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Interesting NFL.com feature story on Coy Wire


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He's prototypical of a lot of players who, for whatever reason, have been cast as too small or too limited or too fragile at some point of their NFL careers. He trains harder than most, treasures things most of us don't think about -- like walking -- and he'll sacrifice anything, including the potential of paralysis, to simply run downfield on a kickoff, absorb a forearm to the ribs and launch himself into a 200-pound return man who's hoping for glory at Wire's expense.


"Part of my purpose here in life is through football and the challenges it presents," Wire said. "Being able to help others and show others what they are capable of because, it's through this game, that I learned so much about the human mind, about faith, about belief. We are more capable than we know. We are capable of so much more than we think is humanly possible.


"I think of the opportunities I had this past season, to be able to start in a playoff game as a little, part-Asian kid from a small town in Pennsylvania in the NFL playing linebacker against the best athletes in the world at 209 pounds ... it's part of my purpose. It's part of my destiny to tell the story."


Glad to see Coy getting a chance to shine as a starter.

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i like coy wire as a Special Teams Captain. i will always stand by my statement that "you will lose any/every game that Coy Wire is your starting Strong Safety".


regardless, all that needs to be known about him is that he has a TRAMP STAMP (lower back tribal tattoo). that must make him pretty popular in the locker room...

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