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Graham Greene would not only care, he would publicly damn you by making this incident a struggle for finding grace.

i like that. there's nobility in that, though i think you're confusing me with someone who knows something. ... obviously, you would be mistaked (sic).



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i like that. there's nobility in that, though i think you're confusing me with someone who knows something. ... obviously, you would be mistaked (sic).




I just assume people that drink and write know everything for about 8 minutes before they forget what it was they knew.

a sheep is not a rebel. neither is rush. and neither is olbermann (if that might satisfy some balance). there are no voices left, but mere followers is the point i was attempting to make.


So people in the anti-tax movement are sheep? News flash: I don't listen to Rush. I'm working when he's on. I don't watch Hannity or FNC for that matter. I don't trust ANY media. I've been anti-tax for a lot longer than that. So tell me how I'm a sheep, please.

I just assume people that drink and write know everything for about 8 minutes before they forget what it was they knew.

and that's why we make an effort write it down, man. :lol:


as for what i know or don't know, i'll take a stab, because i'm guessing that Joe don't seem to understand what my definition of a rebel is, particularly in reference to my opus. i was referring to the rebels in the piece.

-- outlaw journalist rebel: Doctor Hunter S. Thompson, who's no longer with us.

-- poet rebel and, when in the mood, a noble ass and utter deviant (in the most sincerest sense): Bukowski, who is no longer with us.

-- religious rebel: Graham Greene, who attempted to capture the essence of faith versus practicality, and where humanity and compassion just might fit in the equation. (he's no longer with us).

-- and fall-down-drunk, defiant, pissants, who kicked success down the street like an old soup can every chance they could (thus living the true spirit of who gives a fluk rock and roll) type rebels: The Replacements. (and they've broken up, and Bobby Stinson has died.)

even forgot to add Mr. John Cash.


about all who's left is Mr. Steve Earle on that end.


but Joe, show me anyone in the blather, blather anti-tax movement (or any other modern movement or iconic figure who hasn't been manufactured by some talking farthead radio or TV program) who possesses a whiff of this spirit, then i'll give you that.

but until that happens (and I don't think you're the Woody Guthrie-type either) go on living that plastic dream, because i don't know that when you get to old st. pete's gate and tell him you spent your life's goal advocating against taxes whether or not he'll roll his eyes.

whether here or up there, i'm pretty sure there's gonna be a toll to pay.



Pure fukking genius, jw. I noticed a Dylan reference, a well deserved salute to Sam mendes, totally incoherent rambling, odes to HST, football, booze, bitching, whining, non sequitors, politics where it didn't belong, it was beautiful man. Brought a tear to my eye.






and that's why we make an effort write it down, man. :lol:


as for what i know or don't know, i'll take a stab, because i'm guessing that Joe don't seem to understand what my definition of a rebel is, particularly in reference to my opus. i was referring to the rebels in the piece.

-- outlaw journalist rebel: Doctor Hunter S. Thompson, who's no longer with us.

-- poet rebel and, when in the mood, a noble ass and utter deviant (in the most sincerest sense): Bukowski, who is no longer with us.

-- religious rebel: Graham Greene, who attempted to capture the essence of faith versus practicality, and where humanity and compassion just might fit in the equation. (he's no longer with us).

-- and fall-down-drunk, defiant, pissants, who kicked success down the street like an old soup can every chance they could (thus living the true spirit of who gives a fluk rock and roll) type rebels: The Replacements. (and they've broken up, and Bobby Stinson has died.)

even forgot to add Mr. John Cash.


about all who's left is Mr. Steve Earle on that end.


but Joe, show me anyone in the blather, blather anti-tax movement (or any other modern movement or iconic figure who hasn't been manufactured by some talking farthead radio or TV program) who possesses a whiff of this spirit, then i'll give you that.

but until that happens (and I don't think you're the Woody Guthrie-type either) go on living that plastic dream, because i don't know that when you get to old st. pete's gate and tell him you spent your life's goal advocating against taxes whether or not he'll roll his eyes.

whether here or up there, i'm pretty sure there's gonna be a toll to pay.



Steve Earle? I love Steve Earle.


Guitar Town


Fearless Heart

Galway Girl

valentines Day

Over Yonder

Nowhere Road

Number 29

The whole album of Transcendental Blues.

One of the greatest duets ever, with Lucinda Williams, You're Standing There"

Steve Earle? I love Steve Earle.


Guitar Town


Fearless Heart

Galway Girl

valentines Day

Over Yonder

Nowhere Road

Number 29

The whole album of Transcendental Blues.

