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Should I go see Gov't Mule tonight??????

The Poojer

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I know I should, but....i held off deciding until the weather picture was clearer...looks like the rain will stay away til about the time the show should end.....and then its only at 50%....I would be going by myself...which really isn't a problem....just don't know if i want to get off my butt and drive the 20 minutes to the show....i am being very lazy today.....its only $15 so the price can't be beat....plus i would have to shower and get the kids fed and be there.....all in an hour and a half.......hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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I know I should, but....i held off deciding until the weather picture was clearer...looks like the rain will stay away til about the time the show should end.....and then its only at 50%....I would be going by myself...which really isn't a problem....just don't know if i want to get off my butt and drive the 20 minutes to the show....i am being very lazy today.....its only $15 so the price can't be beat....plus i would have to shower and get the kids fed and be there.....all in an hour and a half.......hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


uh, YES

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yeah i know...heck, i don't really need to hurry, i can stroll in, and if the weather gets threatening, i can still leave and at worst, i will only be out $15 and some time....at best I get to hear and see warren haynes which i have never done


uh, YES
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i am really only interested in going to see Haynes play live....


they might as well be billed as 'Warren Haynes and Friends' because Gov't Mule has never been the same since Woody died


IMHO of course, but i'm not alone

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i am really only interested in going to see Haynes play live....



No, you're not. I go every year, every chance I get. But this year was something special:


See, my friend from work had a free ticket for me, but was running late, so I stopped by the gas station to have a few drinks before the show. People in the area know the one I mean. So I'm sitting there, and I hear a guy say, "I think Warren Haynes just got out of that van". Since Warren is probably my favorite guitar player, I wandered in to see if it was true. And there he was! Of course, he was being swarmed by filthy hippies, wanting all kinds of stuff like pictures, autographs, ect., but I could see that the poor guy was just trying to go to the restroom before the show.


So he finally makes it to the bathroom, so I hang out and wait for the him to finish up with the crowds. Then he turns and sees me, I stick out my hand and say,


" I don't need an autograph or a picture, Just wanted to shake your hand and say hello, looking forward to a great show man". He shakes my hand and I turn and go. So I wander outside again to finish my beer. About five minutes later it is time to walk down to the show, and as I am walking by the door to the store, I damn near run into Warren, who having tired of the constant hassle, has decided to run for it. I give him the thumbs up and say, "Rock em hard tonight, Warren", to which he says, "Hope so, man". I laughed and said, "dude, it's ALWAYS a good show when you are in town". He climbed into the van and left.


So I got to shake the hand of my very favorite guitar player! One other thing, he is REALLY short. I am nearly 6' tall, and I was towering over him.


Now all I have to do is become Susanna Hoff's love slave I can die contented!

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honestly it is the greatest thing.....it is an exxon station and it has a pretty extensive deli and prepared food selection and a very humbling walk in beer cooler. they also have an outside patio and bands play there for after work crowds, its maybe a half mile to the concert area in question, so it is a great pre-concert meeting place. anyhow, you go and get a bucket and head into the beer cooler and you can get 6 beers for less than $15, take them outside and enjoy. it is a richmond thing...but its one of the richmond things that I love......BUCKETS ROCK!!!!!


I can't count the number of times I've said those very same words.
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that is a really cool story. i was very glad I went, it was a great show and the weather was fabulous....it amazes me that we get talent like that at innsbrook for $15 and it isn't even close to a sell out, and a sell out is only 5,000, i think.....I love innsbrook.....probably gonna check out the Wailers next...maybe even the B-52's


No, you're not. I go every year, every chance I get. But this year was something special:


See, my friend from work had a free ticket for me, but was running late, so I stopped by the gas station to have a few drinks before the show. People in the area know the one I mean. So I'm sitting there, and I hear a guy say, "I think Warren Haynes just got out of that van". Since Warren is probably my favorite guitar player, I wandered in to see if it was true. And there he was! Of course, he was being swarmed by filthy hippies, wanting all kinds of stuff like pictures, autographs, ect., but I could see that the poor guy was just trying to go to the restroom before the show.


So he finally makes it to the bathroom, so I hang out and wait for the him to finish up with the crowds. Then he turns and sees me, I stick out my hand and say,


" I don't need an autograph or a picture, Just wanted to shake your hand and say hello, looking forward to a great show man". He shakes my hand and I turn and go. So I wander outside again to finish my beer. About five minutes later it is time to walk down to the show, and as I am walking by the door to the store, I damn near run into Warren, who having tired of the constant hassle, has decided to run for it. I give him the thumbs up and say, "Rock em hard tonight, Warren", to which he says, "Hope so, man". I laughed and said, "dude, it's ALWAYS a good show when you are in town". He climbed into the van and left.


So I got to shake the hand of my very favorite guitar player! One other thing, he is REALLY short. I am nearly 6' tall, and I was towering over him.


Now all I have to do is become Susanna Hoff's love slave I can die contented!

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