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The Cardinals are considering Levi Jones.


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Please Bills, sign this guy before someone else does. I have zero faith in our tackles, right now. Our O-Line is the only thing stopping us from having a top 10 offense. :lol:

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If we aren't going to sign Derrick Brooks or Marcus Washington, we sure as heck aren't going to spend the money on Levi Jones.

I hate that we're so damn cheap. Our O-Line is the weak link. Wonder what the Vegas line is for what game Trent Edwards goes down in?

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Please Bills, sign this guy before someone else does. I have zero faith in our tackles, right now. Our O-Line is the only thing stopping us from having a top 10 offense. :lol:

and adding L. Jones will make us a top 10 offense? If the guy was healthy enough and could still play at a high level, he would have been signed long ago.

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and adding L. Jones will make us a top 10 offense? If the guy was healthy enough and could still play at a high level, he would have been signed long ago.


The problem is that the Bills - unlike winning organizations - do not spend money on quality depth. Guys like Levi and Pisa aren't elite players, but in order to go deep into the season and January you need capable fill-ins. This historically is where the Bills have failed. Yes they can field a roster of 22 solid players that can compete with almost anyone. But as soon as someone goes down, which is inevitable, the Bills are replacing that player with a street free agent whereas other teams have spent the extra money for quality backups.


I've said it before: there is smart cheap and there is stupid cheap. Ralph is the latter. He'll spend good money on what he believes to be the "essentials," which is 22 starters that includes several elite players. But stupidly, he refuses to spend the marginal extra dollars that would help guarantee a return on his investment: on coaching, scouting, strength and conditioning, and quality backups. That is why we will continue to fail as long as the Old World thinking dominates the front office. Sorry.

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and adding L. Jones will make us a top 10 offense? If the guy was healthy enough and could still play at a high level, he would have been signed long ago.


I can't get a handle on what's happening this off-season with aging, yet capable palyers. I don't think it's cost, as much as a defiance against older vets, but I don't understand it. Seems more teams are looking to add depth with unproven (cheaper?) players, when a number of available palyers with PB dosiers are available at a decent price.


I'd feel better with an older vet backing our O-Line's new world order..

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I can't get a handle on what's happening this off-season with aging, yet capable palyers. I don't think it's cost, as much as a defiance against older vets, but I don't understand it. Seems more teams are looking to add depth with unproven (cheaper?) players, when a number of available palyers with PB dosiers are available at a decent price.


I'd feel better with an older vet backing our O-Line's new world order..

I'm not against signing vets for backup. It's just that everything I have read about Jones is that is he not healthy enough to play. It's also states that the Cards are considering signing him. I think it says something that Jones is still available. If he could contribute as a player I think he would have been signed by now. That's all.

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The problem is that the Bills - unlike winning organizations - do not OVERPAY money on quality depth. Guys like Levi and Pisa aren't elite players, but in order to go deep into the season and January you need capable fill-ins. This historically is where the Bills have failed. Yes they can field a roster of 22 solid players that can compete with almost anyone. But as soon as someone goes down, which is inevitable, the Bills are replacing that player with a street free agent whereas other teams have spent the extra money for quality backups.


I've said it before: there is smart cheap and there is stupid cheap. Ralph is the latter. He'll spend good money on what he believes to be the "essentials," which is 22 starters that includes several elite players. But stupidly, he refuses to spend the marginal extra dollars that would help guarantee a return on his investment: on coaching, scouting, strength and conditioning, and quality backups. That is why we will continue to fail as long as the Old World thinking dominates the front office. Sorry.


And you know this how? How do you know we don't make good offers to players? Because they don't come here? Ever consider that most NFL players don't want to play in "god-forsaken" Buffalo? If you are a free-agent and you have the choice of NY, Chicago, Miami or Buffalo, which do you think they would choose? Oh, you say, all we have to do is offer more money. A few hundred thousand won't sway them, so we have to pay a few million extra. Now we are burning up cap money on middling backups.


This Ralph is cheap" schitt is getting so old. It's so flippin' simple to jamokes like you. Just throw a few more bucks around and players will flock to Buffalo. Why are you here and not running an NFL franchise?



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And you know this how? How do you know we don't make good offers to players? Because they don't come here? Ever consider that most NFL players don't want to play in "god-forsaken" Buffalo? If you are a free-agent and you have the choice of NY, Chicago, Miami or Buffalo, which do you think they would choose? Oh, you say, all we have to do is offer more money. A few hundred thousand won't sway them, so we have to pay a few million extra. Now we are burning up cap money on middling backups.


This Ralph is cheap" schitt is getting so old. It's so flippin' simple to jamokes like you. Just throw a few more bucks around and players will flock to Buffalo. Why are you here and not running an NFL franchise?



Easy Promo, I agree with you but you are not going to change any opinions on here about Ralph/Bills.

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and adding L. Jones will make us a top 10 offense? If the guy was healthy enough and could still play at a high level, he would have been signed long ago.




