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ABC, CBS and NBC liberal propagandists

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It happens constantly. If A Republican gets in trouble, it's in the first sentence , next to their name. If its a dem, it's omitted or in the end of the article. There are hundreds upon hundreds of examples of this.

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Oh waaaaaaaa! waaaaaaa! waaaaaa!




The people watching the evening news (median age 60) are most likely sheep by your definition, so why do you care what their shepherd does? What's the big deal? Fox mis-tags pols all the time, but Fox viewers have already made up their minds, so where's the harm?

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It happens constantly. If A Republican gets in trouble, it's in the first sentence , next to their name. If its a dem, it's omitted or in the end of the article. There are hundreds upon hundreds of examples of this.


This happens constantly; Small impish creatures called Greebs crawl through your mouth and into your intestines when you sleep at night and kill bacteria with tiny hammers. There are hundreds upon hundreds of examples of this.

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This happens constantly; Small impish creatures called Greebs crawl through your mouth and into your intestines when you sleep at night and kill bacteria with tiny hammers. There are hundreds upon hundreds of examples of this.

I have no idea what this means, but it is hysterical! :lol:

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This happens constantly; Small impish creatures called Greebs crawl through your mouth and into your intestines when you sleep at night and kill bacteria with tiny hammers. There are hundreds upon hundreds of examples of this.




Wacka's actually right, though. (Yes, it hurts saying that.) But it's not some nefarious plot to warp the minds of the public. The media industry is largely Democratic (something like 80%, by voting records), and as such suffers from the narrow but perfectly natural point of view of thinking that everyone else is just like them, and thus that anyone different must be labelled as different for clarification (i.e. "responsible reporting").


It's akin to somebody who's very active in their church community unconsciously assuming that everyone they meet is Christian, because everyone they associate with on a regular basis is Christian. It's not sinister, just a natural bias to being largely absorbed in an insular and homogenous social environment.


In fact, the only major news network I've seen that comes close to even-handedly labelling people as Democrat or Republican is Fox News. I presume, though, that that's a self-serving concession to "fair and balanced" intended to distract people from the fact that they're really not.

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In fact, the only major news network I've seen that comes close to even-handedly labelling people as Democrat or Republican is Fox News. I presume, though, that that's a self-serving concession to "fair and balanced" intended to distract people from the fact that they're really not.

Isn't FOX the network that has a tendency to mis-label the party of troubled politicians? And I think it has only happened when a GOP member gets into deep doo-doo.

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Isn't FOX the network that has a tendency to mis-label the party of troubled politicians? And I think it has only happened when a GOP member gets into deep doo-doo.


They do tend to mislabel...but I've usually attributed that to the fact that they're a sh------- news organization. "Fair and balanced" does not equal "truthful and accurate".

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And Fox identified Mark Sanford and Mark Foley as Democrats, who gives a sh--?




It happens constantly. If A Republican gets in trouble, it's in the first sentence , next to their name. If its a dem, it's omitted or in the end of the article. There are hundreds upon hundreds of examples of this.


I find that to be false. When CNN or the local paper or any other media I read publishes a politicians story they haven't named the party. I've had to search the net to find out what party they belong to, if I'm curious. I've also seen MSNBC talk about Democrats and identify them when talking about some crimes. I'm sure nobody on the right has noticed that and written an article praising them for that.


They do tend to mislabel...but I've usually attributed that to the fact that they're a sh------- news organization. "Fair and balanced" does not equal "truthful and accurate".


I'd believe it was "accidental" if it wasn't always Democrats to Republicans.

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What freaking embarrassments those networks have become.


BTW, all the propaganda and the chosen one rallies in the world won't be able to save Corzine. He's toast come November.


But you left out a huge propaganda offender - FOX (FAUX) News. Why is that?

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But you left out a huge propaganda offender - FOX (FAUX) News. Why is that?


Are you serious? At this time, Fox is the only news organization holding Obama and the far left in check. Under Bush they were no doubt guilty of being propagandists, but never to the level of the big three today. If it wasn't for them, Obama would have abolished presidential term limits by now.



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Are you serious? At this time, Fox is the only news organization holding Obama and the far left in check. Under Bush they were no doubt guilty of being propagandists, but never to the level of the big three today. If it wasn't for them, Obama would have abolished presidential term limits by now.



ok :unsure:

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