One of the greatest duets ever, with Lucinda Williams, You're Standing There"

Galway Girl's my favorite. there's just something about that song that really stick with me, though the makers of the soppy flop 'p.s. i love you' made a real good run at trying to ruin the song by attempting to craft an entire movie around it. ... hacks.

that duet is fantastic, too.

get this, back in the day, as the kids used to say, saw Lucinda back up Steve at a venue that held about 1,000 people in Vancouver. ... one of my most memorable shows ever.



  • 4 weeks later...

tried posting this on the bills board in response to the baloney flying in one certain Ralph Wilson thread, but thought that it best fits here, considering this is my unofficial HST thread, and one in which is a little more difficult to find by some of the youngsters, who don't understand.

ok, here we go:


¶ there's a vile and vicious meanness out there this evening and it might have something to do with the full moon, and it's evident that the lunatic fringe is roaming in hordes, so i'll stay in, lock the doors and sip my whisky neat.

¶ the bills are losing and the economy is still in the tank, and the neighbors are handing out pamphlets warning of cunning thieves who aren't even working under the cover of darkness. they're breaking into garages and dragging out stoves, and breaking into empty homes and stripping them clean of baseboards and doornobs, anything they can get their hands on to scratch the endless itch of an ugly fix. it's gotten so bad that they're even robbing cars of new york state inspection stickers.

¶ this is not a good time to be in the city, and even the cops are scared, because the last report was this is the price you pay for living here. morality's hit a new low, which is something to say considering the previous eight years this country has been through, though i'm sure hannity will find some kind of new shameless concocted connection to the democrats, because he's a one trick pony with a wooden leg and an ass to match.

¶ and everyone's going to think i'm ripping off hunter once again, but this is the way i write when the fear is upon me and the loathing's palpable and sharp. so we're stuck in a time of compassionless pity in a never-ending debate between the haves who want more and the have nots who are left to scrounge through lint pockets filled with still empty promises of change.

¶ and i've been called stupid and a godless communist by people who hammer keyboards with the blunt end of pipes, and have the bare knuckles to prove it, spending their lives truly believing that ignorance is bliss, while missing the irony of it all.

¶ but what do i know being stupid and godless and shiftless, because who, after all, can be trusted writing without a capital letter despite a certain long-held belief in a Higher Being.

¶ so i bang along against this bang-a-gong baloney for the sake of hearing myself think, because the pounding's gotten loud and impatient, and my drink's getting low.

¶ and the nutbar fringe is out for blood, and the bills are losing, and it's everyone else's fault, especially mine for being so god*m disagreeable. so there comes a time to stop listening and start yelling back, and i'm not there yet, but who knows, that time may yet come, because these hardened times have the potential to bleed the grace right out of you. and i'm sure the vultures are out there eager to feed. but i'll spite them and make them wait, because no one deserves satisfaction that easily.

¶ jw

tried posting this on the bills board in response to the baloney flying in one certain Ralph Wilson thread, but thought that it best fits here, considering this is my unofficial HST thread, and one in which is a little more difficult to find by some of the youngsters, who don't understand.

ok, here we go:


¶ there's a vile and vicious meanness out there this evening and it might have something to do with the full moon, and it's evident that the lunatic fringe is roaming in hordes, so i'll stay in, lock the doors and sip my whisky neat.

¶ the bills are losing and the economy is still in the tank, and the neighbors are handing out pamphlets warning of cunning thieves who aren't even working under the cover of darkness. they're breaking into garages and dragging out stoves, and breaking into empty homes and stripping them clean of baseboards and doornobs, anything they can get their hands on to scratch the endless itch of an ugly fix. it's gotten so bad that they're even robbing cars of new york state inspection stickers.

¶ this is not a good time to be in the city, and even the cops are scared, because the last report was this is the price you pay for living here. morality's hit a new low, which is something to say considering the previous eight years this country has been through, though i'm sure hannity will find some kind of new shameless concocted connection to the democrats, because he's a one trick pony with a wooden leg and an ass to match.

¶ and everyone's going to think i'm ripping off hunter once again, but this is the way i write when the fear is upon me and the loathing's palpable and sharp. so we're stuck in a time of compassionless pity in a never-ending debate between the haves who want more and the have nots who are left to scrounge through lint pockets filled with still empty promises of change.

¶ and i've been called stupid and a godless communist by people who hammer keyboards with the blunt end of pipes, and have the bare knuckles to prove it, spending their lives truly believing that ignorance is bliss, while missing the irony of it all.

¶ but what do i know being stupid and godless and shiftless, because who, after all, can be trusted writing without a capital letter despite a certain long-held belief in a Higher Being.

