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trouble is, canada inadvertently gave up its nuclear (that's the way it's pronounced up north) secrets to India ... Ooops. however, my point is -- with all due respect Booster -- is that nuclear capability is going to get out. and it has for a long time. Russia, Israel (or so some claim), even Pakistan for that matter. the trouble is, now that the genie's out of the shoe, there ain't no way of putting it back again.

and after the myopic stunts pulled in 2002 by one certain administration, how can anyone on this globe begin to trust a country that has the capability of electing George W. Bush?




They should trust us even less for electing a know-nothing empty suit socialist organizer from the second most corrupt political environment in the nation (the first being New Jersey).

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well, if the constitution is a treaty, it's been severely abused in regards to race relations, when it comes to equality.

and the non-nuclear proliferation treaty was certainly a nod-and-wink agreement, considering how quickly israel became a nuclear power (reputedly, of course).

and yet, you Booster, still have difficulty arguing the so-called Bush doctrine, which circumvents most international policies established in the the late 20th century prior to, of course, the viet nam conflict which, to some degree, was a different animal altogether.




Oh dear God. Now, I enjoy good whiskey as much as the next guy, but even at my most intoxicado I couldn't see posting something THIS incoherent.


I have to say I'm shocked...SHOCKED...to see a journalist stuck in a crappy hotel in a crappy part of town killing a bottle of Canadian whiskey alone while bitching about something Republican.


It's something you just don't see everyday. :pirate:

Oh dear God. Now, I enjoy good whiskey as much as the next guy, but even at my most intoxicado I couldn't see posting something THIS incoherent.

well, joe, explain to me the past 8 years without providing the kneejerk response that "they haven't struck us again," (but have struck on just about every other continent on the planet. ...



being somewhat drunk on canadian whisky, and stuck in some suburban rochester hellhole, i've elected to take one step into the dark side for kicks after watching former U.S. ambassador John Bolton on the Daily Show this evening.

he ended his segment by suggesting that the only nation in the world that should have nukelar (sic: he was a bush administration appointee as we know) weapons is the United States.


how outrageous. the USA, USA, USA! first crowd, i'm sure would eat this up. however, to provide yet another argument as to why the arrogance of this nation knows no bounds and pisses off most every other nation on this earth, except perhaps Poland, for some strange reason, here it is: john wayne coming riding over the hill to save the day.


that time is long over, and Bolton had his role in the foolishnes with his belligerence and bravado on the international stage. and here he is once again, riding six-gun in a time when humility should prevail.


if there was any more proof that the past administration was a big wet fart on history, here we go. and i'm tired of having to deal with and clean up this mess, which i fear might be irreversible. we're doomed and the yahoo clown cowboys want to keep riding into the napalm sunset. and the only person left clapping is the blind drunk hannity and his fool cohort o'reilly, i guess, who have the balls of snakes and the forked tongues to prove it.

and i'm on a HST rant, whose rapids can't be stopped.


well, i've said enough. another round, sir.







Jon did manage to bring a smile to Bolton's face once. I kept thinking, "What a humorless SOB this prick is."


Bolton's final statement about nuclear weapons was exceptionally arrogant and xenophobic.

well, joe, explain to me the past 8 years without providing the kneejerk response that "they haven't struck us again," (but have struck on just about every other continent on the planet. ...




What is it that I am explaining? Is it not the President's job as Commander-in-Chief to ensure America's military security? What do I care if Jakarta or Bombay or some other country's cities are being attacked? I'm an American, not a citizen of the world.


That's the problem with bleeding-hearts. They're always willing to subject America and American citizens to the vagaries of worldwide political opinion in the name of "humility." I don't think it's humility. I think it's treason.

6,773 posts and that's the first time you've ever made me laugh.

Wow, you suck.

and you're miserable.


Life goes on....

So what exactly is your counter argument? Treaties are made to be broken?

I like the Welcome Back Cotter Debate better, but... Let's get this straight... a treaty is only as good as the motivations and desires of each signatory to abide by its terms or not. So treaties may not be made to be broken, but yes, they are likely to be broken sooner or later depending on changing geopolitical considerations. The UN is a classic example, it can't enforce World Peace but it does at times serve as a buffer to out and out World War and provides an avenue for things to be worked out before war results, though not always successful.

You and yours think saying "I like America" is xenophobic.


You whats REALLY arrogant?


Thinking youre going to get elected and one wave of your hand and some cheap reset buttons youre going to solve decades long conflicts under the self-imposed (and wrong) line of thinking of "Well, they like me!"


THATS arrogant.

Except no one anywhere thinks that, or ever did, because it really would be stupid.

You and yours think saying "I like America" is xenophobic.


You whats REALLY arrogant?


Thinking youre going to get elected and one wave of your hand and some cheap reset buttons youre going to solve decades long conflicts under the self-imposed (and wrong) line of thinking of "Well, they like me!"


THATS arrogant.



Where did this come from? Did Bolton simply say "I like America", with regard to nukes? Where does your silly mention of "reset buttons" come into the discussion?


I can tell you this: I like America.


