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Great story on AFL in this week's SI

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Who was the only player ever to die from undergoing knee surgery, days after a game playing the Bills? That would be a visting player.

I'd be lying if I said I knew - had to look it up. That's freakin' bizarre.


Watch the Donovan interview - "WTF is this 'in the grasp' BS?"


How many of today's QBs would have even survived a season back then?


And some folks wonder aloud why QB stats are so much better today. :oops:

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I'd be lying if I said I knew - had to look it up. That's freakin' bizarre.


Watch the Donovan interview - "WTF is this 'in the grasp' BS?"


How many of today's QBs would have even survived a season back then?


And some folks wonder aloud why QB stats are so much better today. :oops:



Who is the guy

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I think it's great that you have an interest in the AFL, but Christ, it's like these people born after 1977 that are in love with Elvis. The guy's bowels ceased up before they were born, and somehow he's become bigger in death. He was just a guy who could barely make a hit to save his life after he started doing C movies in the 60s. In your case, the AFL halted operation before you were through crapping in your diapers. You only know it through trading cards, film reels, yellowed newspaper clippings, and stories from Buffalo's boiler-maker drinking old-timers. It is part of the history and evolution of pro football, but in reality, the skill level was pale in comparison to today's atheletes. These were guys who drove trucks or tended bar in the offseason.



Why you gotta be bringin the King into it? The King crosses all time and space to eclipse the sun itself. No need to hate.

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Why you gotta be bringin the King into it? The King crosses all time and space to eclipse the sun itself. No need to hate.



Elvis was a washed up 50s rocker who allowed carnival barker "Colonel" Tom Parker to call the shots and whore him out for a drive-in B movie career, thereby compromising any ounce of artistic/musical integrity he might have been able to retain after his stint with Uncle Sam. Quite simply, Elvis was more about charisma and presence than actual talent. He stole from Jerry Lee, Little Richard, Chuck Berry, Duane Eddy, Eddie Cochran. He was the genetically fortunate beneficiary of a great look for rock and roll, and he was savvy enough to "borrow" from the gospel and race record roots he was influenced by. He wasn't the first to do this, but his charisma shot him to the front of the line. He proved to be a one trick pony and he never progressed artistically after his return from army duty. Overrated and overhyped. By most accounts, he was a decent guy, just a little f'd up in the head from too much ass kissing by his Memphis mafia and other leeches. I believe he's still alive and occasionally hitches rides with UFOs. It's in print - it must be true!

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