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SHOUT song should be removed and replaced with this...

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It's über gay! So is saying "it rocks!" Might as well add, "dude" to it, and then down a Schlitz Gay.


While I am also a little sick of "Shout", I'd rather hear it 100 times, this season, than that posing queero substitute for actual music.


Wow u think that shout is "actual music", well i guess u have have the music taste of a fu(kin deaf man. Unless u are deaf dean. FU(KHEAD!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:

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Some genius posted a video of a prepubescent kid prancing around with lipstick saying "!@#$ me" and it's now degenerated into some other prepubescent kid seeing how many times he can say !@#$ and call stuff gay?

Yeah, I think this one has run its course. :rolleyes:

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