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Tom Watson


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yeah and there was at least one more reference that escapes me now....


on the flip side, it was nice to see Tom Watson, say he appreciates what Tiger goes through each and every week, being that he is at such a high level on tour...


He did a piece thanking him for reminding us that golf was a gentlemens game or played with grace or good manners (or something to that effect), and while he was doing the voice over, the image on the screen was Tiger slamming a club in anger over a bad tee shot
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He did a piece thanking him for reminding us that golf was a gentlemens game or played with grace or good manners (or something to that effect), and while he was doing the voice over, the image on the screen was Tiger slamming a club in anger over a bad tee shot


who gives a !@#$ if tiger tries to rip holes in his bag? what is so "un-gentlemen like" about getting pissed at yourself? let me keep these questions going... has Tiger ever bitched and moaned about the course a la Sergio? Spit in the cup? Not shaken hands with his opposition like Lebron? Has he ever snapped at the press or gotten pissy with the media? The dude is all class - again, why do we care how he vents after a poor shot?


Weak Reilly, really weak. Tiger has transcended the game in every way humanly possible - and he's complaining he shows his frustration too much?

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who gives a !@#$ if tiger tries to rip holes in his bag? what is so "un-gentlemen like" about getting pissed at yourself? let me keep these questions going... has Tiger ever bitched and moaned about the course a la Sergio? Spit in the cup? Not shaken hands with his opposition like Lebron? Has he ever snapped at the press or gotten pissy with the media? The dude is all class - again, why do we care how he vents after a poor shot?


Weak Reilly, really weak. Tiger has transcended the game in every way humanly possible - and he's complaining he shows his frustration too much?


The swearing isn't classy. Many kids around. Other then that, Tiger does represent the game well.

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please...try playing golf without swearing even at most our sub-standard level of play :lol: ....as long as there are water hazards and ten foot putts for par, there will always be swearing in golf


The swearing isn't classy. Many kids around. Other then that, Tiger does represent the game well.
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who gives a !@#$ if tiger tries to rip holes in his bag? what is so "un-gentlemen like" about getting pissed at yourself? let me keep these questions going... has Tiger ever bitched and moaned about the course a la Sergio? Spit in the cup? Not shaken hands with his opposition like Lebron? Has he ever snapped at the press or gotten pissy with the media? The dude is all class - again, why do we care how he vents after a poor shot?


Weak Reilly, really weak. Tiger has transcended the game in every way humanly possible - and he's complaining he shows his frustration too much?


It's called ETIQUETTE (obviously you have none.) Throwing of clubs and loud obnoxious behavior is heavily frowned upon.


I'd like to see your jerky self on a golf course. wife-beater t shirt and jeans.


"obviously you're not a golfer" --The Dude

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who gives a !@#$ if tiger tries to rip holes in his bag? what is so "un-gentlemen like" about getting pissed at yourself? let me keep these questions going... has Tiger ever bitched and moaned about the course a la Sergio? Spit in the cup? Not shaken hands with his opposition like Lebron? Has he ever snapped at the press or gotten pissy with the media? The dude is all class - again, why do we care how he vents after a poor shot?

Exactly. Woods has a deep respect for the game and its traditions. He is one of the classiest guys in golf, period.



Weak Reilly, really weak. Tiger has transcended the game in every way humanly possible - and he's complaining he shows his frustration too much?

Rick Reilly is a douche bag. He is yet another guy who is/was good at what he did (in this case, writing), but somehow get enough attention to become a minor celebrity and now he thinks his job is to act like a pompous a-hole. Bill Simmons falls into the same category.

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please...try playing golf without swearing even at most our sub-standard level of play :unsure: ....as long as there are water hazards and ten foot putts for par, there will always be swearing in golf


I do every time I play, not hard at all. About 100 other players every week never seem to get caught on camera swearing. (And yes, I know Tigers on camera more often.)


Like I said, Tiger represents the game well, that's just one part he could use a little work on.

