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Witness to dispatch ..................................... Hispanic - Suitcases

Crowley's report of witness..............................Black - Backpacks

Gates Story. ...................................................Black - Suitcases


Now what does it all mean? :wallbash:

Absolutely nothing! Nice post :rolleyes::wallbash::wallbash:

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No, we're going to believe her because they released the entire 911 call she made about five minutes earlier than that and I listened to it, and linked it in this thread. In it she says specifically that she doesn't know what race they were because she didn't get a good look at them, but thought one of them may be Hispanic. She didnt see the other at all (just his back). And she said they had suitcases (which was true) and they may have lived there, she didn't know, she didnt at all know it was a break-in. But Crowley's report said that she told him "two black men wearing backpacks" went into the house.


So unless from the time she made the 911 call to five minutes later, the two guys she didnt see ran out of the house, showed that they were black, put on backpacks, and then went right back in again, we know she didn't tell Crowley they were black with backpacks because she never saw their faces. She wasn't even all that close to the house.


Then, over the weekend, both her and her lawyer repeated the exact same thing, that she never saw them, never told 911 or the cop that they were black.


That makes sense. Crowley's report is what doesn't make any sense.


Oh, okay. So because she didn't say so in the CALL, she didn't say so later on to the officer, and thus her lawyer is telling the truth. :rolleyes:


I'm not trying to defend anyone with this, as I really don't know the truth of what happened. I'm just trying to point out that you, splitting hairs from second- and third-hand reports, have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what transpired either.


Why is no one talking about how this isn't Gates first racist gaffe? On his application to Yale he wrote "As always whitey now sits in judgement of me, preparing to cast my fate." This guy has made a career out of crying racism.

Oh, okay. So because she didn't say so in the CALL, she didn't say so later on to the officer, and thus her lawyer is telling the truth. :rolleyes:


I'm not trying to defend anyone with this, as I really don't know the truth of what happened. I'm just trying to point out that you, splitting hairs from second- and third-hand reports, have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what transpired either.


WHAT?! How about common sense?! Did you listen to the call?


Do you honestly think there is any realistic chance whatsoever the woman saw the backs of two people go into a house, called 911 because a neighbor told her to, tell the 911 dispatcher she DIDNT see these two guys clearly but she saw their luggage, and when asked "Are they white, black, or Hispanic?" straight out, she said "Umm, well there were two larger men, one looked kind of Hispanic, but I’m not really sure." -- AND THEN -- five minutes later -- say "Two black guys with backpacks" to the cop?


Do you think there is a one in a thousand chance that is what happened? Not to mention that the call precisely matches her own statement later on?


Dispatcher: Tell me exactly what happened


Caller: Umm, I don’t know what’s happening. I just have an elder woman, uh, standing here and she had noticed two gentlemen trying to get in a house at that number, 17 Ware St., and they kind of had to barge in. And they broke the screen door and they finally got in and when I had looked, I went further, closer to the house a little bit, after the gentlemen were already in the house, I noticed two suitcases So I’m not sure if these are two individuals who actually work there, I mean who live there.


Dispatcher: You think they might’ve been breaking...


Caller: I don’t know, ‘cause I have no idea, I just noticed...


Dispatcher: So you think the possibility might have been there or...? What do you mean by barged in? Did they kick the door in or...?


Caller: Umm, no they were pushing the door in, like uhhh, ummm, like the screen part of the front door was kind of like cut.


Dispatcher: How did they open the door itself, the lock?


Caller: I didn’t see a key or anything ‘cause I was a little bit away from the door but I did notice that they pushed their...


Dispatcher: And what did the suitcases have to do with anything?


Caller: I don’t know. I’m just saying that’s what I saw. I just [inaudible]


Dispatcher: Do you know what apartment they broke into?


Caller: No, just the first floor. I don’t even think that it’s an apartment. It’s 17 Ware St. It’s a house. It’s a yellow house. Number 17. I don’t know if they live there and they just had a hard time with their key, but I did notice that they had to use their shoulder to try to barge in and they got in. I don’t know if they had a key or not ‘cause I couldn’t see from my angle. But you know when I looked a little closely that’s when I saw...


Dispatcher: (inaudible) black or Hispanic? Are they still in the house?


Caller: They’re still in the house I believe, yeah.


Dispatcher: Are they white, black or Hispanic?


