your blitz, You've now extended that time frame to 4-7 seconds... almost double.


2) you've allowed Quincy Carter outside the pocket... that is a no - no... that's where he excels... advantage Carter.


McGee is not a "lock down" corner... in fact, the Bills do not have a "lock down" corner... so, when you blitz, you better get there and either hurry the throw or sack the QB cuz there's no one on the Bills roster that could have defended that pass... it was a TD the minute the blitzer allowed Carter outside the pocket.

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I was having the discussion with some friends yesterday about Chad's durability. He is not a big guy...physically more in the mold of Joe Montana. It seems like QB's need to be much bigger and stronger than in the past. The bigger they are, the more durable.


Look at Drew...he's a pretty big guy, and really hasn't been hurt much at all. Same with Peyton Manning, McNabb, etc. But you look at the smaller QB's, such as Chad, Fiedler, etc., it seems that they are more likely to suffer more with repeated bashings.


If I'm not mistaken, JP isn't exactly a towering giant, is he? :flirt:

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... or, is there a QB controversy brewing in Jersey?


I know many folks think Quincy Carter sux, but he burned Jerry Gray's blitz on Sunday.  personally, I think he gives the Jets a different dimension.  He is nothing but trouble when he gets outside the pocket.  I certainly would not bury the Jets just yet.



He was 2/3 passing in the 4th quarter and one of those came on blown coverage. Your joking right?

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... or, is there a QB controversy brewing in Jersey?


I know many folks think Quincy Carter sux, but he burned Jerry Gray's blitz on Sunday.  personally, I think he gives the Jets a different dimension.  He is nothing but trouble when he gets outside the pocket.  I certainly would not bury the Jets just yet.



One lucky play does not a career make!

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