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There is no question he was arrested because he was black.


If he wasn't black, he wouldn't have felt he was racially profiled, he wouldn't have acted like a prick to the cop over this alleged profiling, the cop wouldn't have taken offense being called a racist, and they would probably be laughing and buying each other beers this week.


He was arrested because he was black, because he acted like a douchebag because he was black?

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They failed to take the steps necessary to calm down an upset, irritated suspect...at least they did not document those steps in the report. When the no-longer-suspect vented some more, they arrested him on his own property (his porch!) for insulting them.

They failed to document it? Dean, did you even read the police report? there was a very detailed documentation of how the police officer viewed the situation and how they repeatedly, and I stress the word repeatedly attempted to calm him down. They also documented that Gates repeatedly ignored their requests. Not only was their a report from the police officer in question, but from Police Officer Figueroa as well, which documented a similar report. One of the neighbors of Gates also said that Gates was acting beligerent as well. One person, maybe you can question it, two, makes it a little more difficult, now we are talking about three, which one was a civilian neighbor of Gates.


Did you catch Gates on CNN this morning?


Sorry, but you picked the wrong horse on this one.

They failed to document it? Dean, did you even read the police report? there was a very detailed documentation of how the police officer viewed the situation and how they repeatedly, and I stress the word repeatedly attempted to calm him down. They also documented that Gates repeatedly ignored their requests. Not only was their a report from the police officer in question, but from Police Officer Figueroa as well, which documented a similar report. One of the neighbors of Gates also said that Gates was acting beligerent as well. One person, maybe you can question it, two, makes it a little more difficult, now we are talking about three, which one was a civilian neighbor of Gates.


Did you catch Gates on CNN this morning?


Sorry, but you picked the wrong horse on this one.

Not to mention the fact that the radio recordings apparently pick up Gates screaming in the background.

There is no question he was arrested because he was black.


If he wasn't black, he wouldn't have felt he was racially profiled, he wouldn't have acted like a prick to the cop over this alleged profiling, the cop wouldn't have taken offense being called a racist, and they would probably be laughing and buying each other beers this week.


Not to mention the fact that the radio recordings apparently pick up Gates screaming in the background.


Oh, that? That was just from the tasering.

They seemed to enter the man's house without permission or warrant..........smart move?


Probable cause - report of a break-in.


I'm waiting for a response dean. It is no more valid to say that this police officer is racist because of the area he works in, than to say all black males are criminals because 1/3 of them will go to jail in their life time.


Aren't conservatives supposed to be all about limited government and personal freedom? It's amusing to me how they'll decry government "tyranny" over an issue like a cigarette tax yet an actual intrusion by an agent of the government into the life of an American citizen is no big deal.

While we're playing the "lets assume anything we want and play it off as fact game"...


I question it. It could have been that the police were called in and they asked him for his ID, and he was so flustered and upset that he immediately pulled the, "it's because I'm black" bit, which progressed immensely...to the point where an arrest was warranted.


Now was he arrested WITHOUT QUESTION because he was black? Or was he a reverse-racist douchebag who literally gets paid to cite the differences between white and black people?

I agree with your assessment. That's what probably happened, although I don't agree that the arrest was "warranted". I think the cop should have walked away after he saw the ID regardless of the bitching Gates was likely doing.


All I was saying was, if he was a white guy, it wouldn't have happened like it did. He wouldn't have been bitching and neither would have the cop. Notice I blamed Gates first. If he was white, he would have laughed it off, just shown his ID and the cop would have let him alone. So how can you argue with "without question it was because he was black". :devil:


I'm waiting for a Republican Presidential nominee to tell America that Obama "doesn't look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills."

Yep. You don't think he acted like a douchebag because he was black?


I think he acted like a douchebag because either 1) he was having a bad day, or 2) he's actually a douchebag. I'm generous enough to want to believe (1), but given that he's a Harvard professor, I'd bet on (2).


I do not, however, think that douchebaggery correlates with skin color. To imply otherwise is racist.

I think he acted like a douchebag because either 1) he was having a bad day, or 2) he's actually a douchebag. I'm generous enough to want to believe (1), but given that he's a Harvard professor, I'd bet on (2).


I'd bet on 1 considering he was just returning from China when the incident occured.

Probable cause - report of a break-in.


The police officer by his own description says early on that he believed Gates to be "lawfully in his own house" and then proceeded to ask for ID.

The officer doesn't describe how he got into the kitchen or how he followed him in there.

The police officer by his own description says early on that he believed Gates to be "lawfully in his own house" and then proceeded to ask for ID.

The officer doesn't describe how he got into the kitchen or how he followed him in there.

What? You're expecting the Police report to say Gates invited him in for some fried chicken, watermelon and a 40 of Colt 45?

What? You're expecting the Police report to say Gates invited him in for some fried chicken, watermelon and a 40 of Colt 45?


Yes. In a Billy Dee Williams voice. :devil:

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