¶ so i bang along against this bang-a-gong baloney for the sake of hearing myself think, because the pounding's gotten loud and impatient, and my drink's getting low.

¶ and the nutbar fringe is out for blood, and the bills are losing, and it's everyone else's fault, especially mine for being so god*m disagreeable. so there comes a time to stop listening and start yelling back, and i'm not there yet, but who knows, that time may yet come, because these hardened times have the potential to bleed the grace right out of you. and i'm sure the vultures are out there eager to feed. but i'll spite them and make them wait, because no one deserves satisfaction that easily.

¶ jw


We'll leave the stellar performance of the football team out of this, since you posted on the dark side. But you're sadly mistaken if you think that Buffalo's ills are due to what was happening and who was running the country in the last 8 years. Buffalo's seeds of decline were planted two generations ago, and the city is a vibrant living example of what will happen when you push entrepreneurialism and private sector out and the government becomes the primary employer and caregiver. The two are highly related.


To bring this back to football, in a sense, Buffalo is a perfect city for Ralph Wilson, as it's the only place on Earth that not only tolerates his commitment to mediocrity, but canonizes him for it.

so we're stuck in a time of compassionless pity in a never-ending debate between the haves who want more and the have nots who are left to scrounge through lint pockets filled with still empty promises of change.

where are the haves who earned what they have? ;)

We'll leave the stellar performance of the football team out of this, since you posted on the dark side. But you're sadly mistaken if you think that Buffalo's ills are due to what was happening and who was running the country in the last 8 years. Buffalo's seeds of decline were planted two generations ago, and the city is a vibrant living example of what will happen when you push entrepreneurialism and private sector out and the government becomes the primary employer and caregiver. The two are highly related.


To bring this back to football, in a sense, Buffalo is a perfect city for Ralph Wilson, as it's the only place on Earth that not only tolerates his commitment to mediocrity, but canonizes him for it.


was merely venting, and the words came to me.

and i'll stop from making any comparisons between Niagara Falls, Ontario, and Niagara Falls, N.Y. from questioning your point in regards to what happens when the private sector and the government work together ... ooops, too late. (respectfully, couldn't resist).


and to your other point: in dealing with so many franchise owners and wannabe owners (Hamister comes to mind), who have come and gone with big promises that never paid off, well, i think you might be selling Mr. Wilson a little short.



tried posting this on the bills board in response to the baloney flying in one certain Ralph Wilson thread, but thought that it best fits here, considering this is my unofficial HST thread, and one in which is a little more difficult to find by some of the youngsters, who don't understand.

ok, here we go:


¶ there's a vile and vicious meanness out there this evening and it might have something to do with the full moon, and it's evident that the lunatic fringe is roaming in hordes, so i'll stay in, lock the doors and sip my whisky neat.

¶ the bills are losing and the economy is still in the tank, and the neighbors are handing out pamphlets warning of cunning thieves who aren't even working under the cover of darkness. they're breaking into garages and dragging out stoves, and breaking into empty homes and stripping them clean of baseboards and doornobs, anything they can get their hands on to scratch the endless itch of an ugly fix. it's gotten so bad that they're even robbing cars of new york state inspection stickers.

¶ this is not a good time to be in the city, and even the cops are scared, because the last report was this is the price you pay for living here. morality's hit a new low, which is something to say considering the previous eight years this country has been through, though i'm sure hannity will find some kind of new shameless concocted connection to the democrats, because he's a one trick pony with a wooden leg and an ass to match.

¶ and everyone's going to think i'm ripping off hunter once again, but this is the way i write when the fear is upon me and the loathing's palpable and sharp. so we're stuck in a time of compassionless pity in a never-ending debate between the haves who want more and the have nots who are left to scrounge through lint pockets filled with still empty promises of change.

¶ and i've been called stupid and a godless communist by people who hammer keyboards with the blunt end of pipes, and have the bare knuckles to prove it, spending their lives truly believing that ignorance is bliss, while missing the irony of it all.

¶ but what do i know being stupid and godless and shiftless, because who, after all, can be trusted writing without a capital letter despite a certain long-held belief in a Higher Being.

¶ so i bang along against this bang-a-gong baloney for the sake of hearing myself think, because the pounding's gotten loud and impatient, and my drink's getting low.

¶ and the nutbar fringe is out for blood, and the bills are losing, and it's everyone else's fault, especially mine for being so god*m disagreeable. so there comes a time to stop listening and start yelling back, and i'm not there yet, but who knows, that time may yet come, because these hardened times have the potential to bleed the grace right out of you. and i'm sure the vultures are out there eager to feed. but i'll spite them and make them wait, because no one deserves satisfaction that easily.

