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Buffalo Bills vs. Atlanta Falson match up

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hey guys and gals I live in Atlanta and hate the Falsons. I never really keep up with the team except for what a friend of mine says of them. Can anyone here that keeps up with other teams give a brief match up of them for this year. Ofcourse I am going to the game down here this year. I know their D is not the best and our WR should beat up on their CB's if we are still health by then. But thats about all I know. Any trash talking I can't do to my Falcons fans friends would be great.



Let's go Buffalo!!!!!!!!

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hey guys and gals I live in Atlanta and hate the Falsons.


The Falsons? Are they your next door neighbors?



If the Bills don't put any pressure on that fine young QB, they could be in for a long day against the Falsons. That is a good, up and coming team.

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Again "I live in Atlanta and hate the Falcons. I never really keep up with the team"


Thanks for the input. I just really didn't want to have to post on the Falcons board to get information. I am sure that there is someone on here that keeps up with other team way more then I have.


But I might have better luck posting on the Falsons Board.

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That's the spirit! Ignore those a-holes!


For the how will we match up stuff...give it a while, we don't play until December if I remember correctly.


lol I know just really bored and I don't get to go to many games living down here so I am excited about the Falsons game.

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Hey altima I live in Stone Mountain GA and teach high school in Atlanta so I hear about the Falcons all the time. Im also goin to the game.


Here is the deal with ATL:

Most people in the ATL especially the sports talk radio shows (680 the fan) think that after only one season (ok a great season) that Matt RYan is for sure the next Peyton Manning. They also believe that Michael Turner is a top 3 RB in the NFL. The addition of Gonzo should make there offense as good as almost any in the league but here are the holes.


1. The OLine was a huge group of overachievers last year. That may not be the case this year as teams start to do to Ryan what they began to do to Peyton BLITZ BLITZ BLITZ BLITZ BLITZ.


2. The D is pathetic....... plain and simple. COY WIRE IS A STARTING LB here right now! Peterson had to brought in on his last leg just so that the team would not have an average starting age of 16 on that side of the ball.


3. The secondary is a joke. They are starting to build the D through the draft and if you are a falcon fan you should be happy with where your team is...... Rome wasnt built in a day. Dimitroff pretty much built there O in one year. The D will take more time. Jamal Anderson (the D lineman not the old cokehead RB) has one last year to prove hes not a complete bust or he will c the door. Peria Jerry was drafted to anchor the line but the only real proven talent on that side of the ball is John Abraham and he is one bad cough away from missing half the season with his yearly injury.


Hope that gives you some ammo but if it doesnt just remind him that his last FRANCHISE QB was so sick in the head that he got his kicks from killing helpless animals..... should shut him up or prove hes as sick was Vick was eh eh is.

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Hey altima I live in Stone Mountain GA and teach high school in Atlanta so I hear about the Falcons all the time. Im also goin to the game.


Here is the deal with ATL:

Most people in the ATL especially the sports talk radio shows (680 the fan) think that after only one season (ok a great season) that Matt RYan is for sure the next Peyton Manning. They also believe that Michael Turner is a top 3 RB in the NFL. The addition of Gonzo should make there offense as good as almost any in the league but here are the holes.


1. The OLine was a huge group of overachievers last year. That may not be the case this year as teams start to do to Ryan what they began to do to Peyton BLITZ BLITZ BLITZ BLITZ BLITZ.


2. The D is pathetic....... plain and simple. COY WIRE IS A STARTING LB here right now! Peterson had to brought in on his last leg just so that the team would not have an average starting age of 16 on that side of the ball.


3. The secondary is a joke. They are starting to build the D through the draft and if you are a falcon fan you should be happy with where your team is...... Rome wasnt built in a day. Dimitroff pretty much built there O in one year. The D will take more time. Jamal Anderson (the D lineman not the old cokehead RB) has one last year to prove hes not a complete bust or he will c the door. Peria Jerry was drafted to anchor the line but the only real proven talent on that side of the ball is John Abraham and he is one bad cough away from missing half the season with his yearly injury.


Hope that gives you some ammo but if it doesnt just remind him that his last FRANCHISE QB was so sick in the head that he got his kicks from killing helpless animals..... should shut him up or prove hes as sick was Vick was eh eh is.


Thats just what I was looking for thanks! Do you know anything more about there O line? Is it the exact same line as last year? I know the Bills are (were) a good blitzing team. With Maybin I hope we can get to Ryan some. My friend said something about them working on a no huddle offence (my responce was is JK working with them? but then again I don't know how much Kelly is really working with TE) but that was after I said that was what we are working on so i don't really know if it is true.


Thanks again!


Go Buffalo!!! Kill the Falsons!!!

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Thats just what I was looking for thanks! Do you know anything more about there O line? Is it the exact same line as last year? I know the Bills are (were) a good blitzing team. With Maybin I hope we can get to Ryan some. My friend said something about them working on a no huddle offence (my responce was is JK working with them? but then again I don't know how much Kelly is really working with TE) but that was after I said that was what we are working on so i don't really know if it is true.


Thanks again!


Go Buffalo!!! Kill the Falsons!!!


I dont know where you got the "good blitzing team" thing from. The Bills dont blitz enough but maybe with a healthy Shobel and Maybin in the mix they may get a little more creative. The No huddle thing is real and yes Jimbo was helping a little bit but how much they actually use it is yet to be seen.

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I dont know where you got the "good blitzing team" thing from. The Bills dont blitz enough but maybe with a healthy Shobel and Maybin in the mix they may get a little more creative. The No huddle thing is real and yes Jimbo was helping a little bit but how much they actually use it is yet to be seen.

I ment the were good at blitzing when Shobel was healthy and CK didn't play like crap a year or two ago.

