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fat doc for Surgeon General?

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Seems to be concern about the new Surgeon General being overweight. As someone who could afford to lose a few pounds myself (okay...quite a few). I was wondering what people thought. She seems to have done a lot of good things and be a pretty smart cookie, but should weight matter?

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Seems to be concern about the new Surgeon General being overweight. As someone who could afford to lose a few pounds myself (okay...quite a few). I was wondering what people thought. She seems to have done a lot of good things and be a pretty smart cookie, but should weight matter?


It should not. Some folks are genetically disposed to retain weight, are missing this or that enzyme etc.


I mention, though, that the hospital I patronize seems to have a lot of overweight workers. Not by those silly BMI definitions...these folks are carrying a lot of extra pounds.


The hospital spent a bundle for a "wellness" facility a few years back - exercise equipment, nutritional advice etc. My guess is that it's free to employees.

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Seems to be concern about the new Surgeon General being overweight. As someone who could afford to lose a few pounds myself (okay...quite a few). I was wondering what people thought. She seems to have done a lot of good things and be a pretty smart cookie, but should weight matter?

First I've heard of this. Let me guess...it's the Republicans who are criticising her weight? :thumbsup:

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I mention, though, that the hospital I patronize seems to have a lot of overweight workers. Not by those silly BMI definitions...these folks are carrying a lot of extra pounds.


Those silly BMI definitions are backed up by quite a bit of research.

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Those silly BMI definitions are backed up by quite a bit of research.


And according to it, I am overweight and at risk.




My blood pressure is fine. I had a fasting lipid profile done this past Thursday. Total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, triglycerides were fine. I had a cardiac screening last month - carotid arteries, abdominal aortic aneurysm screen, arterial stiffness index, ankle brachial index, EKG, echocardiogram were all OK.


Also, a hemoglobin A1C - all OK. And a CMP. Only a slightly elevated glucose, well below any concern and not an unusual, slight elevation for my age. And a TSH - OK.


But I am BMI overweight... :thumbsup:

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And according to it, I am overweight and at risk.




My blood pressure is fine. I had a fasting lipid profile done this past Thursday. Total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, triglycerides were fine. I had a cardiac screening last month - carotid arteries, abdominal aortic aneurysm screen, arterial stiffness index, ankle brachial index, EKG, echocardiogram were all OK.


Also, a hemoglobin A1C - all OK. And a CMP. Slightly elevated glucose, well below any concern and not an unusual, slight elevation for my age. And a TSH - OK.


But I am overweight. :flirt:


They have to put the cutoff somewhere. There's always going to be the chance, but with everything you listed, yeah, you don't have too much to be concerned about. It's that obese group where the numbers really start to take off. But hey, I have seen some research that suggest being in that overweight group is actually protective for certain conditions, as opposed to being in the normal weight group. I just wish I could remember what the conditions were. :thumbsup:


Oh, and if you're actually curious about some of those risk figures based on actual numbers and not just the BMI categories, I can point you in the right direction.

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They have to put the cutoff somewhere. There's always going to be the chance, but with everything you listed, yeah, you don't have too much to be concerned about. It's that obese group where the numbers really start to take off. But hey, I have seen some research that suggest being in that overweight group is actually protective for certain conditions, as opposed to being in the normal weight group. I just wish I could remember what the conditions were. :thumbsup:


Oh, and if you're actually curious about some of those risk figures based on actual numbers and not just the BMI categories, I can point you in the right direction.


I read the same thing - but I can't recall where. I did see a show, that depicted how a body deprived of food intake uses up its' resources. It was fascinating.


I do think that folks that carry some extra pounds have taken quite a beating the past few decades. And anorexia and bulimia exist, sadly, and can kill. The wonderfully talented songstress Karen Carpenter comes to mind. I do know that in other areas of the world, excess weight is prized as a sign of success and wealth. When I was a lad, the family of a friend of mine had a foreign exchange student from Thailand.


She arrived so thin, you thought you could slip her under a door. When she left for her homeland, she probably gained 30 lb. She was very happy about that.


IIRC, her name was Rachne. A very pleasant young girl...I hope she is still with us and is living a happy life.

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First I've heard of this. Let me guess...it's the Republicans who are criticising her weight? :thumbsup:

I never really thought about it before until I read this post. But you have to admit, there is a bit of irony in it don't ya think?

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I read the same thing - but I can't recall where. I did see a show, that depicted how a body deprived of food intake uses up its' resources. It was fascinating.


I do think that folks that carry some extra pounds have taken quite a beating the past few decades. And anorexia and bulimia exist, sadly, and can kill. The wonderfully talented songstress Karen Carpenter comes to mind. I do know that in other areas of the world, excess weight is prized as a sign of success and wealth. When I was a lad, the family of a friend of mine had a foreign exchange student from Thailand.


She arrived so thin, you thought you could slip her under a door. When she left for her homeland, she probably gained 30 lb. She was very happy about that.


