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It appears that the recession is heading towards an end with leading indicators pointing that way. Who knows but things appear to be getting better. Thank god we got that stimulus package working. Is this where Kelly the Dog chimes in to tell us that a majority of the stimulus package has not even been spent yet? I doubt it.

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It appears that the recession is heading towards an end with leading indicators pointing that way. Who knows but things appear to be getting better. Thank god we got that stimulus package working. Is this where Kelly the Dog chimes in to tell us that a majority of the stimulus package has not even been spent yet? I doubt it.


Don't be so sure: We may not make it to the San Diego game.

Yes, because government contingency planning obviously confirms your idiotic biblical prognostication.


Thanks for admitting once again what this is really all about.


The fact that the person who was in all effect, running the government at the time comes out and says that we were inches away from not having any infrastructure in place and chaos would have insued.....don't let that influence your opinion of my warning. Yeah....I'm sure in the middle of a banking holiday and food riots that the local authorities would have just loved getting 80,000 people together on a Sunday afternoon in close confines in 16 of the US's largest cities.


I love the irony of pure stubborness from a faction that so badly wants to ridicule someone for holding true to a religious doctrine, that they are unwilling to admit their own folly by continuing to dismiss warnings during a time of peril only because they were at odds with the messenger. This in light of all the results we have seen over time, and when reality is shoved in their face.....like in this article.


Those who continue to ridicule are only exposing their own self-doubt.

It appears that the recession is heading towards an end with leading indicators pointing that way. Who knows but things appear to be getting better. Thank god we got that stimulus package working. Is this where Kelly the Dog chimes in to tell us that a majority of the stimulus package has not even been spent yet? I doubt it.


Actually, I think the economy is still a huge mess, the stimulus has only worked in a small way (the only way it could work), the foreclosure plan the administration did is a mess and the housing problem still exists, and it's going to be a year before people, overall, think things are even decent because unemployment will be still around 10%.

Thanks for admitting once again what this is really all about.


The fact that the person who was in all effect, running the government at the time comes out and says that we were inches away from not having any infrastructure in place and chaos would have insued.....don't let that influence your opinion of my warning. Yeah....I'm sure in the middle of a banking holiday and food riots that the local authorities would have just loved getting 80,000 people together on a Sunday afternoon in close confines in 16 of the US's largest cities.


I love the irony of pure stubborness from a faction that so badly wants to ridicule someone for holding true to a religious doctrine, that they are unwilling to admit their own folly by continuing to dismiss warnings during a time of peril only because they were at odds with the messenger. This in light of all the results we have seen over time, and when reality is shoved in their face.....like in this article.


Those who continue to ridicule are only exposing their own self-doubt.


:lol: How in the fochinell do you claim that a prediction about something that DIDN'T HAPPEN is a successful prediction and proves your genius?


And you claim everyone else is in denial? Friggin' priceless...

Actually, I think the economy is still a huge mess, the stimulus has only worked in a small way (the only way it could work), the foreclosure plan the administration did is a mess and the housing problem still exists, and it's going to be a year before people, overall, think things are even decent because unemployment will be still around 10%.


Unemployement is a lagging indicator and sometimes a major lagging indicator. Home prices here in the bay area have actually started to rise a bit which pisses me off seeing I won't be buying until next year. When we get more earnings reports (especially retail) will tell us a lot.

Actually, I think the economy is still a huge mess, the stimulus has only worked in a small way (the only way it could work), the foreclosure plan the administration did is a mess and the housing problem still exists, and it's going to be a year before people, overall, think things are even decent because unemployment will be still around 10%.

We're gonna need some more FBI guys...

Unemployement is a lagging indicator and sometimes a major lagging indicator. Home prices here in the bay area have actually started to rise a bit which pisses me off seeing I won't be buying until next year. When we get more earnings reports (especially retail) will tell us a lot.

I agree with all that.