Caller: Umm, well there were two larger men, one looked kind of Hispanic, but I’m not really sure. And the other one entered and I didn’t see what he looked like at all. I just saw it from a distance and this older woman was worried, thinking someone’s breaking in someone’s house, they’ve been barging in, and she interrupted me, and that’s when I had noticed. Otherwise, I probably wouldn’t have noticed it at all, to be honest with you. So I was just calling ‘cause she was a concerned neighbor, I guess.


Dispatcher: OK, are you standing outside?


Caller: I’m standing outside, yes.


Dispatcher: All right, well, police are on the way, you can meet them when they get there. What’s your name?


Caller: My name is [deleted].


Dispatcher: All right, they’re on their way.


Caller: OK, all right, I guess I’ll wait. Thanks.


It's an interesting sidenote, that Crowley was the responding officer in the Reggie Lewis call. He gave Reggie Lewis mouth to mouth trying to save his life. By every other report the guy is a good cop.

WHAT?! How about common sense?! Did you listen to the call?


Do you honestly think there is any realistic chance whatsoever the woman saw the backs of two people go into a house, called 911 because a neighbor told her to, tell the 911 dispatcher she DIDNT see these two guys clearly but she saw their luggage, and when asked "Are they white, black, or Hispanic?" straight out, she said "I don't know, I didnt see them, I think maybe one was Hispanic" -- AND THEN -- five minutes later -- say "Two black guys with backpacks" to the cop?


Do you think there is a one in a thousand chance that is what happened? Not to mention that the call precisely matches her own statement later on?

What are you trying to prove? That the officer got the call, and on his way to the scene decided to change the information on his own, in a fit of racism? Does that even make sense? To my knowledge they were the only two at the house. What difference does it make what the initial report was?

What are you trying to prove? That the officer got the call, and on his way to the scene decided to change the information on his own, in a fit of racism? Does that even make sense? To my knowledge they were the only two at the house. What difference does it make what the initial report was?

It makes a difference because it's a he said/he said issue, and now we know what the cop said in his report wasn't true. He made the report racial when it wasn't. He said the woman told him "two black guys" when in all likelihood she didnt because she never saw them clearly, only from the back, and she didnt at all know they were black because that's what she said five minutes earlier on her 911 call.

It makes a difference because it's a he said/he said issue, and now we know what the cop said in his report wasn't true. He made the report racial when it wasn't. He said the woman told him "two black guys" when in all likelihood she didnt because she never saw them clearly, only from the back, and she didnt at all know they were black because that's what she said five minutes earlier on her 911 call.

Is it possible she got a better look at the men, after the initial phone call? Is it possible that she verbally told the officer something different at the scene? It is a mute point because we don't know exactly what transpired at the scene.

Is it possible she got a better look at the men, after the initial phone call? Is it possible that she verbally told the officer something different at the scene? It is a mute point because we don't know exactlt what transpired at the scene.

It's possible if you believe she is a complete liar for no reason even though her actual recorded voice at the scene, and her statement following the incident, said exactly the same thing.

It makes a difference because it's a he said/he said issue, and now we know what the cop said in his report wasn't true. He made the report racial when it wasn't. He said the woman told him "two black guys" when in all likelihood she didnt because she never saw them clearly, only from the back, and she didnt at all know they were black because that's what she said five minutes earlier on her 911 call.

Man, for a racist cop, this guy sure has a lot of love from his black co-workers. Hell, one of them won't even vote for Obama again. But they probably don't have your keen eye for seeing things that the rest of the world can't see.


Gates made this racial. Obama made it uber-racial. And the only reasoning you have for thinking otherwise is your belief that Crowley lied on his report to do what? Actually MAKE himself look like a racist??? :rolleyes::wallbash: Yeah. That's what he did. He went back to his desk after being accused of racial profiling by Gates, and thought to himself, "You know what would be good right here? A lie in the police report that would support his claim. Yeah, thats the ticket."


Meanwhile, someone needs to tell Obama to stop thinking he can go off script. He can't. Read the words. Exit stage left with that Basketball Jones hop to your step, and leave the heavy lifting to the people who can at least PRETEND to look geniune, you egomaniacal idiot. I mean, when you're single-handedly screwing up the black female vote, you are a special kind of idiot. Not Joe Biden idiot, but special nonetheless.