¶ jw

Leeeee Haaaarrvey, YOU are a madman. I want to party with you, cowboy. If the two of us together, forget it.


was merely venting, and the words came to me.

and i'll stop from making any comparisons between Niagara Falls, Ontario, and Niagara Falls, N.Y. from questioning your point in regards to what happens when the private sector and the government work together ... ooops, too late. (respectfully, couldn't resist).


I don't know exactly what point you're trying to make, as the government has been directing the economic activity in Niagara USA for 50 years - and here we are. As for the government's role on the Canadian side, I didn't know that the government made Clifton Hill what it is. After all, people can spend an equal amount of time looking at the Falls on either side, but the Canadians did a much better job of catering to tourists after their 30 minute gawk was done. The best thing Ontario did was stay out of the way of private development up the hill, than the countless top-down schemes that NYS governments tried over the years.


and to your other point: in dealing with so many franchise owners and wannabe owners (Hamister comes to mind), who have come and gone with big promises that never paid off, well, i think you might be selling Mr. Wilson a little short.




There's no questioning RW's commitment to owning the team. He just happened to luck out to be in a place where people are just grateful for keeping the team in the same spot.


Franchise owners are a different breed in any event, where status & ego trump any semblance of economic returns. Why else would Balsillie continue with his Hamilton crusade?

I don't know exactly what point you're trying to make, as the government has been directing the economic activity in Niagara USA for 50 years - and here we are. As for the government's role on the Canadian side, I didn't know that the government made Clifton Hill what it is. After all, people can spend an equal amount of time looking at the Falls on either side, but the Canadians did a much better job of catering to tourists after their 30 minute gawk was done. The best thing Ontario did was stay out of the way of private development up the hill, than the countless top-down schemes that NYS governments tried over the years.

actually, the government, by establishing the Niagara Parks Board, has played a vast role in shaping the city and its waterfront. an argument can be made is that without government intervention, the Falls in Ontario had the possibility of turning into some form of Atlantic City but with a better view.

guess the point i'm trying to make is that not all government involvement is good or bad. and yet here, i find the debate to have no center, but merely endless polarity.



actually, the government, by establishing the Niagara Parks Board, has played a vast role in shaping the city and its waterfront. an argument can be made is that without government intervention, the Falls in Ontario had the possibility of turning into some form of Atlantic City but with a better view.




You mean a place with casinos and countless strip joints?

where are the haves who earned what they have? :P

i have no time for literalists, though i think i answered your question in regards to my reference to irony, which has nothing to do with alanis morissette's definition, because searching for forks and finding only spoons (or whatever the hell her line was) was ironic only in the sense she didn't understand what irony meant.




being somewhat drunk on canadian whisky, and stuck in some suburban rochester hellhole, i've elected to take one step into the dark side for kicks after watching former U.S. ambassador John Bolton on the Daily Show this evening.

he ended his segment by suggesting that the only nation in the world that should have nukelar (sic: he was a bush administration appointee as we know) weapons is the United States.


how outrageous. the USA, USA, USA! first crowd, i'm sure would eat this up. however, to provide yet another argument as to why the arrogance of this nation knows no bounds and pisses off most every other nation on this earth, except perhaps Poland, for some strange reason, here it is: john wayne coming riding over the hill to save the day.


that time is long over, and Bolton had his role in the foolishnes with his belligerence and bravado on the international stage. and here he is once again, riding six-gun in a time when humility should prevail.


if there was any more proof that the past administration was a big wet fart on history, here we go. and i'm tired of having to deal with and clean up this mess, which i fear might be irreversible. we're doomed and the yahoo clown cowboys want to keep riding into the napalm sunset. and the only person left clapping is the blind drunk hannity and his fool cohort o'reilly, i guess, who have the balls of snakes and the forked tongues to prove it.

and i'm on a HST rant, whose rapids can't be stopped.


well, i've said enough. another round, sir.




dont worry..obamas health care plan and cap and trade will fix it.keep your drunk eye on whats going on now...its sad that you have to drag up the past to justify your views.

dont worry..obamas health care plan and cap and trade will fix it.keep your drunk eye on whats going on now...its sad that you have to drag up the past to justify your views.

Don't worry. He had a pity party and left. Good riddance. [Or maybe I only think that because I'm Polish?]

  • 2 weeks later...
dont worry..obamas health care plan and cap and trade will fix it.keep your drunk eye on whats going on now...its sad that you have to drag up the past to justify your views.


well, i had planned to drag up the future, but the past is all that i have to base my views upon.


Don't worry. He had a pity party and left. Good riddance. [Or maybe I only think that because I'm Polish?]


pity, i'm back. :rolleyes:



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