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Election is over?


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Perusing, things seem relatively mellow now.


Let's keep things amongst ourselves and talk about things, like we used to.


I miss that.




There's alot going on in NJ right now with a girl named Sue, or was that a boy named Sue.



Where's Johnny Cash when you need him..........

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There's alot going on in NJ right now with a girl named Sue, or was that a boy named Sue.

Where's Johnny Cash when you need him..........



OK both you stevestojan heads. I tried to take the high road here, but you're right.


Happy dance.


The hot pockets have already forgotten. And it's been a week.


Talk about convictions.


"Sound Bite"


Who has substance.


Not Kerry.

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OK both you stevestojan heads. I tried to take the high road here, but you're right.


Happy dance.


The hot pockets have already forgotten. And it's been a week.


Talk about convictions.


"Sound Bite"


Who has substance.


Not Kerry.


Who's kerry?


Noone remembers who finished second.

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Well, according to Dubya, we've been shut out. He's going to do things his way and that's that, so I guess all we have left is to serve our 4 year sentence (with very little chance of parole) and hope for a better result next time. The rest of you asked for it, now we'll all suffer the fruits of your labor - maybe that will bring the country together.

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Well, according to Dubya, we've been shut out.  He's going to do things his way and that's that, so I guess all we have left is to serve our 4 year sentence (with very little chance of parole) and hope for a better result next time.  The rest of you asked for it, now we'll all suffer the fruits of your labor - maybe that will bring the country together.



Good to see you, Tenny!

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My guess would be RCow. He always was a chicken-stevestojan.


Nah, Mr. Bovine is still gumming his own bile after posting with such certainty after getting the early exit poll results. He hasn't been back since. Apparently the medicine to cure his arrogance has a pretty bitter taste and takes some time to build tolerance.

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I thought so, but not until after I replied to your post.  I was wondering if someone would pick it up - Brilliant!




I won tickets to a ZZ Top Concert from a radio station one time when I was a much younger man :doh:



The questions for the tickets were: Who is ELO, BOC and ELP. Piece of cake :flirt:

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