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What ObamaCare might mean for you

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Why do you want to kill his close family member? How could you do that? That's what wrong with health care, because people like you want to decide who lives and dies. I don't want you killing my relatives.


Why not? They're going to !@#$ing die eventually anyway.

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You knuckle draggers on this still. Mike Enzi ® from OK wrote the provision. It is a counseling deal, not a death panel so cut the crap on that thing. I think it is a waste of money and should be provided for anyway as part of any DNR discussions... Not sure the government should mandate paying extra for it.


But death panel... cut out the hyperbole.... it is a bunch of moronic misinformed crap.

X was kidding. He knows the score.

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Sorry, but that is what opponents to health care are saying. Whoever has to make decisions about gramma is killing gramma. They don't seem to care that there is nothing in any plan that puts the government in that position, only the doctor, the patient, the family and the insurance company (and peripherally the employer who decides on the insurance plan). In fact, the government is pretty much the only ones not in the decision besides the nosy neighbors.

The private sector and government are interchangable....one is seen as the good guy by one side and the bad guy by the other.


I think the family alone should decide when to pull the plug- or if it should be inserted in the first place. I agree with Obama that doctors and hospitals should not be paid by procedure- and I have seen a perfect example of this when I lived up there in the blizzard village of Buffalo with that ridiculously horrible hospital off the I-190


It's not.

I can have lunch and dinner at McDonalds for a total of about $5. Try eating two healthy meals for that....

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This isn't hard. Pushing down the pay for specialists will result in fewer specialists...you know, like surgeons. But we'll have more docs who can diagnose a bunyon. THIS IS NOT A GOOD RESULT.

I remember hearing this on NPR last year and I remember listening to another one this year, but I'm not able to locate it. Very interesting though, in regards to how Universal Health Care would cause a dramatic increase in doctors leaving the Primary Care field.




here's a few snippets:


Health care reform in Massachusetts has led to a dramatic increase in the number of people with health insurance. But there's an unintended consequence: A sudden demand for primary care doctors has outpaced the supply.


One problem, she says, is money. Insurance companies, Medicaid and Medicare pay less for primary care than for specialist visits. And no one pays for the time it takes to fill out paperwork, take surveys for the insurance company or write sick notes to employers.


"A urologist, in one procedure, makes more than I make in two days of seeing patients," Atkinson says.


Massachusetts Dr. Dan Levy, who left primary care for medical administration, says that's only getting worse with universal health care, since newly insured patients tend to come with a pile of saved-up complaints.


"You have someone on your hands with five separate medical problems, 15 minutes to see them. If you spend the extra half hour, you don't get paid for it, so the pressure is to refer them to a subspecialist," Levy explains. "It takes a lot of the pleasure and fun out of doing medicine."

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What if the family member pre-chose death over suffering?

After what I went through the past few months, I consider that preferable.....but people shouldn't be held to what I think, they should make their own decisions.

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The private sector and government are interchangable....one is seen as the good guy by one side and the bad guy by the other.


I think the family alone should decide when to pull the plug- or if it should be inserted in the first place. I agree with Obama that doctors and hospitals should not be paid by procedure- and I have seen a perfect example of this when I lived up there in the blizzard village of Buffalo with that ridiculously horrible hospital off the I-190



I can have lunch and dinner at McDonalds for a total of about $5. Try eating two healthy meals for that....


Just went to Safeway.com and bought this:


3lbs of chicken breasts

2 heads of lettuce

1 bottle salad dressing (which would last probably 2 weeks actually)


This would provide me with nearly a weeks worth of lunches or dinners (probably 6 meals actually) Total cost? $16.84 which comes out to $2.81 per meal. It's a bit more but I want to know what you're getting at McDonalds for $2.50?

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If you really want to get into talking food, why are we the only country where it is cheaper to eat junk that healthy food?


If America is the land of anything, it is fast food and lard butts


I agree. But I don't see any free BK meals coming anytime soon, either.


Again, feed the country before starting to give everyone "free" health care. And BTW, a caesar side salad at Wendy's costs $1.

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Just went to Safeway.com and bought this:


3lbs of chicken breasts

2 heads of lettuce

1 bottle salad dressing (which would last probably 2 weeks actually)


This would provide me with nearly a weeks worth of lunches or dinners (probably 6 meals actually) Total cost? $16.84 which comes out to $2.81 per meal. It's a bit more but I want to know what you're getting at McDonalds for $2.50?

2 burgers and a large fry......happy to say I haven't been there in 2 months and haven't felt this good in a long time!!! I work in a profession that pretty much subsidizes the fast food industry!

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2 burgers and a large fry......happy to say I haven't been there in 2 months and haven't felt this good in a long time!!! I work in a profession that pretty much subsidizes the fast food industry!


Ok, I gotta ask. What industry "forces" you to eat fast food and not a healthy meal?

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1] Most of the proposals are based on production. The more you kill the more you make. And you can make time and a half if you kill on the weekends.



Works for the abortionists.

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Ok, I gotta ask. What industry "forces" you to eat fast food and not a healthy meal?

Sports information.......unreal hours and by the time I got out, it was just so easy to stop at the drive thru and go to bed. After my experience from this summer, I am trying to force myself to do otherwise......given the current results, I hope I can keep it up

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