Man, for a racist cop, this guy sure has a lot of love from his black co-workers. Hell, one of them won't even vote for Obama again. But they probably don't have your keen eye for seeing things that the rest of the world can't see.


Gates made this racial. Obama made it uber-racial. And the only reasoning you have for thinking otherwise is your belief that Crowley lied on his report to do what? Actually MAKE himself look like a racist??? :lol::lol: Yeah. That's what he did. He went back to his desk after being accused of racial profiling by Gates, and thought to himself, "You know what would be good right here? A lie in the police report that would support his claim. Yeah, thats the ticket."


Meanwhile, someone needs to tell Obama to stop thinking he can go off script. He can't. Read the words. Exit stage left with that Basketball Jones hop to your step, and leave the heavy lifting to the people who can at least PRETEND to look geniune, you egomaniacal idiot. I mean, when you're single-handedly screwing up the black female vote, you are a special kind of idiot. Not Joe Biden idiot, but special nonetheless.

I said about 100 times that Gates was at fault and made this racial, too. :wallbash: Obama made it racial, too. I don't know why you continually read my posts, reply to them, and then make comments about what I say in them that are the complete opposite of what I say. It's beginning to piss me off.

It's possible if you believe she is a complete liar for no reason even though her actual recorded voice at the scene, and her statement following the incident, said exactly the same thing.

I'm not calling her a liar. Her recorded voice at the scene was an accurate account of what she said to 911. Her comments after were also based on what she said to dispatch. This women has been the target of people calling her a racist as well. She has had to defend herself on the matter. The initial report is pointless anyway. The case isn't going to court for racial profiling and the identity of the two men involved were never in question. The cop doesn't benefit one bit from falsifying the initial report. I'm not prepared to call the cop a liar in regards to something so insignificant.

I said about 100 times that Gates was at fault and made this racial, too. :wallbash: Obama made it racial, too. I don't know why you continually read my posts, reply to them, and then make comments about what I say in them that are the complete opposite of what I say. It's beginning to piss me off.

Gee, I must have missed those 100 times when all I've been reading lately is you and your need to piss on the cop for being a liar when virtually everyone EXCEPT you, Gates and Obama swear what he did wasn't racial.


It's pretty clear the arrest was wrong. We get it. But racial? Get over it. There are plenty of racists out there without having to create one for the sake of making a point.

I'm not calling her a liar. Her recorded voice at the scene was an accurate account of what she said to 911. Her comments after were also based on what she said to dispatch. This women has been the target of people calling her a racist as well. She has had to defend herself on the matter. The initial report is pointless anyway. The case isn't going to court for racial profiling and the identity of the two men involved were never in question. The cop doesn't benefit one bit from falsifying the initial report. I'm not prepared to call the cop a liar in regards to something so insignificant.

All it shows is that his recollection, or his reporting of what happened, is very suspect. This whole thing is blown out of proportion because people in favor of Gates are saying it was racial profiling and the cop wouldn't have suspected or arrested him if he was white -- AND -- people defending the policeman are saying this didnt have anything to do with race except that Gates brought it up.


There is no question IMO this is all about race, with Gates being overly sensitive and a jerk about race, and the cop being overly sensitive and a jerk about race. I also think the arrest report is an essential part of the narrative if the woman telling the policeman what happened didnt mention race, but in his report the policeman not only mentioned race but was wrong about it, or lied about it. That's a part of the puzzle, sorry.


By the way, according to her, she never spoke to Crowley even when he arrived, other than to say "I am the one who called" and he said "Stay over here" and went up to the house. That was the extent of the conversation. Plus, according to her lawyer, the police now say the report was wrong and was just a compilation of events.


Gee, I must have missed those 100 times when all I've been reading lately is you and your need to piss on the cop for being a liar when virtually everyone EXCEPT you, Gates and Obama swear what he did wasn't racial.


It's pretty clear the arrest was wrong. We get it. But racial? Get over it. There are plenty of racists out there without having to create one for the sake of making a point.



The cop needs to be pissed on. It was a stupid judgement call (to pull the arrest "trigger" on that kind of disorderly conduct) that could have been easily diffused another way and spare us this stupid discussion of race baiting (Gates) and bad police work (Crowley).


A disorderly conduct charge? :lol::lol: Gates must have really hurt Crowley's pride. ??


Dude... Call it baiting, the cop FELL for the bait. That IMO is pretty stupid.