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It's called ETIQUETTE (obviously you have none.) Throwing of clubs and loud obnoxious behavior is heavily frowned upon.


I'd like to see your jerky self on a golf course. wife-beater t shirt and jeans.


"obviously you're not a golfer" --The Dude


Wow dude, just wow. Swing and a miss.


I've been a member of a country club for 12 years, I'm 22 and have a 1.3 handicap. I've been to Augusta, Firestone, Oak Hill, and Bethpage for PGA events. Why try to attack me anyway? Tiger doesn't !@#$ing chuck clubs around like this is your local public course. He'll miss a shot, yell at himself, maybe slap his bag, and the round continues. Who cares.


Nice try with the stereotype though - spot on.

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who gives a !@#$ if tiger tries to rip holes in his bag? what is so "un-gentlemen like" about getting pissed at yourself? let me keep these questions going... has Tiger ever bitched and moaned about the course a la Sergio? Spit in the cup? Not shaken hands with his opposition like Lebron? Has he ever snapped at the press or gotten pissy with the media? The dude is all class - again, why do we care how he vents after a poor shot?


Weak Reilly, really weak. Tiger has transcended the game in every way humanly possible - and he's complaining he shows his frustration too much?

No, but he did refuse to talk to the media in the early part of his career after not winning. I'll give Tiger credit, he has gotten better about talking to the media after not doing well and has learned from his mistakes. I have no problem with him getting frustrated. It's the constant swearing that shows some immaturity. He doesn't need to ever worry about being classless though...his caddy takes care of that for him.


Golf is a different game. It is not used to the fist pumping, all about me attitude that other sports have. It, along with tennis are the two sports that deal with a lot of etiquette, and the swearing and throwing of the clubs is really not part of it, especially when you're in the birthplace of golf. The UK and Scotland tend to be a bit old-fashioned, and I'm sure Reilly was hearing some rumblings in Scotland.


Here are some comments from UK blogs:


I find it almost impossible to warm to Tiger Woods. His churlishness is such that when he is struggling with his game I experience something close to schadenfreude. His demeanour screams 'how dare the course have the temerity to inconvenience me'. Huge ability - little in the way of class as a person. Colin, Arbroath


Nobody can deny Tiger's ability but why all the tantrums and throwing his iron into the fairway? Grow up, lad! Matthew, Islandmagee
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Saying someone has no class in life based on his actions on the golf course? Taking it a bit far, don't you think? Rob Ray made a living beating the crap out of people, but look at all the great things he did around this area. I hope that guy never watched him play hockey or else he'd say the same thing about Ray.

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Saying someone has no class in life based on his actions on the golf course? Taking it a bit far, don't you think? Rob Ray made a living beating the crap out of people, but look at all the great things he did around this area. I hope that guy never watched him play hockey or else he'd say the same thing about Ray.

True, but if you don't know anything about hockey and what is and is not tolerated behavior, you would think hockey was a barbaric sport, if and when a fight broke out. It's all about the norms and in golf, you're held to a different standard.

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True, but if you don't know anything about hockey and what is and is not tolerated behavior, you would think hockey was a barbaric sport, if and when a fight broke out. It's all about the norms and in golf, you're held to a different standard.


I just went with the first example I could think of where someone is a completely different person during their "day job" than they are in real life. To say that Tiger has no class in life based on what he does on the course is absurd. Now I don't know how Tiger is off the course, but I doubt that he's the puppy kicker that guy wants to think he is.

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No, but he did refuse to talk to the media in the early part of his career after not winning. I'll give Tiger credit, he has gotten better about talking to the media after not doing well and has learned from his mistakes. I have no problem with him getting frustrated. It's the constant swearing that shows some immaturity. He doesn't need to ever worry about being classless though...his caddy takes care of that for him.


Every other golfer that is pissed after shooting a 76 walks off the course and no one bothers them. When Tiger does it they are waiting on 18 to stick a camera in his face. I think he shows inordinate patience with the media and a willingness to assess his own shortcomings on the course.

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