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I got chills watching that. Seeing the sound baffles hanging down like leftover Christmas decorations on a tree from for some reason is the image that I'll take away from the Aud teardown. Being from the far southern tier, I didn't make it to the Aud as much as a lot of you, but I have a lot of fond memories of that place just the same.


Thanks for posting ricojes!

A nice little video from the Buffalonews...


Farewell Old Friend



Thanks - great post!


Hockey players without helmets, nice still of Randy Smith and Jack Ramsey. I was a big hockey Bison fan. Newsies would come in and hawk the bulldog edition of the Courier-Express throughout the stands.


I used to go to the Wrestling Matches, on Friday nights, in the late 50's. WBEN used to film/tape them and re-show them on CH4 on Saturday Night. Chuck Healey was the announcer. It was a year or two before the BILLS, so that's about all we had to do on the weekends during the winter.


I would walk from the Aud, up Main Street to the White Tower, to get the Seneca Bus out to S Buffalo.


I was maybe 11-12 years old and the event would end about 10:30PM.


Couldn't do that today!


Sorry to see the Aud go but considering how many years it sat empty, with no plausable development plan, what could the city do? :thumbsup:

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