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More fun with the Birthers!

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Annie nails it as usual.






exactly what nail was she aiming for? I think she went for about 20

in a negative construction of argumentum ad populum fallacy.


But keep buying this woman's books.

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I dont buy em....I get em from the library.


They basically go like this.....liberals are self-righteous hypocritial idiots who are totally full of sh--. Add some comic gold aimed at libs. Rinse, repeat.


Yeah...Im a right wing hack who likes to read what other right wing hacks have to say on occasion.


Now go ahead and tell me that you (or liberals) are "different" and "open minded" and DONT nod along with your own ideological masters. Just like right now, the left is up in arms about the so called "organized" protests yet claim they never do that becuase what they do is "grassroots." Just like as this column states, the left is suddenly on fire(!!) about a conspiracy theory...becuase...ya know...they never....evvverrrrrr....embraced one of their own for political gain.


Thats the !@#$ing problem with libs these days...pretyt much EVERYTHING they are enraged about are things they embraced and enjoyed and used on a daily right up until about 11:59AM on January 20th.


Liberals...indignant about crackpot conspiracy theories and loud protests. Its like Burt Reynolds being indignant about moustaches.


So go ahead and tell me yer diff'rent.....I need a good laugh.




I personally love how the right has embraced the loud protests. Times have changed for them since they didn't agree with that in the past. Conspiracy theories.. nope, I don't have any of those.

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I dont buy em....I get em from the library.


They basically go like this.....liberals are self-righteous hypocritial idiots who are totally full of sh--. Add some comic gold aimed at libs. Rinse, repeat.


Yeah...Im a right wing hack who likes to read what other right wing hacks have to say on occasion.


Now go ahead and tell me that you (or liberals) are "different" and "open minded" and DONT nod along with your own ideological masters. Just like right now, the left is up in arms about the so called "organized" protests yet claim they never do that becuase what they do is "grassroots." Just like as this column states, the left is suddenly on fire(!!) about a conspiracy theory...becuase...ya know...they never....evvverrrrrr....embraced one of their own for political gain.


Thats the !@#$ing problem with libs these days...pretyt much EVERYTHING they are enraged about are things they embraced and enjoyed and used on a daily right up until about 11:59AM on January 20th.


Liberals...indignant about crackpot conspiracy theories and loud protests. Its like Burt Reynolds being indignant about moustaches.


So go ahead and tell me yer diff'rent.....I need a good laugh.


I don't think Anne Coulter is a very useful person. Hell, I'll gladly read anything you post by George Will, David Brooks, Peggy Noonan, and maybe

even Christopher Hitchens, or David York.


Actually I only wrote that because I think you are better (meaning generally more thoughtful) than linking to polemics...


but okay....Anne Coulter....so I read it...that's what I thought. That's why you posted it, right?

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Inhofe said that? Inhofe's a !@#$ing moron, then. I still wouldn't hold that against the entire party, though.


In 1941, when Roosevelt went to Congress for a declaration of war against Japan, the vote (combined House and Senat) was 470-1. The one "nay" vote (I forget who, probably a Republican, given FDR was a Democrat) declared that it was a British trick perpetrated by Winston Churchill to get us in the war, and there was no proof it really happened.


The point of that little vignette being: there are idiots everywhere. "Stupid" is not a partisan issue.


DC I expected you to know that Jeannette Pickering Rankin was only member of congress to vote against. Yes she was a Republican however was also a founder of ACLU and other peace movements. Her dissent was because she was a Pacifist. At least she votes no for a reason VS these numnuts today, they only vote in a way that helps them get elected next time around.


As my wife said recently we have become a culture that just cares about winning vs a culture that tries to address issues popular or not.

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I dont buy em....I get em from the library.


They basically go like this.....liberals are self-righteous hypocritial idiots who are totally full of sh--. Add some comic gold aimed at libs. Rinse, repeat.


Yeah...Im a right wing hack who likes to read what other right wing hacks have to say on occasion.


Now go ahead and tell me that you (or liberals) are "different" and "open minded" and DONT nod along with your own ideological masters. Just like right now, the left is up in arms about the so called "organized" protests yet claim they never do that becuase what they do is "grassroots." Just like as this column states, the left is suddenly on fire(!!) about a conspiracy theory...becuase...ya know...they never....evvverrrrrr....embraced one of their own for political gain.


Thats the !@#$ing problem with libs these days...pretyt much EVERYTHING they are enraged about are things they embraced and enjoyed and used on a daily right up until about 11:59AM on January 20th.


Liberals...indignant about crackpot conspiracy theories and loud protests. Its like Burt Reynolds being indignant about moustaches.


So go ahead and tell me yer diff'rent.....I need a good laugh.



This is the !@#$in problem with our politics right now. Rather than having any discourse and point v. counterpoint, we have a debate setup that is the other guy is a complete !@#$ and i am always right.


Yeah, the liberal end got a big middle finger from the Bush admin the last 8 years. Consequently, many liberals acted in a fashion that is unbecoming of a civilized being. Now, the conservatives are being invited to discuss their views and they are picking fights. The only way our country will move forward is together, not with this "liberals are hypocrites" and "conservatives are gun-toting zealots" crap.

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This is the !@#$in problem with our politics right now. Rather than having any discourse and point v. counterpoint, we have a debate setup that is the other guy is a complete !@#$ and i am always right.


Yeah, the liberal end got a big middle finger from the Bush admin the last 8 years. Consequently, many liberals acted in a fashion that is unbecoming of a civilized being. Now, the conservatives are being invited to discuss their views and they are picking fights. The only way our country will move forward is together, not with this "liberals are hypocrites" and "conservatives are gun-toting zealots" crap.




Great post. <_<:o

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As I stated before all they care about is looking like they won. Debating real topics with proper point and counterpoint has been dead in American Politics for a long time.



And it's sad. People are so worried about being heard (especially with health care) that their shouting ruins any sort of civil discourse.

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And it's sad. People are so worried about being heard (especially with health care) that their shouting ruins any sort of civil discourse.



It's laughable that folks like youa re complaining about this NOW, when for the prior eight years, you were all howling like banshees about not being heard.



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It's laughable that folks like youa re complaining about this NOW, when for the prior eight years, you were all howling like banshees about not being heard.






You have to admit, Bush did turn a deaf ear to Labor.


Either way, then and now I think they are whack jobs. People need to listen to all sides. It's the only way things will get done.

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And it's sad. People are so worried about being heard (especially with health care) that their shouting ruins any sort of civil discourse.

But see I do not see these folks hollering to be heard they are hollering to disrupt any conversation. They don't want to hear someone explain the bill to them they want to get on TV by making an ass out of themselves. If I was at a town hall I would have the actual bill highlighted so I could be direct with my question what does ______ mean?

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Well then Pot, Kettle, Black squared back at you my friend.

Yeah, I use it a lot. Mostly because super douche bags like you won't face your hypocrisy. Maybe I should learn the phrase in a few languages to freshen it up. Doesn't change the original point in the least, though I'm glad to know I spend so much time in your head.

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