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How poor will NYS become? 60% top tax rate soon

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Sometimes, i wonder if our politicians want the owners of businesses to leave.


As someone who has been part of the management of small to medium sized businesses in NY, I stopped wondering that years ago.


We are seeing gubmint decisions being made that will ensure the rampant increase in spending will continue for decades to come. Nothing is ever to be cut as an offset, the only answer will be an endless increase in any and all taxes and fees that can be found.

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This is just another hysterical rant by the ultra right wing nut jobs.

It's a gross mischaracterization of what the true rate will be.

It will be 57% – NOT 60% according to the article.


The difference from going from 60% tax to 57% tax is a savings of 5%. Way to cut taxes :thumbsup:

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I never got a job from a poor person. If the so called rich become over taxed, they have no incentive to produce or create more wealth. Therefor, they will cease to hire additional people and grow their business risking capital that will only result in a marginal gain in wealth. As a small business owner, I would not risk $500,000 in business investment if my rate of return after taxes is only a net 5-10% increase. No sane person would risk $500,000 for such a poultry ROI.


I may as well go to Las Vegas, at least the black jack odds are around 48%.


Throw in the health care bill and the Global Warming energy tax and we R screwed people. Live it up now because in 3 years, today will seem like the boom era. If this admin gets its way, Inflation, stagflation, energy costs, and interest rates will all go sky high.

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I never got a job from a poor person. If the so called rich become over taxed, they have no incentive to produce or create more wealth.


But we can all get government jobs and/or join the union and we'll all be protected. :devil:




I too have never been employed by a poor person. I have however, been employed by people who were not rich, yet decided to give up lucrative and secure careers and put their financial future in jeopardy to start their own company -- and in the process created thousands of jobs.

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It would be much simpler if they were more upfront about it and say, "if you can prove that you voted straight line Democrat in the last election, you won't be taxed - at all."

Nice strategy - push for 50% of the populace to have no skin in the game and the oligarchy wins, every time.

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It makes me want to vomit. Its simply disgusting.

Wow. Part of the reason I moved from Canada was to get away from socialist tax practices and rates. Nice move. Great sig btw. Where the hell are the T Jeffersons when you need them? I guess they are around, just not popular anymore. They will be though, after I'm dead and people have had enough of a overbearing government.

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