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That's...not uncommon.


I believe there was a township in this area that shut down a lemonade stand until kinds got an honest-to-God permit to run a roadside business. The town legislature thought that was stupid enough that within days they passed a law saying the kids were exempt from the requirement.


I'll take a wild stab that this William Nickerson fella is a retiree with too much time on his hands, and that these kids had also better stay off his lawn.


Join a bowling league, will ya, Bill? :lol:

Well those greedy businessmen have to be stopped.


In a true and just world, the government would take away their lemonade stand, keep half, and give the other half to the Teamsters.


Not that I would complain... But if this was the case:


Nickerson said they were going house-to-house ringing doorbells, and he didn't think they were being properly supervised by adults. "I'm not being Scrooge," he said.


I suppose it would be annoying. What are 5 year olds getting aggressive with the sales pitch? And the parents are worried about them crying... :rolleyes::nana:

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