I don't see the numbers on the Respect-O-Meter® getting any better for cops because of this incident. A lot of people are probably saying: "That cop taught Gates who the boss was! Whooo hoo! I don't want to mess around." :wallbash::lol: If anything it says: "Bait the boyz in blue!" :(:lol:

Gee, I must have missed those 100 times when all I've been reading lately is you and your need to piss on the cop for being a liar when virtually everyone EXCEPT you, Gates and Obama swear what he did wasn't racial.


It's pretty clear the arrest was wrong. We get it. But racial? Get over it. There are plenty of racists out there without having to create one for the sake of making a point.


Um, something can be completely racial without a racist. I never called the cop a racist and don't at all think he is. I said the whole thing was racial, which it was. Gates made it racial, Obama made it racial, and the cop made it racial. If there is anyone who was "racist", it was Gates, but IMO, if it wasn't racial, Gates wouldnt have gone off, the cop wouldnt have got offended, the cop never would have arrested him, the reporter NEVER would have asked the President that question in a news conference and the President never would have got involved. That, to me, makes it racial (even though it was also about class, testosterone and cops).


And you must have been reading all those "main stream media" websites that don't include any of the main stream media again because every single story about this says it's racial.


Gates was a douchebag. More douchebags (KFBD, ahem) need to be hauled in to stop them from being such douchebags.

Um, something can be completely racial without a racist. I never called the cop a racist and don't at all think he is. I said the whole thing was racial, which it was. Gates made it racial, Obama made it racial, and the cop made it racial. If there is anyone who was "racist", it was Gates, but IMO, if it wasn't racial, Gates wouldnt have gone off, the cop wouldnt have got offended, the cop never would have arrested him, the reporter NEVER would have asked the President that question in a news conference and the President never would have got involved. That, to me, makes it racial (even though it was also about class, testosterone and cops).


And you must have been reading all those "main stream media" websites that don't include any of the main stream media again because every single story about this says it's racial.



We hope not. What I believe is that there was baiting on both sides of the fence (Crowley and Gates). Gates is a smart man (as much as Crowley is too), he knows Crowley has the power to enforce. And don't think that this just happens with race. I have seen baiting from both sides of the aisle... Cops and the civilians they are expected to serve. Some people love to push cop's buttons... Do you think this helps? I know Crowley is gonna stand by his guns/ideals during the argument and so will the police establishment and the one's who will stand by that establishment at all cost. Still stupid (arrest). Doubly for Obama to say that... Like I said, that is for a shmoe like me to say and FOR OBAMA to think.


Also, I want to know why the charge was dropped? Ain't that special... Who would have figured! At least follow up with the charge. If that isn't an idle threat in the purist form. :wallbash:

Gates was a douchebag. More douchebags (KFBD, ahem) need to be hauled in to stop them from being such douchebags.




So. He sure brought the cop down to his level. It was a dickhead way of handling a douchebag. Wow, what a surprise.


Ya right this really teaches people a lesson... It does the exact opposite.

QUOTE (LABillzFan @ Jul 27 2009, 11:24 PM)

Gee, I must have missed those 100 times when all I've been reading lately is you and your need to piss on the cop for being a liar when virtually everyone EXCEPT you, Gates and Obama swear what he did wasn't racial.


It's pretty clear the arrest was wrong. We get it. But racial? Get over it. There are plenty of racists out there without having to create one for the sake of making a point.



The cop needs to be pissed on. It was a stupid judgement call (to pull the arrest "trigger" on that kind of disorderly conduct) that could have been easily diffused another way and spare us this stupid discussion of race baiting (Gates) and bad police work (Crowley).


A disorderly conduct charge? Gates must have really hurt Crowley's pride. ??


Dude... Call it baiting, the cop FELL for the bait. That IMO is pretty stupid.




I don't see the numbers on the Respect-O-Meter® getting any better for cops because of this incident. A lot of people are probably saying: "That cop taught Gates who the boss was! Whooo hoo! I don't want to mess around." If anything it says: "Bait the boyz in blue!"

You really are an idiot. As a former member of miltary police, I woulda pepper sprayed his ass. It's all about being civil. All he had to do was produce some ID and be done with it.


Sorry for the mistake sir...ok no problem, thank you for looking out for my home officer.


People usually get what they deserve.

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