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I think it is amazing how insane a lot of Bills fans have become and the Falcons represent some of that crazyness.


- Mike Mularkey was teh coach who single handedly killed JP Losman's career. Yet, somehow he made Matt Ryan into the rookie of the year.


- Trent Edwards is worthless. Yet, Edwards in his 2nd year, had a QB rating of 85.4 to Ryan's 87.7. Ryan also played with 2 former 1st round receivers & the NFL rushing champ.


I think the Falcons have a very good young team and Ryan is a very good QB. But he did tail off at the end of last season. Additionally, their defense is very suspect. I love our corners against their receivers but matching up with Gonzo & stopping Turner will be the keys. Also, we're not winning if we don't put 24 + on the board.

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Hey altima I live in Stone Mountain GA and teach high school in Atlanta so I hear about the Falcons all the time. Im also goin to the game.


Here is the deal with ATL:

Most people in the ATL especially the sports talk radio shows (680 the fan) think that after only one season (ok a great season) that Matt RYan is for sure the next Peyton Manning. They also believe that Michael Turner is a top 3 RB in the NFL. The addition of Gonzo should make there offense as good as almost any in the league but here are the holes.


1. The OLine was a huge group of overachievers last year. That may not be the case this year as teams start to do to Ryan what they began to do to Peyton BLITZ BLITZ BLITZ BLITZ BLITZ.


2. The D is pathetic....... plain and simple. COY WIRE IS A STARTING LB here right now! Peterson had to brought in on his last leg just so that the team would not have an average starting age of 16 on that side of the ball.


3. The secondary is a joke. They are starting to build the D through the draft and if you are a falcon fan you should be happy with where your team is...... Rome wasnt built in a day. Dimitroff pretty much built there O in one year. The D will take more time. Jamal Anderson (the D lineman not the old cokehead RB) has one last year to prove hes not a complete bust or he will c the door. Peria Jerry was drafted to anchor the line but the only real proven talent on that side of the ball is John Abraham and he is one bad cough away from missing half the season with his yearly injury.


Hope that gives you some ammo but if it doesnt just remind him that his last FRANCHISE QB was so sick in the head that he got his kicks from killing helpless animals..... should shut him up or prove hes as sick was Vick was eh eh is.

I live in atlanta as well, but I think the falcons are a serious contender. Matt Ryan is the next Peyton Manning. The falcons offense will be a top 5 offense this year. The defense lost 5 starters from last year, but I still think will be solid. In fact I think the falcons defense has more talent than our defense. Coy Wire is significantly better than Ellison,

Plain and simple, I think the falcons have better management and coaching than we do. by the way, what school do you teach at?

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I live in atlanta as well, but I think the falcons are a serious contender. Matt Ryan is the next Peyton Manning. The falcons offense will be a top 5 offense this year. The defense lost 5 starters from last year, but I still think will be solid. In fact I think the falcons defense has more talent than our defense. Coy Wire is significantly better than Ellison,

Plain and simple, I think the falcons have better management and coaching than we do. by the way, what school do you teach at?



I'm not saying Ellison is good, but this is one of the msot laughable statements I have ever heard.





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Well Atlanta last year were the epitome of the 8-8 average NFL team over achieving. They got in game luck, stayed healthy, and got added production from unexpected sources.


See Atlanta had a below average defense who got lucky with timely turnovers and had bad games when the offense had good games. Their offense was boosted by unexpected production from the rookie QB and their new RB as well as an offensive line that played surprisingly well.


So the health of their team, the luck of their defense, and the unexpected production out of their offense propelled them into the playoffs. This year they added Tony Gonzales to their offense and they revamped their D. They added a first round DT and Mike Peterson to their front 7 as well as replaced 5 of their starters on defense.


So their Defense is younger but not necessarily better (At least not this year). Their offense should get added production. Now as far as this year goes the Falcons are once again in that 75% of the league who are 8-8. They remind me a lot of the Saints who have a great Offense but not a good defense.


Odds are the Falcons will not get as lucky again their defense is still not that good (they are younger and might get better in time) but their offense should get better (Gonzales and the added experience of the QB) so up against the Bills I would say its about the same talent wise.

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As a Notre Dame fan, I'm still not completely sold on Matty Ice...but that's just my bias showing. Seriously though, I think Matt Ryan had a hell of a year, but I think in a lot of ways the Falcons were able to capitalize on a weakened NFC South, especially down the stretch. I believe Jake Delhomme wasn't all there after the injury the year before, and I expect the Panthers to clock in with a strong showing. I think if the Saints can bolster themselves on defense, they will be a force to be reckoned with (and my pick to win the division). Even the Bucs, with their QB concerns, always put up a tenable team.


In a lot of ways, the Falcons remind me of the Browns of a couple of years ago--a good, but not great team that beat the bottom feeders (Lions, Rams, Raiders) and the pretenders (Bears, Vikings), but didn't really impress much. I think the keys to victory are in many ways similar to the Chargers game of this past year. We're facing a young, efficient quarterback who's still prone to making mistakes, a decent receiving corps (with the exception of Roddy White, although Tony Gonzalez may be able to help them light it up), and a strong run game. Keep Turner in check and I really believe they will have difficulties in opening up the passing game. All it takes is for our play makers to step up (think Kawika Mitchell). As for our offense, I really think we can do some damage as long as our O-line shows some consistency (no guarantees there).


I may be an optimist (and a Matt Ryan hater ;) ) but I'm chalking this up to a Bills win...as long as we don't have a guy named Fitzpatrick taking the snaps :lol:

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I'm not saying Ellison is good, but this is one of the msot laughable statements I have ever heard.





It may be laughable but true. Ellison is one of the worst starting LB in the league and Wire played solidly for the falcons. Wire played mostly at safety in buf where he was poorly suited.

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