Feel better?

being somewhat drunk on canadian whisky, and stuck in some suburban rochester hellhole, i've elected to take one step into the dark side for kicks after watching former U.S. ambassador John Bolton on the Daily Show this evening.

he ended his segment by suggesting that the only nation in the world that should have nukelar (sic: he was a bush administration appointee as we know) weapons is the United States.


how outrageous. the USA, USA, USA! first crowd, i'm sure would eat this up. however, to provide yet another argument as to why the arrogance of this nation knows no bounds and pisses off most every other nation on this earth, except perhaps Poland, for some strange reason, here it is: john wayne coming riding over the hill to save the day.


that time is long over, and Bolton had his role in the foolishnes with his belligerence and bravado on the international stage. and here he is once again, riding six-gun in a time when humility should prevail.


if there was any more proof that the past administration was a big wet fart on history, here we go. and i'm tired of having to deal with and clean up this mess, which i fear might be irreversible. we're doomed and the yahoo clown cowboys want to keep riding into the napalm sunset. and the only person left clapping is the blind drunk hannity and his fool cohort o'reilly, i guess, who have the balls of snakes and the forked tongues to prove it.

and i'm on a HST rant, whose rapids can't be stopped.


well, i've said enough. another round, sir.





Bolton's statement was stupid.


Equally so is blaming every current problem on the Bush administration. Most of the foreign policy issues Obama has to deal with go back much further than that (1979, if not earlier). And Obama's foreign policies in no small part build on the policies of Bush's second term (particularly with respect to Iran and North Korea - a notable exception is Russia), which makes a blanket condemnation of Bush doubly disingenious.

and you're miserable.


Life goes on....

Wow, you're an incisive observer of human characteristics. :pirate:

Bolton's statement was stupid.


Equally so is blaming every current problem on the Bush administration. Most of the foreign policy issues Obama has to deal with go back much further than that (1979, if not earlier). And Obama's foreign policies in no small part build on the policies of Bush's second term (particularly with respect to Iran and North Korea - a notable exception is Russia), which makes a blanket condemnation of Bush doubly disingenious.

well put, DC Tom, i agree with most of the points you make, and will try to get back at this later this evening, but have a busy day ahead, and dealing with a touch of a hangover (hmm, wonder why?), which isn't that bad in this business.



What is it that I am explaining? Is it not the President's job as Commander-in-Chief to ensure America's military security? What do I care if Jakarta or Bombay or some other country's cities are being attacked? I'm an American, not a citizen of the world.

and that, sir, is part of the problem, this bull in a china shop mentality in which the U.S. can't sometimes see the world-view implications as a result of what it does or what its policies are elsewhere or here at home for that matter.



and that, sir, is part of the problem, this bull in a china shop mentality in which the U.S. can't sometimes see the world-view implications as a result of what it does or what its policies are elsewhere or here at home for that matter.




Are you an American or a citizen of the world? Policies put forth by the US government should be for the benefit of the American taxpayer, not for euros, people in third world countries, or anyone else. Would you agree with that statement?

Are you an American or a citizen of the world? Policies put forth by the US government should be for the benefit of the American taxpayer, not for euros, people in third world countries, or anyone else. Would you agree with that statement?

ah, that's a loaded question as i, in fact, am a canadian living in buffalo. that however doesn't preclude me from having an opinion. and, by your statement, you now preclude yourself by questioning the actions of other nations as they, then, are acting in their own interests. so you can't have it both ways.

i think you've boxed yourself in.



ah, that's a loaded question as i, in fact, am a canadian living in buffalo. that however doesn't preclude me from having an opinion. and, by your statement, you now preclude yourself by questioning the actions of other nations as they, then, are acting in their own interests. so you can't have it both ways.

i think you've boxed yourself in.




I have no problem with other nations acting in their own interests, so I'm not in a box. That being said, if their interests collide with ours, I feel we have a right and duty to lean into those states that don't work with us (i.e. Iran), and that action should be done without guilt or regard for what other states think.

You and yours think saying "I like America" is xenophobic.


You whats REALLY arrogant?


Thinking youre going to get elected and one wave of your hand and some cheap reset buttons youre going to solve decades long conflicts under the self-imposed (and wrong) line of thinking of "Well, they like me!"


THATS arrogant.

Gee, a conservative questioning somebody else's love for their country. Who'd have thunk it?

I've always thought John Bolton was an arrogant attention craving ass. Naturally it would follow that I hate America.

You do realize that whiny, sniveling, self-important douchesacs like you are the reason people are fed up with modern conservatives? Congrats on putting a bunch of Dems in complete control of our nation. Great work. :pirate:

I have no problem with other nations acting in their own interests, so I'm not in a box. That being said, if their interests collide with ours, I feel we have a right and duty to lean into those states that don't work with us (i.e. Iran), and that action should be done without guilt or regard for what other states think.

but that's the box you've put yourself in. by saying you feel America has "a right and duty to lean on states that don't work with" you also requires a certain world view mentality and responsibility that contradicts your point completely.

you have argued my case better than i could because you're trying to have both ways:

1) what America does for America shouldn't be questioned.

2) what America does to others shouldn't be questioned.


i'm not sure how that can be resolved, and a reason why some international policies have failed due to blind arrogance, and questioned for that same reason.



but that's the box you've put yourself in. by saying you feel America has "a right and duty to lean on states that don't work with" you also requires a certain world view mentality and responsibility that contradicts your point completely.

you have argued my case better than i could because you're trying to have both ways:

1) what America does for America shouldn't be questioned.

2) what America does to others shouldn't be questioned.


i'm not sure how that can be resolved, and a reason why some international policies have failed due to blind arrogance, and questioned for that same reason.




Let's use a concrete example, shall we? America needs oil for a functioning economy. Iran decides to close the Straits of Hormuz because it's in its "best interests." Should America be expected to not intervene because it's unpopular with Canadians, Euros or whoever else? And for that matter, should America have to ask permission to act in the interest of her national security? I don't think so.


That would be like your neighbor taking a leak on your lawn. You tell him to stop, but he comes back the next day. You tell him to stop again. Still he comes back and does it again. Would you walk up the street and ask neighbor "c" if it's OK to smack him around? No! You're going to knock him out.

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