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Two-a-days are now over for the Bills?!


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So we should ride our players into the ground? That makes perfect sense. Jeff Fisher is a real hard ass as well, with his very lax training camp schedule.


The HOF game will take a lot out of a team, and every coach recognizes that.



There are many things to criticize Jauron about (game day planning, clock management, etc..), but you guys are really reaching here.



I really don't think so. Veteran teams with established rosters and systems can coast all they want. This year the Bills will have a totally revamped offensive line with starters playing unfamiliar positions, a new look O with T.O., apparently more no-huddle, their starting running back suspended for the first 3 games, questionable depth at linebacker, and position jockeying in the defensive backfield. The biggest concern is obviously the O-line and offense in general. The last thing this team needs is camp cupcake. They've got a lot of work to do and apparently Dick believes that this can be accomplished with team meetings and kid gloves. I can't wait until this moron is shown the door.

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That's easy. Does 7-9 mean anything to you?


Do you have any proof at all that the number of two a day practices held by an NFL team directly affects the number of regular season games that team wins?


Or are you contending that because the Bills have had three consecutive seven win seasons your constant bitching and whining about anything and everything the coaching staff does (whether or not the subject being bitched about has any correlation at all to the team's win/loss record) is justified because as a "realistic fan" that is what you do?

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Do you have any proof at all that the number of two a day practices held by an NFL team directly affects the number of regular season games that team wins?


Or are you contending that because the Bills have had three consecutive seven win seasons your constant bitching and whining about anything and everything the coaching staff does (whether or not the subject being bitched about has any correlation at all to the team's win/loss record) is justified because as a "realistic fan" that is what you do?



You guys are unbelievable. Two days into training camp and the unfounded, over-optimistic, blind support for obvious failed policy is in full effect. This franchise makes mistake after mistake which can be seen as they happen, yet some of you people just revel in defending it until the very end. WTF?!?!

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The NFL average for two-a-days (in 2007) was 8. That number has been steadily decreasing as coaches find out that all they do is wear players down.


Ross Tucker wrote a good article on it:



If you look at the list of two-a-days, you can see that more do not increase your record.




49ers with 13: 5-11

Tampa Bay 12: 9-7

Seattle 12: 10-6

Saints 12: 7-9

Detroit 10: 7-9

Texans 11: 8-8

Giants 11: 10-6

Dolphins 10: 1-15


Winning % = 44%

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When i was playing college football we had 5 days of 2 a days and this was division III football for Gods sake.

Im old school and I think not having more 2 a days makes a team semi soft at the beginning of the season because they are not use to full contact until October.


Great led post and I fully agree :beer:


You cant be tough if you dont practice tough as my old coach used to say.


Philly under Andy Reid still has tackling to the ground during training camp and all they do is go to the playoffs year in and year out.


you think after 3 soft camps and 7-9 each season they would make a change. NOT

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You guys are unbelievable. Two days into training camp and the unfounded, over-optimistic, blind support for obvious failed policy is in full effect. This franchise makes mistake after mistake which can be seen as they happen, yet some of you people just revel in defending it until the very end. WTF?!?!


you are just confused.


The Bills don't need the extra time because our coaching staff is so good that it takes half the time to teach the super smart Bills players.


and the players are so smart they do not need more than 1 or 2 repetitions to learn the overly simplistic stuff the coaches are making up .



so overall, it's not a problem, especially since we don't play any of those pesky 3-4 defenses this year :beer:

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When i was playing college football we had 5 days of 2 a days and this was division III football for Gods sake.

Im old school and I think not having more 2 a days makes a team semi soft at the beginning of the season because they are not use to full contact until October.


Great led post and I fully agree :beer:


You cant be tough if you dont practice tough as my old coach used to say.


Philly under Andy Reid still has tackling to the ground during training camp and all they do is go to the playoffs year in and year out.


you think after 3 soft camps and 7-9 each season they would make a change. NOT


continuity is important


as you know, it's tough to win in the NFL

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Do you have any proof at all that the number of two a day practices held by an NFL team directly affects the number of regular season games that team wins?

Or are you contending that because the Bills have had three consecutive seven win seasons your constant bitching and whining about anything and everything the coaching staff does (whether or not the subject being bitched about has any correlation at all to the team's win/loss record) is justified because as a "realistic fan" that is what you do?


