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Best Reality Show Ever- You know it's the TO Show


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True most "reality" shows are scripted and coached heavily. This isn't a documentary about TO's life its what TO and his people want you to see. TO loves attention and this is a great way to get it on his terms. I watched like 10 minutes of this show and said great all he needs to do is hook up with a whore and it will be just like every show on VH1 and than they showed him doing just that.


Don't get me wrong I liked the addition of TO from a football perspective. But his reality show sucks and its not TO's fault I have a feeling if they did this documentary style than it would be an awesome show just filming TO 24/7 and feeding us the best and most interesting stuff would be cool he is an interesting guy. However because it is a "Reality" show so it is heavily edited and is filled with obviously coached and scripted situations that are far from reality.


I wholeheartedly agree. Well said.

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