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Apollo 11's 40th Anniversary

Chef Jim

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Slow news day.


"I do know the moon landings were faked," said crusading filmmaker Bart Sibrel, whose aggressive interview tactics once provoked Aldrin to punch him in the face. "I'd bet my life on it."




and that NASA's photos from the moon contained suspicious anomalies.


Mythbusters did an episode where they debunked the "so-called" anomalies.



and brainwashed the astronauts to ensure their cooperation.




A 2005-2006 poll by Mary Lynne Dittmar, a space consultant based in Houston, Texas, found that more than a quarter of Americans 18 to 25 expressed some doubt that humans set foot on the moon.


I have a real problem with believing those numbers. :D


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The best argument is the one in the comments:


"if the landing was fake the russians would have accused NASA of that and gone to the moon themselves. there is no way it was faked"


Amen. Some people are just not happy unless they're bitching about something.

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"I do know the moon landings were faked," said crusading filmmaker Bart Sibrel, whose aggressive interview tactics once provoked Aldrin to punch him in the face. "I'd bet my life on it."


I'd bet his life on it, too.

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"I do know the moon landings were faked," said crusading filmmaker Bart Sibrel, whose aggressive interview tactics once provoked Aldrin to punch him in the face. "I'd bet my life on it."


A 2005-2006 poll by Mary Lynne Dittmar, a space consultant based in Houston, Texas, found that more than a quarter of Americans 18 to 25 expressed some doubt that humans set foot on the moon.


I have a real problem with believing those numbers. :wallbash:

Gotta love Buzz Aldrin for that.


As for the numbers, if you phrase a question in a certain way you can often get the reply you want, not necessarily the one the person giving the question wanted to give if the question was simply put.

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Where's Connor? He should be chiming in on this.


in 1969 George W Bush was fresh out of college, where the Skull n Bones connections he made helped him to stage the moon landings as a practice run for the 9/11 terrorist attacks


meanwhile all the money that people thought was going to the apollo space program was in fact being channeled to Haliburton so that Congressional intern Dick Cheney could build his secret weather machine so the Yakuza could get revenge on the 60th anniversary of Hiroshima


makes sense :wallbash:

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