CIN wouldn't have dumped him, and ate contract/cap $$$ unless they thought he was washed up. B'gal's, with all their cheapness, gives an injured player a long, long rope - David Pollack is still on their roster. And nobody cans an effective LT, even a part-timer.


He missed a lot of action, got beat a lot when he played injured (to his credit - playing injured), and developed an attitude in the past several years (purchased a 1.5M Bugatti Veyron after re-upping his contract and bitched that he wasn't being appreciated :lol: ).


Remember Rudi Johnson? Quite a good RB that got injured...and cut. He signed with DET and did nothing.


Perhaps Jones can play well again. I sure wouldn't risk a lot of cash to find out.

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I'm not against signing vets for backup. It's just that everything I have read about Jones is that is he not healthy enough to play. It's also states that the Cards are considering signing him. I think it says something that Jones is still available. If he could contribute as a player I think he would have been signed by now. That's all.





CIN wouldn't have dumped him, and ate contract/cap $$$ unless they thought he was washed up. B'gal's, with all their cheapness, gives an injured player a long, long rope - David Pollack is still on their roster. And nobody cans an effective LT, even a part-timer.


He missed a lot of action, got beat a lot when he played injured (to his credit - playing injured), and developed an attitude in the past several years (purchased a 1.5M Bugatti Veyron after re-upping his contract and bitched that he wasn't being appreciated :lol: ).


Remember Rudi Johnson? Quite a good RB that got injured...and cut. He signed with DET and did nothing.


Perhaps Jones can play well again. I sure wouldn't risk a lot of cash to find out.


Exactly the gist of what I was going to write. Thanks guys! :lol:

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Why is it that the Bills need to get all the cast off players that most teams don't want? Such a losing attitude from the fans. The line is going to be great if you ask me. Just watch.


This is more to my point. We don't know this. For every Delamielleure drafted, there's a Mike Williams. To say nothing of injuries. Securing veteran backups for an entirely new OL, mostly comprised of rookies and young players, just make's sense to me.


I'm not of the 'Ralph is cheap' crowd and pay no attention to it, when posted. I just don't get this seemingly prevelant disdain for older, proven players this off-season, by the league in general.

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Levi Jones has had a string of injuries that has deteriorated his play quite a bit- now with off season surgery and rehab he could regain most of his ability or not so he is a risky choice- the problem for the Bills is that all the really good players tend to be out of our price range which only leaves risky choices- the guy who's a little old, coming off injury, hasn't proven himself as a starter and so on.

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The problem is that the Bills - unlike winning organizations - do not spend money on quality depth. Guys like Levi and Pisa aren't elite players, but in order to go deep into the season and January you need capable fill-ins. This historically is where the Bills have failed. Yes they can field a roster of 22 solid players that can compete with almost anyone. But as soon as someone goes down, which is inevitable, the Bills are replacing that player with a street free agent whereas other teams have spent the extra money for quality backups.


I've said it before: there is smart cheap and there is stupid cheap. Ralph is the latter. He'll spend good money on what he believes to be the "essentials," which is 22 starters that includes several elite players. But stupidly, he refuses to spend the marginal extra dollars that would help guarantee a return on his investment: on coaching, scouting, strength and conditioning, and quality backups. That is why we will continue to fail as long as the Old World thinking dominates the front office. Sorry.

The Bills made Tinoisamoa the best offer out of all the teams. He didn't like that they "gave him the starting job." Sometimes players don't want to go to a team for whatever reason, and it's not always about money.

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Maybe we can get Mike Gandy if he gets cut.

Darwin Walker DT and Mike Williams OT could be possible too.

We could get 'em on the cheap! What great depth they'd add - and they'd provide veteran leadership in the locker room.


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Darwin Walker DT and Mike Williams OT could be possible too.

We could get 'em on the cheap! What great depth they'd add - and they'd provide veteran leadership in the locker room.


Whoa, hold up...you know as well as I do Jonas Jennings is a FA. He's our target.

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Initially I was for bringing in Levi Jones on the cheap and having him hold down the LT spot and moving Walker back to RT. However I have since changed my tune. Levi is injury prone and wants a ton of money sure he is an above average LT when healthy but is the juice worth the squeeze?


To me no especially if you bring in a guy like Jones it means one of your top rookies is going to be bumped from the starting line up and when you factor in the injury risk and further reshuffling of the O-line its just not worth it.


The coaching staff wants the combo of Levitre-Hangardener-Wood-Butler playing with each other for a long time. If you bring in Jones it means you reshuffle the line to bump Wood or Levitre and you move Butler back to guard two things that could damage the long term success of the line. OR you simply swap out Walker for Jones and either cut Walker (He makes too much to do that) or bench Walker (Bills don't want another disgruntled tackle on their roster).


So Jones might be a upgrade but the Bills are comfortable with what they have both in terms of starters and depth (Kirk Chambers and McKenzie as well as D Bell). They don't want to overpay for a guy who is injury prone and a guy who is going to make you change the long term out look of your o-line.

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