IIRC, her name was Rachne. A very pleasant young girl...I hope she is still with us and is living a happy life.


The extra weight in those other countries doesn't even bring those people to the overweight category though. Here it probably brings someone up to NFL lineman weights. I'm guessing that wouldn't get be viewed as much of a sign of success and wealth over there. I'm sure it was good for the girl from Thailand to gain that weight while here, but it says a lot about the US that she put on that much so quickly.

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The extra weight in those other countries doesn't even bring those people to the overweight category though. Here it probably brings someone up to NFL lineman weights. I'm guessing that wouldn't get be viewed as much of a sign of success and wealth over there. I'm sure it was good for the girl from Thailand to gain that weight while here, but it says a lot about the US that she put on that much so quickly.


Give it some time... You are starting to see the overweight problem all over the world... Even China is starting to exhibit it!

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Give it some time... You are starting to see the overweight problem all over the world... Even China is starting to exhibit it!


Yeah, but they consider a BMI of 23 to be overweight over there. Just try to imagine that here. They've got a long way to go and when they get there, we'll probably have 500lb americans everywhere. Ahhhh, the things that keep me employed.

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The extra weight in those other countries doesn't even bring those people to the overweight category though. Here it probably brings someone up to NFL lineman weights. I'm guessing that wouldn't get be viewed as much of a sign of success and wealth over there. I'm sure it was good for the girl from Thailand to gain that weight while here, but it says a lot about the US that she put on that much so quickly.


Here's a recent news story - blacks being more obese than other groups.




It stated the usual PC line:


"Experts believe there are several reasons for the differences. People with lower incomes often have less access to medical care, exercise facilities and more expensive, healthier food. In many places, minorities are disproportionately poor."...


"Poverty is a very strong driver of obesity," said Kelly Brownell, director of Yale University's Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity."...


But to its' credit, is also says:


"Attitudes about weight also are believed to be a factor, said Dr. Liping Pan, a CDC epidemiologist. Researchers cited a 2008 study that found black and Hispanic women had significantly lower odds of being dissatisfied with their body size than white women."...


"Black and Hispanics are more accepting of high weight," Pan said, adding that heavy people who are satisfied with their size are not likely to diet or exercise."... That was followed by some more PC speak, "However, it could be that over time as people struggle with poverty and environment ..."they come to accept the higher weights," Brownell said."...


Culture matters.


The city adjacent and just north of where I reside is predominately black. It is also affluent and educated. I have noted for years, that the contents of many black person's cart tends to be loaded with high calorie, salt and fat-laden foods. Sugared cereals, plenty of meats, soda pop, cheese, snack foods, ice cream, pasta etc. and little whole grain products, and few fresh or frozen vegetables. Or canned vegetables. These folks aren't whipping out Food Stamp or W.I.C. ids at the checkout.


I'm envious - they have tasty shopping carts!


There is a large number of Hispanics in my area; my observation is that they tend to buy fresh produce, lean cuts of meats, etc.


Caucasians are all over the map - a cart of junk, a cart of decent fare.


I also noted that people who plunk a kid into one of those elongated carts with the seat - regardless of observed ethnicity - tend to pile up the basket with a Diet from H*ll.


On a sad note, I see very little outside activity by the children that live around me in the summer - or anytime for that matter. Several have these $200 electric cars that they tool around in. No bikes, though. When I do notice them, most are a little more puffy when each year rolls by..



Well, those are my observations. I patiently await being branded as a racist or a pedophile... :thumbsup:

Edited by stuckincincy
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Ah yes, the "disease" of obesity. Get ready to start paying a skinny tax folks. The new talking point is that the so-called disadvantaged don't have "equal access" to healthy food and thus it's not their fault if they are obese as a result of stuffing down 3 Big Macs every day.

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And according to it, I am overweight and at risk.




But I am BMI overweight... :thumbsup:


The problem is that people look at 5-10, 182 lbs and think that's skinny. That's because we've become warped by how fat America is. We expect that a belly should wobble and stick out. We're trained to see double chins as the norm.

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The problem is that people look at 5-10, 182 lbs and think that's skinny. That's because we've become warped by how fat America is. We expect that a belly should wobble and stick out. We're trained to see double chins as the norm.


Not sure what you mean by that? Is it the opposite? We get these false notions from the media that promotes skinnyness.



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The problem is that people look at 5-10, 182 lbs and think that's skinny. That's because we've become warped by how fat America is. We expect that a belly should wobble and stick out. We're trained to see double chins as the norm.

Yeah, that's why there are so many fat, unattractive people on TV, in the movies, on stage, in print ads, in politics, running companies, posting on message boards.... :thumbsup:


(well, six out of seven, anyway)

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The problem is that people look at 5-10, 182 lbs and think that's skinny. That's because we've become warped by how fat America is. We expect that a belly should wobble and stick out. We're trained to see double chins as the norm.


You are right. Women are always chasing after me.



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