I will try to type slowly so that you can understand. IMO, it's not a question of whether the number of two-a-days equals success during the season. I believe that each team has its individual needs. Established teams with veteran rosters do not need as much practice as a team which is filling new starting positions. It's just that simple and I can't waste any time on anyone that can't grasp that concept.


The way some of you people talk, Dick should just take the team to Cancun until September and everything will just be rosy. :beer:

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you are just confused.


The Bills don't need the extra time because our coaching staff is so good that it takes half the time to teach the super smart Bills players.


and the players are so smart they do not need more than 1 or 2 repetitions to learn the overly simplistic stuff the coaches are making up .



so overall, it's not a problem, especially since we don't play any of those pesky 3-4 defenses this year :beer:


:beer: At Least everyone on this board isn't out of his mind.

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:beer: At Least everyone on this board isn't out of his mind.

So you really believe that the if we had more archaic two-a-days, it would have made up for the inept game plans, lack of talent, and terrible quarterbacking?

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So you really believe that the if we had more archaic two-a-days, it would have made up for the inept game plans, lack of talent, and terrible quarterbacking?


Yes, and I think a better coach would have gotten more out of the talent that we did have.

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I will try to type slowly so that you can understand. IMO, it's not a question of whether the number of two-a-days equals success during the season. I believe that each team has its individual needs. Established teams with veteran rosters do not need as much practice as a team which is filling new starting positions. It's just that simple and I can't waste any time on anyone that can't grasp that concept.


The way some of you people talk, Dick should just take the team to Cancun until September and everything will just be rosy. :beer:


If a greater number of two a day practices doesn't directly correlate into more wins, then the only possible reason for you to B word abot the coaching staff not scheduling enough of them is because that's what "Realistic Fans" do...


They B word and moan about everything and anything because... Just Because!


It's just that simple and I can't waste any time on anyone that can't grasp that concept.

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Yes, and I think a better coach would have gotten more out of the talent that we did have.

Let's see what an actual NFL player has to say on the matter, shall we?


Aside from some of the first-time coaches looking to establish their identity and figure out which players on the roster have toughness and are "their" guys, more and more organizations are finally progressing to the point where they realize how fruitless a grueling training camp really is.


Today's dedicated athletes train year-round and the proliferation of mini-camps and OTAs makes the training camp installation much less relevant. Many coaches will tell you they want more practices in order to make roster decisions, but the truth is there are usually only five to eight spots at the bottom of the roster up for grabs in the first place.


Training camp should be about priming the pump for the opening game and making sure the players are mentally and physically prepared for the marathon that is an NFL season. It should not be about wearing down your most valuable assets before the real games even start.


The mindset some coaches attempt to establish during the dog days of summer might not mean a whole lot if several of your best players are hurt or less than their best for the games that actually count.




And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why two-a-days are becoming fewer and fewer.

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I will try to type slowly so that you can understand. IMO, it's not a question of whether the number of two-a-days equals success during the season. I believe that each team has its individual needs. Established teams with veteran rosters do not need as much practice as a team which is filling new starting positions. It's just that simple and I can't waste any time on anyone that can't grasp that concept.


Exactly, as my initial post noted. It's not a question of a correlation to wins and losses alone, the Bills are different from the Patriots and Giants this year etc. Unlike them, the Bills rookies will be needed to contribute, especially along the offensive line. Dick should have back loaded and had more two-a-days in the middle part and end of camp, not for the veterans, but for the rookies who are needed to be contributors, immediately. If you are concerned about injuries and fatigue then you give veterans days off. Rookies need to practice to learn technique and discipline. Because Jauron did not do this, Maybin, Wood, Levitre and Byrd will, as Jauron stated; "miss work that's hard to make up."


The entire organization knew that they would be granted an early start date for training camp because of the Hall Of Fame game therefore the front office had to be extra diligent to sign rookies earlier then other teams. Since the rookie salary pecking order has yet to materialize, the Bills decided not to set the market by signing and slotting them all.


As a result, none of the Bills top 4 rookies will have experienced a two-a-day, they have lost practice time.


Again, Dick was audacious to say that the rookies will "miss work that's hard to make up." Well ... why then is it hard to make up? Because you front loaded training camp with only two two-a-days in the first weekend which rookie contract hold outs would miss out on! Jauron has the power to rectify a lack of practice time for the rookies with a little foresight in scheduling!

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