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Well today I got news that my grandfather isn't recovering from a leg infection very well and is starting to slip. According to my mom he was reliving being in a hospital in Great Britain in WW2 today. I'm hoping it is just a bad reaction to the antibotics he has be on for this nasty infection he has in his leg, but its hard to say right now.


Its always tough losing relatives, I lost my Grandmother on my dad's side and my dad's brother in consecutive summers (2006 and 07) to stomach cancers. Both came out of the blue and went very quickly. This year is no different, but my Grandpa is a real fighter so who knows. Praying for the best, preparing for the worst. Thanks for letting me get this off my chest for a bit.


Sorry to hear about your Grandfather. I really hope he pulls through, and returns to some mental clarity. I was socked with a couple of grandparents dying in a 2-3 year period. It's tough. Tougher still was watching my mother's father "live" to be 103. The last five years, or so, of his existence were very tough, and I can't believe he had any quality of life. I hope he experienced more happiness than he appeared to have.


Best of luck to your grandfather. I hope he pulls through. You never know what is going to happen in life. I try to appreciate each day for the gift that it is, let the little things go, and always let those closest to you know how you feel about them.


Sorry to hear the news ,hope his health picks up and pulls through. You said he was a fighter,so that is a plus. I had a real shocker a couple weeks ago. My bosses brother 55 yrs old,was mowing the grass and had a fatal heartattack on his front lawn. He was found by his nieghbor. It was crazy I was just talking to him a couple days before this. Well I`ll be pulling for you. Grand parents are special.


I'm going through a period similar right now. Growing up, I never had any deaths in the family, and always thought I was lucky, but now everyone is so incredibly old, they're dropping like flies. I've had 4 gone in the last two years. Best of luck to you, man.


As you and I discussed a little over a week ago, dealing with this type of thing is never easy on anyone who is close to the relative who is sick. The important thing I learned is to be there for the family that is left. I found some of my relatives had a tough time coping with grandma's sickness and subsequent passing. It was important to be there for them as well as the sick family member. Be sure to do some intro-spection first to see how you are doing.


My thoughts and prayers are with you WVU. (sorry we couldn't hook up last week when I was home).


Grandparents are the best. They do all the things our parents don't do or are afraid to do for us like give us candy and cookies before dinner. Both of my grandfathers have been gone a long time and my grandmothers have been gone for over ten years I think. Here's to your grandfather's recovery.

  WVUFootball29 said:
Well today I got news that my grandfather isn't recovering from a leg infection very well and is starting to slip. According to my mom he was reliving being in a hospital in Great Britain in WW2 today. I'm hoping it is just a bad reaction to the antibotics he has be on for this nasty infection he has in his leg, but its hard to say right now.


Its always tough losing relatives, I lost my Grandmother on my dad's side and my dad's brother in consecutive summers (2006 and 07) to stomach cancers. Both came out of the blue and went very quickly. This year is no different, but my Grandpa is a real fighter so who knows. Praying for the best, preparing for the worst. Thanks for letting me get this off my chest for a bit.

I hope for the best regarding your Grandfather. My parents and grandparents have long since passed away. It's never an easy thing. I hope you have friends and family members close enough to help support each other. Reactions to meds can be pretty severe. I hope your Grandfather pulls through and you have him for many more years.


All the best.


We'll be thinking of you. My Mom's in the hospital right now. My 3 siblings and I have never communicated so much. I'll be saying a prayer for you and your grandfather.

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