My point is that most people don't know the economy like you do, and value different things as the indicators of how well the economy is doing. The public thinks unemployment figures, the DOW, gas prices, grocery prices and home prices are the signs of a good, fair, or poor economy. They are not going to think the economy is doing okay let alone well for quite some time.


I still contend, and I think most economists contend, that the bailouts were necessary and the stimulus was necessary -- the argument and devil is in the details of them.

It appears that the recession is heading towards an end with leading indicators pointing that way. Who knows but things appear to be getting better. Thank god we got that stimulus package working. Is this where Kelly the Dog chimes in to tell us that a majority of the stimulus package has not even been spent yet? I doubt it.



I continue to believe we are in the eye of the economic hurricane right now and that the rosy forecasts will not come to pass without going through a very severe disruption. My reasons are enumerated in this chart, unemployment which will exacerate that chart (and the current 30% interest rates banks are charging on credit cards), and commercial real estate. I hope I'm wrong, but I think there are many more CITs out there and there will not be market or government solutions for all of them.

I continue to believe we are in the eye of the economic hurricane right now and that the rosy forecasts will not come to pass without going through a very severe disruption. My reasons are enumerated in this chart, unemployment which will exacerate that chart (and the current 30% interest rates banks are charging on credit cards), and commercial real estate. I hope I'm wrong, but I think there are many more CITs out there and there will not be market or government solutions for all of them.

Oh I definitely think that the economy is going to double dip. I think we will see that happen sometime in the second half of next year.

:lol: How in the fochinell do you claim that a prediction about something that DIDN'T HAPPEN is a successful prediction and proves your genius?


And you claim everyone else is in denial? Friggin' priceless...




Now you are going to have to clarify something for me here. Is it possible for a Christian who holds true to the bible to have rational thought?


If the answer is no, then you and your friends have wasted a great amount of time in attempting to ridicule, debate, and libel me. You should just enjoy the sunshine and pay no attention.


If the answer is yes, then once again you are joining Adams in the Literal Lucy camp by denying I was correct in my dire warning at the time. I understand that sometimes you all have fun in attemting to get my goat, but I have even greater concern if you actually believe that I was far off the mark. Not only that, when the next wave of disaster happens...your kind will have your guard down even further, allowing for one hell of a shock once the system takes it's last breath.


You ever have the remote for the TV not work......so you open up the back of it and roll the batteries around? That should last for a bit....until it happens again. That move may last so long as to make you forget that the batteries were on the verge of dying and need to be replaced. Until it happens again. Sooner or later you need to replace the batteries. All the rolling and flipping in the world won't get it to work.


Don't get stuck having to walk back and forth to the TV the rest of your life once the batteries die.



Now you are going to have to clarify something for me here. Is it possible for a Christian who holds true to the bible to have rational thought?


Yes. I know several, even more devout than you. But that doesn't make YOU rational...particularly when you argue that a prediction you made that didn't come true was in fact an accurate prediction because, even though it never happened, someone else talked about something only tenuously related to your bull sh-- prediction. That's like me predicting that the sun will rise in the west tomorrow, and then when it doesn't saying "Well, nine months later I found out that John Adams had the curtains closed in his west-facing windows three days earlier, so my prediction was accurate." It's ridiculous.


And in fact, most of the Christians I know pretty much think you're a lunatic too.



blah blah blah...including a ridiculous "God is my TV remote" metaphor



And in fact, most of the Christians I know pretty much think you're a lunatic too.




How many do you know?


If it is most, I assume the christians you know are from this board since you have their opinion of me on record?



How many do you know?


If it is most, I assume the christians you know are from this board since you have their opinion of me on record?


Quite a few. Much of my family is devout Catholic. Some are evangelical Baptist. A couple Presbeteryian. Friends - people I know personally - are even more diverse. I even know a few Mormons...and even they aren't as nutty as you are.


Yes, I said that. You're loonier than people who believe in magic underwear.

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